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as well as all foreigners and Chinese employed therein, are to enjoy the utmost protection from the local officials, civil and military, in the provinces through which the railway passes, particularly on occasions of local disturbance or of obstruction by natives.

The Board of Commissioners are authorised to maintain a railway police of Chinese with Chinese officers for the protection of the line. Their wages and maintenance are to be wholly defrayed by the railway. In the event of the railway requiring further protection by the military forces of the Imperial or Provincial Government the same will be duly applied for by the DirectorGeneral and promptly afforded, it being understood that such military forces, although transported free by the railway, are to be maintained at the expense of the Government or the Provinces, as the case may be.

The railway police may not interfere with matters outside the railway. ARTICLE 11.-In connection with the railway there shall be established and maintained a proper signaling service, which shall include such telephone and telegraph conveniences as may be found necessary to use along the line of the railway and its branches for the exclusive purpose of regulating the movement of trains and other incidental business of the railway, and such telephones and telegraphs shall not be used in or interfere with the rights and privileges of the Telegraph Administration.

It is further agreed that the Corporation may, in consultation with the Director-General, also establish and maintain in connection with such railway or its branches such other necessary adjuncts of modern railway operation as it may find expedient for the support of the railway, such as repair and manufacturing shops, docks, steamers, ferries, storage warehouses, etc.

ARTICLE 12.-It is agreed that after deducting from the income of the railway the working and other expenses as described below, the Corporation shall receive 20 per cent. of the net profits, to be represented by and in form of certificates to an amount equal to one-fifth of the cost of the line. These certificates carrying no interest, they are to have a term of fifty years and declared face value of £100 each, and are to be issued to the Corporation at the same time as the loan bonds, and in amount proportionate to the respective series of such bonds to the amount of one-fifth of the aggregate thereof. And it is understood that if there is an issue of the loan bonds in excess of the requirements of the railway, and such excess is retired or cancelled, a like proportion of these certificates shall likewise be subject to retirement.

Before the expiration of the term of fifty years the Chinese Administration shall have the right at any time to redeem these certificates at their face value. After the expiration of fifty years the certificates shall be null and void and need not be redeeemed, but if any net profits shall have accrued on such certificates prior to their redemption or maturity, said accrued net profits must be paid before the same are cancelled.

The Chinese Railway Administration is entitled to issue and receive like net profit certificates (to be in form appropriate for use in China and unlimited in their term, as also without redemption features) to an amount equal to the remaining four-fifths of the loan. These Chinese certificates may be issued in

whole or in part whenever desired by the Director-General, but the net profits will be retained and used by the Railway Administration for the purpose of accumulating a fund to be derived from such share of net profits as may accrue thereon wherewith to pay off any loan bonds which may from time to time be redeemed under the provisions of this Agreement, or for generally reducing or ultimately discharging railway loan obligations whenever or wherever desirable by means of the profits of the railway. But such Chinese certificates may, however, be used in part by the Railway Administration if necessary in payment of lands which are essential to the railway, and which cannot otherwise be conveniently acquired by it.

The yearly income of the railway shall be subject to a deduction of all working expenses, cost of maintaining and repairing the railway, renovating or replenishment of engines and rolling-stock, and all expenditure connected with the business of the railway, and subject to the payment of interest on the bonds at 5 per cent. per annum (and of interest of 6 per cent. per annum on the cost of the land provided by the Chinese Administration, or provided by an advance from the British and Chinese Corporation), whatever is left of the gross income is considered to be net profits, of which one-fifth is to be given to the Corporation for disposal as it may see fit. If the loan bonds shall have been all redeemed according to the provisions of this Agreement before the net profit certificates issued to the Corporation have been redeemed, or shall have lapsed by effluxion of time, the Corporation shall be permitted to have a representative in the railway office (whose salary is to be paid by the Railway Administration) to inspect the accounts of the railway.

The duties of this officer are those of an accountant who is to protect the interests of the foreign holders of net profit certificates until such time as these certificates shall have all been redeemed or lapsed by effluxion of time, when the services of such accountant shall be dispensed with.

ARTICLE 13.-The British and Chinese Corporation are hereby appointed trustees for the bondholders and holders of net profit certificates, and in any future negotiations respecting these loans or matters arising in connection therewith, which may take place between the Railway Administration and the Corporation, the latter Corporation shall be taken as representing the bondholders and holders of the net profit certificates, and as empowered to act on their behalf.

ARTICLE 14.-All materials of any kind that are required for the construction of the main line or branch lines, whether imported from abroad or from the provinces to the scene of the work, shall (following the precedent of the Northern Railway) be exempted from Customs duty and likin. The bonds of this loan together with their coupons, the net profit certificates and the income of the railway, shall be free from imposts of any kind by the Government of China.

As to the likin for goods or passengers which may be transported over the lines from to or through the different provinces, the Director-General will confer with the Government Bureau of Mines and Railways and the Board of Revenue with a view to devising means to protect the traffic of the railway, and those

who may use the railway for the transport of their goods, from illegal impositions and other abuses.

If the arrangements for the levy of likin over other railway lines is found to be more advantageous than that of the railways mentioned in this Agreement, the same advantages shall be extended to and enjoyed by the Shanghai-Nanking Railway, and by those who make use of the same.

ARTICLE 15. It is agreed that during the time of the construction of the line the yearly 5 per cent. interest on the bonds and 6 per cent. interest on the amount spent in the purchase of the land are to be paid from the proceeds of the loan. The accruing interest from any proceeds of the loan not used during the period of construction, and the earnings from the working of any sections as they are built, are to be used to make up the amount required for the payment of the said interest, and if any deficiency remains it is to be met from the proceeds of the loan.

When the construction of the line is wholly completed the interest on the bonds and on moneys spent in purchasing the land are to be paid from the earnings of the line every half-year on the first day of June and first day of December.

It is hereby agreed that the amount required for the payment of interest and repayment of principal, together with a sum of one-quarter of 1 per cent. on such amounts to cover commission to the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, who are hereby appointed agents for the service of repaying the loan, shall be paid to them in Shanghai fourteen days before the due dates, in Shanghai sycee sufficient to meet such payments in sterling in London, exchange for which shall be settled with the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation on the said date of payment at the rate fixed at the time of settlement.

The Chinese Government undertakes and hereby promises to pay the principal of the loans and the interest on the loans on the due date fixed therefor. If at any time the earnings of the railway and proceeds of the loan are not sufficient to pay the interest of the bonds the Railway Administration is to devise means for supplying the deficiency; and should its inability to do so appear probable the Director-General will memorialize the Government to take measures to make up the deficiency from other sources, and thus be ready to pay off the indebtedness, so that the required amount may be placed in each case at least fourteen days previous to the due date of such interest in the hands of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation in Shanghai.

ARTICLE 16.-In places along the line of railway where the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation has no agencies, and where it does not intend to establish any agencies, business relations are to be cultivated with the Chinese Imperial Bank and its local agencies, it being the intention of the British and Chinese Corporation to utilise the Imperial Bank as much as practicable for facilitating the movement of funds.

ARTICLE 17.-The Corporation may, subject to all its obligations, transfer or delegate all or any of its rights, powers, and discretions to their successors

or assigns, but the Corporation, which is a Corporation formed under English law, shall not transfer its rights under this Agreement or the management of the railway to other nations or people of any nationality except British or Chinese. Similarly the Railway Administration shall not transfer any of its rights under this Agreement to persons of other nationality.

It is further agreed that without the express consent in writing of the Director-General and the British and Chinese Corporation no other rival railway detrimental to the business of the same is to be permitted, and no parallel line to the Shanghai-Nanking Railway is to be allowed to the injury of the latter's interest within the area served by the Shanghai-Nanking main line or branch lines.

ARTICLE 18.-If on account of contingencies beyond the control of the Corporation, such as war or very great political changes in China or elsewhere, occurring before the publication of the prospectus of the issue of an important series of bonds of the loan hereby concerned, the foreign money markets are affected, or the construction of the railway is so obstructed that work cannot be carried on, the Corporation will be allowed a reasonable extension of time for floating such loan or the bond issues thereof, or for the commencement or completion of the construction of the railway. But if bonds have already been issued and interest already become payable thereon, then the work cannot be suspended or postponed unless subject to the exceptions mentioned in the preceding paragraphs.

When the Agreement has been ratified the work shall be begun as soon as possible, and if the Chinese Railway Administration desire, each section will be pushed on as rapidly as practicable. From the date of ratification a limit of five years shall be allowed for the completion of the whole line, subject to the preceding exceptions mentioned in this Article, and if this period is exceeded, unless with the consent of the Chinese Administration, the Corporation shall forfeit its one-fifth share of net profits already earned during the previous five years, and shall not begin to participate in such net profits until the line has been completed.

ARTICLE 19.—In the working of the railway the tariff for fares and freights is to be prepared by the General Traffic Manager, and submitted to the Board of Commissioners, who shall, after due consideration of existing tariffs of other railways in China, approve an economical rate.

The General Traffic Manager is likewise authorized to make arrangements, subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners, with connecting railways of other companies for through rates of fare and freight.

In case of military operations, whether on account of foreign war or internal insurrection, the movement of troops, ammunition, and stores by the Chinese Government, and in case of famine or other great public calamity the dispatch. of relief, shall, on the requisition of the Director-General, have preference over the line at half of the tariff rates.

Nothing to the injury of China shall be allowed to be carried over the line, neither shall the line be used to the detriment of China.

ARTICLE 20.—In the Preliminary Agreement, dated 13th May, 1898 (23rd day of intercalary third month of the twenty-fourth year of Kwang-Hsü), it is stipulated that the Railway Administration has the right to redeem the loan at 1021⁄2 per cent. after twelve and a half years, and at par after twenty-five years. It is now agreed that if at any time after the lapse of twelve and a half years from the date of the issue of the bonds the Chinese Railway Administration receives instructions from the Chinese Government to cancel any of the bonds or any of the net profit certificates, the Director-General shall, not less than six months previous to the proposed redemption, notify in writing the Agent of the Corporation in Shanghai declaring the number of bonds or the number of net profit certificates so required to be redeemed and cancelled.

The Agent of the Corporation shall immediately on the receipt of such notice in writing, proceed to make arrangements for the desired redemption by drawing lots, and taking other proper steps in the way customary in London, of the number of bonds or net profit certificates in such quantity as may be required. And as soon as the Railway Administration, under instructions from the Chinese Government, shall remit the proper amount according to the redemption price of the bonds or the redemption price of the net profit certificates, together with the interest due on the bonds, or the net profits due on the certificates, a notice shall be published in two of the most prominent papers in London, and in such other financial centres as may be agreed upon with the Chinese Minister for four weeks. At the expiation of the four weeks, and on the day fixed for the redemption, the Corporation shall cause the usual lots to be drawn for the redemption of the bonds or certificates, and shall pay over the respective prices of the same to their respective holders, and shall thus redeem the bonds or net profit certificates and cancel them, and thereupon the same are to be delivered to the Director-General, or the Chinese Minister in London, for return to the Director-General.

All the loan bonds, and the net profit certificates shall express that they are redeemable at any time on the conditions mentioned in the preceding paragraph, and shall state that the payment of any interest for the bonds, and the participation of any of the net profits by the certificates so drawn by lot, entirely cease from the date mentioned by the published notice of the Corporation. The amount required for the redemption shall, however, have to be got ready and placed in the hands of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation before such redemption is carried out.

The loan bonds, if redeemed before twenty-five years from the date they were originally issued, shall be paid for with a premium of 21⁄2 per cent. over their face value (i.e., £102, 10s. will be required to pay for £100), but after twenty-five years from the date of issue to the expiry of the term of the loan the bonds may be redeemed without payment of any premium. If any interest. is still due on any of the bonds at the time of redemption, such interest shall have thereupon to be paid in full. As to the net profit certificates, if they are redeemed within the term of their duration they are to be paid for according to their face value, and if such certificates run to the end of their term they become

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