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[Titles of Articles are printed in heavier type.]

[blocks in formation]

Africa, South. See Afrikander Bond,

Extermination, and Raid.

Africa, South, The War in, 265, 539-
national support, 266-miscalcula-
tions of the Government, 267-270-
the Treasury, 270-War Office, ib.-
duty of the Government, 271-
transport of troops, 272- labour
troubles, 273-transport of horses,
274-number lost, 275-exercise on
board ship, 276-deficiency of land
transport, 277-distribution of troops
by General Symons, 278-results of
the disaster of Nicholson's Nek, 279
-decision of Sir Redvers Buller,
280-criticism of a German general,
ib.-best course to have followed,
282-novel features of warfare, 283
-frontal attacks, ib. - failure of
night attacks, 284-need for reti-
cence, 286-facilities for training,
287-achievements of the campaign,
288-loyalty and resources, 289.

Plan of the Boers, 540-mobilisa-
tion of divisions, 541-appointment
of Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener,
ib.-total force, 542-assault on
Ladysmith, 543 Lord Roberts's
plan of operations, 544, 551-
attempts to relieve Ladysmith, 545-
550-Spion Kop, 547-system of
marching, 548-the relief of Kim-
Vol. 191.-No. 382.




berley, 550-552-surrender
Cronje, 553-loss of a convoy, 554-
relief of Ladysmith, 555-surrender
of Bloemfontein, 557.
Afrikander Bond, The, 514-aim of
the Transvaal, 514-517-the Orange
Free State, 517-Cape Colony, 518
-disloyalty of the Dutch, ib.-the
Ministry, 519-the Bondmen, 519–
521-constitution and working of
the Bond, 522-strength, 523-
origin, 523-527-first congress, 524
-principles, 525-meaning of the
term Afrikander, 528-emancipation
of the Transvaal, 529-annexation
of Bechuanaland, 530-influence of
Mr. Hofmeyr, 531-President Kru-
ger's partiality for Germany, 532—
his big clothes' speech, 533-need
for the protection of some Great
Power, 534-alliance with Mr.
Rhodes, 535-Mr. Hofmeyr regains
ascendency, 537.

Art, Tolstoi's Views of, 359. See

Austria, Code of Criminal Procedure,



Balfour, Lady B., 'The History of
Lord Lytton's Indian Administra-
tion,' 468.

Balfour, Graham, Life of R. L.
Stevenson,' 177.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Canada and Sir John Macdonald, 337.
See Macdonald.

China, British Interests in, 1-period
of stagnation, 2-concessions, 2, 4-
result of the Treaty of Tien-tsin, 3
-fate of the Empire, 6-policy of
the English Government, 7, 16-its
condition, 9-the Reform Party, 10
-influence of Russia, 11-16-with-
drawal of British ships from Port
Arthur, 14-need for maintaining
existing constitution by reforms, 18
-re-organisation of the army, 20-
Siberian Railway, 21-question of
British or Russian influence, 23-
transfer of the Court to Nanking,
24-Mrs. Bishop's journey, 26-29-
plain of Chengtu, 28-prevalence of
anti-foreign feeling, ib.

Chirol, Valentine, The Far-Eastern
Question,' 9.

Church, R. W., 430-early years, ib.-
Dean of St. Paul's, 431.

Churchill, W. S., The Malakand
Field Force,' 470.
Churchmen, Scholars, and Gentlemen,
415-Archbishop Benson, 416-427
-Bishop Durnford, 428-430-Dean
Church, 430-432-Dean Goulburn,
432-Dean Liddell, 433-436-Dean
Merivale, 436-438-Dean Milman,

Clerc, Major, 'La Campagne dans les
Pyrénées,' 502.

Collingwood, W. G., The Art-Teach-
ing of John Ruskin,' 394.

Colquhoun, A. R., China in Trans-
formation,' 9.

Colvin, Sydney, Letters of R. L.
Stevenson,' 177.


Company Law, The Reform of, 373-
the Act of 1862, ib.-various amend-
ing Acts, 374-Lord Davey's Com-
mittee, 375-Government Bill, ib.—
question of limited liability, 376-
379 disclosure to shareholders,
379-381, 384 registration of
charges, 381-priority to trading
debts, 383-balance-sheets, 384-
formation of a company, 385-387-
promoters, 387-application
shares, ib.-the five proposals, 388
-practical effect, 389-391-pro-
visions of minor importance, 391.
Compton, B., Memoir of Edward
Meyrick Goulburn,' 444.


Crawford, F. M., Ave Roma Immor-
talis,' 32.


Criminal Procedure, French, 198-
origin, 199-system of publicity,
200 inquisitorial method, ib.
features of the system, 201-pro-
tests against, 202-various reforms,
203-jury system, 205-action pub-
lique re-instated, ib.-the Code of
1808...206- differences between

English and French systems, 208-
'Juge d'Instruction,' 209-recent
reforms, ib.-judges, 211 - salaries,
212 courts-martial, 214-216
system in Continental States, 217-
220-statistics on the punishment
of crime, 220.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Elwin, Whitwell, 291-birth, ib.-
succeeds to the family living of
Booton, 292-contributions to the
Quarterly Review,' 292, 296-
editor, 292-character, 294-friend-
ships, 295-his edition of Pope, 297
-knowledge of architecture, 298—
death, ib.

England, system of criminal proce-

dure, 198-salaries of judges, 212-
courts-martial, 215-statistics on the
punishment of crime, 220.
Extermination, An age of, 299-in-
discriminate slaughter, 300-fate of
the bison, 301-the fur-hunters, ib.
-slaughter of birds, 302-game
reserves, ib.-African lions, 303-
legislation for the suppression of
noxious animals, 304-rinderpest
and horse-sickness,' ib.-depletion
by the British and the Boers, 305-
the natives, ib.-elephants, 307-
rhinoceros and giraffes, 308-im-
proved sporting rifles, ib.-inferiority
of the marksmen, 309-long-range
achievements, 310-small-bore wea-
pons, ib.-protective or preventive
elk, 313.

[blocks in formation]

Germany, attitude toward Goethe, 59,
71-North German Lloyd Company,
85-code of criminal procedure, 217
-opinion of England, 560-572.
Goethe and the Nineteenth Century,
56-works on, 57, 75-attitude of
the Germans, 59--his dynamic in-
fluence, 60-different personalities,
ib.-his works, 61, 65, 69-poetic
masterpieces, 62-relation to the
romantic school, 65, 68-70-' Wil-
helm Meister,' 65-68-influence of
Schelling, 70-Young Germany'
period, 71-pessimistic era, ib.—
changes in German criticism, 71–75.
Goulburn, E. M., 432 - brilliant
scholarship, ib.-Dean of Norwich,
433-works on religious subjects, ib.
Gregorovius, F., History of the City
of Rome,' 31.


Fitzpatrick, J. P., The Transvaal
from Within,' 514.

Food of London, The, 117. See Lon-

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Lanciani, R. A., his works on Rome,

Liddell, H. G., 433-his pupils, 434-

Dean of Christ Church, 435-'Greek-
English Lexicon,' ib.

Little, A. J., "Through the Yangtze
Gorges,' 27.

London, The Food of, 117-average
consumption of milk, 118-supply
from the country, 119-butter, 121
-average consumption, 122-mar-
garine, 123-cheese, 124-eggs, ib.
-sugar, 125-water supply, 126-
129-tea, 129-131-coffee, 131
cocoa, ib.-beer, 131-133-wine, 133
question of stocks, 134-the centre
of the Empire, 136. See also pre-
vious volume.

London, The University of, 445-origin
and character, 445-447-influence,
448-inadequate provision for higher
instruction, 449-difficulties attend-
ing the reconstitution, 450-452-
Lord Cowper's Commission, 452—
University Bill, 453-Statutes and
Regulations, 453-457-admission of
institutions, 457-the Polytechnics,



Macdonald, Sir John, and Canada, 337
-principles of his career, 338-
difficulties and conditions of his
political life, 339-imperial policy,
340-view of confederation, 342-
Quebec Conference, 343-obstacles
to union, 344-Nova Scotia, 345-
Rupert's Land and the North-West
territories, 346-appointment of the
Hon. W. McDougall, 348-the
rebellion, 349-British Columbia,
350-acquisition of Prince Edward
Island, 352-Canadian Pacific Rail-
way, 353-355-indifference of Eng-
land, 356-British North America
Bill, ib.

[ocr errors]

Mackay, T., History of the English
Poor Law,' 154.

Malleson, Col. G. B., extract from
his History of the French in India,'

Maxwell, Rt. Hon. Sir H., 'The Life
of Wellington,' 492-mistakes in,

Melville, Lewis, 'Life of W. M.
Thackeray,' 138 et seqq.

Merivale, C., his Autobiography,' 436
-at Cambridge, ib.-friendships,
437-correspondence, ib.-Dean of
Ely, 438.

Meyer, Dr. R. M., his biography of
Goethe, 75.

[ocr errors][merged small]


North-West Frontier Policy, 467-
works on, 467-470-history of our
relations with Afghanistan, 470-
Peshawur treaty, ib.-Russian ad-
vance, 471-treatment of the Amir,
472-Lord Lytton's interviews with
Lord Lawrence and the Russian
Ambassador, 473-British Agency
at Herat, 475-occupation of Quetta,
476, 487-policy towards the border
tribes, 477-death of the Amir, 479
Yakub Khan succeeds, ib.
massacre of the mission, 480-out-
break of war, ib. delimitation
policy, 481-the work of Sir R.
Sandeman in Beluchistan, ib. —
Colonel Warburton, 482-mission of
Sir M. Durand, ib. troubles in
Chitral, 483-rebellion of the Afridis,
484-policy in view of the Russian
advance, 485-487-our position in
Afghanistan, 488-in India, 489.



Ocean Liners, 77-number and ton-
nage, 78-development of steam
navigation, ib.-speed of clippers,
79 Atlantic service, 80-Cunard
line, ib.-Collins line, 81-Inman, 82
-White Star Company, 83-ad-
vance in speed, 83, 97-comfort and
carrying power, 84-North German
Lloyd Company, 85- Peninsular
and Oriental, 86-Japan Mail
Steamship Company, ib. - joint
British India companies, and Mes-
sageries Maritimes de France, 87-
opening of the Suez Canal, ib.-
Empress line, 88-Canadian Pacific
Railway, ib.-Orient line, 89-New
Zealand Shipping Company, 90-
Canadian Australian Royal Mail
Company, and A. and A.' line, 91
-Union line, ib.-Castle, 92-Royal
Mail Steam Packet Company, ib.-
cost of travel, 93-modern liners,
93-95-merchant ships as armed
cruisers, 95-97-consumption of
coal, 98.

Ogden, Samuel, on the limited-liability
system, 376.


Poor Law Reform, 154-number of
paupers, 156-medical relief, ib.-
decrease in pauperism, 157-want
of thrift and character, ib.-econo-
mic, 158-local, 159-Mr. Booth's
scheme, 160-savings of the working
classes, 161-principles of relief, 163
classification of the poor in work-
houses, 164-grievances, 165-the
aged poor, ib.-adults, 166-number
of vagrants, ib.-measures for pauper
children, 167-treatment of the
children of vagrants, 168-Preven-
tion of Cruelty to Children Act of
1894, 169-Industrial Schools Act of
1866, ib.-reports of the Select Com-
mittee on the Unemployed, 170-174.


Raid, The Years before the, 222-Con-
vention of Pretoria, 223-of London,
224-demands for a revision, 226-
extension of the frontier, 227-231-
of the Republic to the sea, 231-236
claims in the north, 238-Sir H.
Loch's terms, 240-dissatisfaction of
President Kruger and the Volks-
raad, ib.-attempts to regain inde-
pendence, 242-meaning of Impe-
rialism, 243-the Raid, 244.

Reitz, F. W., A Century of Wrong,'
521, 528.

Repton, H., his treatise on gardening,


Rew, R. H., 'Production and Con-
sumption of Milk,' 118.


Ritchie, A. T., Works of W. M.
Thackeray with Biographical Intro-
ductions,' 143 et seqq.

Roberts, Lord, 'Rise of Wellington,'
493-appointed Commander-in-Chief
of the forces in South Africa, 541-
plan of operations, 544 et seqq.
Robertson, Sir G. S., Chitral: the
Story of a Minor Siege,' 470.
Robinson, W., "The Wild Garden,'

Rod, E., Essai sur Goethe,' 57. 1
Rodenberg, J., his article on German
opinion, 560.

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