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of various denominations, all wadded; very beautiful umbrellas, flowered and robe, spencers, and velvet tippets, thickly figured, which are transparent, but not wadded with cotton, and lined with fur, nearly so good for the purpose as the comand a velvet stock round their necks, about mon black one. Those used by the mantwo inches high. In summer, the manda- darins and wealthy persons, are made of rins wear a conical cap of exceedingly fine silk, of very large size, figured and ornawhite straw, ornamented with a flowing tas- mented according to their station; the sel of ruby-colored silk, or very long fine mandarins having an imitation button on hair of some animal, which is dyed a simi- the top, to denote their rank. These are lar color, and surmounted with a button held over their heads by an attendant, denoting their rank. The throat is un- when they go out without a sedan-chair. covered. In winter, they wear a black satin The use of the fan in China in summer, cap, with a turned-up brim of three inches is universal and constant. If your tailor wide, but totally dissimilar to that worn by comes for orders, he raises his leg and pulls the middle classes. This is also ornamented out his fan, not from a case, but from his with ruby-colored silk, and surmounted by stocking, and commences fanning himself the button, peculiar to the rank of the with great composure. Should your compredore appear before you to receive your So much importance is attached to tri- commands, he finds the atmosphere of your fles, that neither the summer nor winter room too hot for him, and he either opens clothing can be used until the emperor his fan, which he has in his hand, or pulls issues an order in the Pekin Gazette, which it from his stocking, and uses it with equal is sent round to the governors of each pro- nonchalance. Your servants waiting on vince, notifying the day on which he will you at dinner, will hand you a plate with robe himself in either dress. On that day, one hand, and fan themselves with the all the mandarins simultaneously change other. The fan is similar in shape to that their clothing. The Chinese wear no usually adopted by our ladies, and is to be pockets, but round their waist, and be- scen with all, except the lowest coolees. neath their robes or jackets, is a girdle of The men of all classes have their faces more or less costly materials, according to smooth, and the whole front, and part the wealth of the individual; to which is of the back of the head, leaving a circular attached a purse, a silk handkerchief, and spot on the top, where the hair is allowed a watch, or sometimes two watches, as they to grow to a great length. This hair is have a great fancy for pairs of everything very black and coarse, and is platted into expensive. a tail, which hangs down their backs, near


The dresses of the mandarins, worn on ly to their heels. At first I was much surstate occasions and at festivals, are the prised at the length of their hair; but, most splendid that can well be conceived, upon close inspection, I found nearly half the back and fronts being covered with the of the tail was composed of black silk richest embroidery, as are the sleeves, as braid, very cleverly platted to conceal the far as the elbows. The sleeves are made joining.

much longer than the arms, and pulled up The complexion of the men varies from in wrinkles; the upper portion is made an olive color to a bright yellow. The much longer than the lower, so as to cover face is broad and flat, with high cheekthe hand, which it is considered etiquette bones, and a small, keen black eye. The to conceal as much as practicable. I have expression of the face is intelligent, but heard of these dresses costing two thousand they cannot be called a handsome race. dollars. The women are below the middle size, not The fan and umbrella are in constant use well-formed, being very narrow across the in China during the summer. The um- shoulders and hips; their complexion is brella used by the middle and lower classes the same as that of the men, but their faces is made of bamboo, covered with thick pa- are totally devoid of the same intelligent per, blackened, oiled, and varnished over, expression. Amongst the lower orders, having a cane handle; and this common the dress differs but little from that of the article, the cost of which is a quarter dol- men, with this exception, that the jacket lar, is the most useful against the rays of reaches to the knees. They wear the same the sun, which can never pierce through, sort of bamboo and straw hats; and those although it is not a-sixteenth of an inch who are uncrippled, and can afford shoes, thick. At Ching-Choo, they manufacture wear the same sort of shoes as the men; VOL. XV. No. I. 9

but those whose feet are deformed, inva- | tached an embroidered bag, which contains riably wear a covering on the legs and feet, their tobacco and pipe. They always carry and shoes. The married women draw the a fan, which is either embroidered, or made hair up from the face into a topknot on the of feathers, and is either of an oblong, crown of the head, where it is dressed into round, or pointed form, and does not fold numberless bows; these they ornament,. up. Although the dress is anything but either with artificial flowers, or silver fila- becoming, affording no opportunity to disgree pins, six inches long, which they place play symmetry or form, being perfectly in the hair, so as to stick out like one or loose, and fastened tight round the throat, more horns on each side. When undressed still the tout ensemble is very pleasing. in this manner, the hair is platted into a large tail, exactly like the men. The widows and unmarried females wear the front part of the hair combed over the forehead, and cut straight across, like a boy's. The women of all classes are very fond of trinkets, and wear as many silver and jade-stone rings, bracelets, and anklets, as they can afford-but gold is never used by them. The dress of the upper classes is nearly as handsome as that of the mandarins-but every part of their dress will be found of a different color.

Infants, and children of all classes, are invariably dressed in jackets and trousers, the materials being the only variation, which are always in accordance with the wealth of the parents. Male children have the head shaved, leaving two circular spots of hair, one on each side of the head, before the ears, which are platted into tails. At eight years old the hair is allowed to grow on the top, or crown, and the rest of the head is shaved; the tail is then platted when the hair is of sufficient length. The hair of the females is allowed to grow, and is platted into a tail at two years old.

The head-dress of all classes is nearly alike; except that the higher orders wear The Chinese have naturally a great disthe best description of jade-stone, and like to innovations-the national dress enamelled and silver pins set with pearls. never varying, their fashions never change. They do not wear linen; the under-jacket, They, like all eastern nations, attach great being the dress worn next the person, is value to dress and state; but there is no made of crape, and has tight long sleeves, nation which respects so much the external embroidered round the wrists and neck; accompaniments of rank and station as the over this they wear another jacket, which Chinese. In contradistinction to the manis made either of flowered satin or crape; ner in which consular officers and her Mathe sleeves are very wide and short, reach-jesty's plenipotentiary walk about the ing only to the elbow; an embroidered streets of Canton and in Victoria, unacborder encircles the bottom of the jacket companied by marks of state or authority, and sleeves; the embroidery is either of 1 will attempt the description of the visit gold, or silk and gold-the border is three of the mandarin of Cow-Loon (a small inches deep, and is a different-colored silk town on the shore opposite to Victoria), or crape to that of the jacket, which is lined made to a missionary, residing in the latter with a third color. The trousers are ex- place, which therefore cannot be considered ceedingly wide and long, and are embroi- as a state visit made to authorities. He dered round the ankle in a similar manner crossed over in his boat, manned with to the jacket, although not to match it. twenty oars on each side, in which were his The great object in a lady's dress is, to sedan chair, chair-bearers, musicians, flagcombine as great a diversity of colors, and bearers, and runners. Upon landing, variety of embroidery, as possible. Over dressed in his embroidered silken robes, the trousers, the wife wears a rich satin he entered his chair, which was borne by petticoat, very handsomely embroidered. eight bearers. The runners preceded, This can only be used by the wife, and can flourishing their bamboos on each side, to never be worn by unmarried daughters or clear the road from all who came between handmaids. The shoes have heels about the air and the mandarin's dignity. Then an inch high, and the uppers are very followed musicians with wind-instruments elaborately embroidered in gold and silks, and gongs, making most unearthly sounds, and bound round with gold tinsel. They to the imminent risk of deafening her Mado not wear stockings, but red and black ribbon is bound round the foot and leg. Like the men, they wear under their jackets a silken girdle, to which is invariably at

jesty's subjects for life. After these came the flag-bearers with flags, three yards in length, on long poles, on which were inscribed, in large golden characters, the

name, style, title, and dignities of the mandarin. The rear was brought up by a number of nondescripts.

in feet deformed and compressed into a mass three inches in length, bandaged up from infancy in bindings, never unwound till woThis was not a mandarin of high rank by manhood (consequently the odor from a any means, being only of the fourth class. beauty is not of "Araby the blest"), a From a desire to visit the residence of fleshless figure, without those graceful unduthis mighty man, and to gratify the curi-lations we English consider so essential to osity of one of Eve's fair daughters, I went female beauty; a dingy, yellow complexion, over to Cow-Loon, accompanied by some overplastered with white cosmetic, high friends, and attended by our servants. cheek-bones, remarkably small piggish eyes, Upon landing, we saw a square, low fort, with pencilled eye-brows, meeting over the which we were informed was the official nose, low brow, with oblong ears, coarse residence of the mandarin, and to which black hair, anointed with stinking porkwe accordingly repaired; and having been fat, until it stands on end, then drawn up introduced to the mandarin, were granted from the face to the top of the head, where permission to visit his city, as they call it. it is dressed in a high top-knot, in which To our amazement, we found this manda- are stuck perpendicularly silver pins, and rin, whom we saw before surrounded with occasionally flowers.

so much state, without shoes or stockings, The aforesaid old Chinaman looked, as I and hastily putting on his jacket to receive have said, at my companion's face, took a us. He had evidently been superintending minute survey of her dress, which he apthe repairs of an old wheel. He invited us peared to admire. This I can readily coninto the fort, which we went round to in-ceive, as, being the winter season, it conspect, and found four guns of the very sisted of what the Chinese value highlyrudest construction, honey-combed, and namely, a velvet pelisse and sable fur. In wholly useless. These were the only means China, this fur is exceedingly prized, and is of defence. My servants having informed only worn by mandarins of the first class. the mandarin who I was, he sent his at- But to proceed with the old man. He next tendants to show us the way. After walk- partially stooped to gain a view of her feet, ing through a number of dirty alleys, we which, when he did obtain, the marked entered the gates of the city, which are al- feelings of surprise, mingled with disgust, ways closed at night; each street is also which were depicted on his countenance, closed by fastening together upright wooden was most ludicrous, and I could hardly rebars. After nightfall, no one is allowed to frain from laughing aloud; for I naturally walk about without a lantern. These pre- concluded that my old friend could not recautions are general throughout the empire, concile in his mind what he might consider and are adopted to prevent the depreda- costly dress and lady-like demeanor with tions of robbers, who enter the streets, fire uncrippled feet, as none but those of the houses, and in the confusion thus occasion- lowest ranks in China have their feet the ed, carry off the wives and children of man-natural size.

darins and rich men, in order to extort A few doors further on, a Chinawoman, of apparently the same class, appeared at


Let the reader conceive a collection of the door with her attendants, evidently pig-styes, constructed of bamboos, plaster-drawn there to gaze upon the strange being ed over with mud, and thatched with coarse of her own sex, who had appeared amongst paddy straw, in which are exposed for sale them, and beckoning with her hand, she enrice, paddy (which is rice with the husks), deavored to induce my companion to enter. tea, dried fish, and fat pork, and he may Female curiosity, and a laudable desire to form some idea of the streets we passed see the domestic arrangements within, might through, which are remarkably narrow; but possibly have induced an English lady to as we proceeded, we found the dwellings of pay the visit; but this I would not consent the richer inhabitants of a better descrip- to, knowing full well that I should not be tion. At the door of one, an old man, evi- allowed to accompany her, and having the dently of the higher class, was standing, fate of a fair countrywoman of ours too who gazed upon the face of my fair com- vividly impressed upon my memory. panion with marked astonishment-for the This lady had a great desire to inspect beauties of Britain do not correspond with the interior economy of a begum's residence a Chinaman's idea of beauty in any one in India. After some difficulty, she sucparticular. His beau ideal of beauty consists ceeded in causing herself to be invited, and

fully resolved upon a personal and minute of "Fan-Qui" once used. This we coninspection of all their wardrobes. She sidered was partly owing to our being went, in a high state of feminine excite- dressed as English gentlemen, since the ment, at the appointed hour, and was re- negligé dress adopted by the English in ceived with great state and marked kind- China is not calculated to produce respect ness by the begum, who introduced her from a nation attaching such importance to visitor to the various members of her house- externals. We remarked every description hold. Upon entering the ladies' apart- of shop here with the exception of an opium ments, the visitor, to her horror, too late shop, which is not uncommon in Hongdiscovered that female curiosity was as Kong. Thanking the mandarin, and restrongly implanted in the breasts of the munerating his attendants, we returned begum's ladies as in her own, and with the home, highly pleased with our trip. We advantage of numbers on their side. In shall resume our narrative next month. short, the inspection was theirs, and not hers-for they literally undressed her, and not even contented with this victory, they pinched her skin, to ascertain if the white were natural. The visitor was at length too happy to make her escape, with her toilette not so carefully or becomingly arranged as at her entrance.

PARTRIDGE, THE WEATHER PROPHET.-Every one remembers the pleasant anecdote told of Partridge, since. In travelling on horseback into the country the celebrated almanac-maker, about 100 years he stopped for his dinner at an inn, and afterwards called for his horse that he might reach the next town, where he intended to sleep. "If you will Walking further through the town, we about to mount his horse," you will stay where you take my advice, sir," said the hostler, as he was came to a theatre, on the walls of which are for the night, as you will surely be overtaken by were described, in large characters and pic- a pelting rain." Nonsense, nonsense," exclaimed cures of glowing colors, the performances. the almanac-maker, "there is a sixpence for you, These consisted of dramatic representa- proceeded on his journey, and sure enough he was my honest fellow, and good afternoon to you." He tions, feats of horsemanship, and fireworks. well drenched in a heavy shower. Partridge was Near to this was the Joss house, or place of struck with the man's prediction, and being always worship. We saw here what is to be seen intent on the interest of his almanac, he rode back in all of them-high lanterns, a huge, big- a broad grin. on the instant, and was received by the hostler with "Well, sir, you see I was right after bellied Joss, bedaubed with gaudy colors all." "Yes, my lad, you have been so, and here is and tinsel; near to him his wife and child a crown for you, but I give it you on condition that equally gaudy. Before these were placed you tell me how you knew of this rain.” “To be offerings and lighted joss-sticks. A short sure, sir," replied the man; "why, the truth is, we have an almanac in our house called 'Partridge's distance off was Qui (their devil) a large Almanac,' and the fellow is such a notorious liar, grotesque, black monster, partially of hu- that whenever he promises us a fine day we always man form, with open mouth, wings from know that it will be the direct contrary. Now, your honor, this day, the 21st of June, is put down in our his shoulders, long talons on his hands, and almanac in-doors, as settled fine weather; no rain.' cloven feet. Before him were to be found I looked at that before I brought your honor's horse the same offerings as before Joss; indeed, out, and so was enabled to put you on your guard.” the Chinese appear to worship Qui more than Joss, as they say if do not worship him he will injure you.


Having walked through the town, we found, situate on its outskirts, gardens, which supply the market of Victoria with fruit and vegetables. In each of these enclosed gardens is to be found a large earthen pot, uncovered, in which is accumulated all descriptions of filth, which, though very proper for manure, sends forth anything but an agreeable perfume.

Although our party attracted universal attention, men, women, and children issuing forth as we passed along, we were not molested or crowded upon unpleasantly; and although we stopped to purchase some curiosities essentially Chinese, during the whole time we did not hear the expression

-Hone's Table Book.

vals, the most cheerful, are those brought in with the LOVE-MAKING IN BRITANNY.-The gayest festispring. Then not a Sunday passes without some pilgrimage to welcome some national saint whose name is inscribed in the Almanac Breeyunec, and whose rustic chapel stands sheltered in some part of the neighborhood with its sylvan girdle of venerable oaks. Women, children, the aged, the sick, every one proceeds to the festival. It is there that the young maidens display their ornaments and dresses young men and youths, with the peacock's feather of glowing and decided colors. It is there that the iwined around their large hats, come to make an onset of gallantry, and to utter fine compliments. Love-making is, in general, an affair simple enough, tion of the country; it is rather an instinct than a and even insipid enough amongst the rough populasentiment. But it is ennobled in Britanny by certain usages which contrast in a remarkable manner with the prosaism, if we may so express ourself, which it affects in other countries, claiming to themselves, and in many respects justly, a much more advanced state of civilization.

From Hogg's Instructor..


THE name of Humboldt is the most illus-been a boldly original mind to create a new trious in the annals of science; in some form of science, and build up, from a selfparticular track of investigation he may be conceived foundation, a system of the uniparalleled, or even surpassed in profundity, verse; but on the diadem which science by a less popular philosopher; but in the wears he has placed more ordinately its universality and general range of his know- jewel-system of stars; he has covered her ledge and investigation he stands unap- bosom with the polished mineral treasures proached. He is equally familiar with the of mountain and mine, and her path he has architecture of the heavens above and with strewed with, the floral wonders of every the geognosy of the earth beneath; the clime. Nature, in all her moods and ashuman frame, in its structure and nature, pects, has been familiar to him; science, he comprehends as clearly as he does the in all its painful and delightful phenomena, delicate and beautiful physiology of plants; as illustrated in himself and declared by statistics, those incontrovertible witnesses himself, he has known as a child knows his of truth, and disciplined arguments of mother; and he has taught all nations, by thoughtful men, he is as familiar with as his depositions concerning the phenomena with the science of political economies, of and essence of this wondrous world, to adwhich statisties are the basis. A metaphy- mire and better know its Almighty and sician, familiar with all the theories of mind glorious Author.

and morals which have been propounded Frederick Henry, Alexander Humboldt from the earliest ages, he is also an anti- was born in Berlin in the year 1769. He quarian, cognisant of the ancient forms and was the younger son of a wealthy and disnatures of things; he is a philologist deep tinguished Prussian, who placed him at an read in diverse tongues, and at the same early age under the tuition of M. Kunth, time blessed with the enlarged views, spirit, in whose house he saw and listened to the and tone of true philosophy. This enter- greatest philosophers in Prussia. Humprising man has climbed the rugged steeps boldt's intellect was aroused by the converof the Andes higher than ever eagle soared, sational influences daily operating upon it, in his search after knowledge; he has torn and his sympathies very early received a open the alluvial breast of the Pampas, and decided bias towards science. He pursued discovered the hidden links in the chain of and completed his academical studies at constructive anatomy between this and an Gottingen and Frankfort-on-the-Oder; but antediluvian world; on the Ural Moun- prospects of high political distinction, and tains, which stand like vertebra to the the certainty of great family interest, could Czar's huge possessions, he has explored not withdraw him from his love of nature; the gold bearing beds, from which riches so that, instead of entering the arena of are washed down by the mountain torrent; politics or the cabinet of diplomacy, he and he has gazed upon the splendid meteors threw his partial eye around the whole of the sun-forsaken polar regions. He has arena of science and early began to employ looked upon nature in her aspect of the ap- himself in storing a cabinet for himself with parent, and he has investigated her in her its wonders. By diligent and ardent study essence. All her forms of beauty are to he soon exhausted the stores of knowledge him familiar forms; all her combinations with which books, lectures, and muscums are to him distinguishable, although, to less could supply him, and then, leaving these analytical and less comprehensive minds, rescripts of natural phenomena, he turned they are lost in a great and bewildering to the source from whence they were deunity. Humboldt may indeed be termed rived, and began at twenty-one years of nature's great dragoman-ber interpreter, age his practical survey of the universe. and the medium of an almost universal In 1790 he traversed Germany, part of revelation of her states. From the woods Holland, and England, with those enterand wilds of every continent, and almost prising naturalists, Forster and Geuns, and every country of every continent, he has on his return to Prussia published his first brought exotic treasures, and laid them at book, the "Basalts of the Rhine." The the feet of science. His has not perhaps early reputation he thus acquired as a geo

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