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rule which Mr. Speaker ought to enforce without | to operate with; an easy dupe with excitable temwaiting for any suggestion, only he and his prede- perament, and inborn pugnacity. All these fit him cessors have been too goodnatured to erring mem- for being made a very dangerous tool by any vaga. bers, and too deferential to the "feeling of the house" in favor of license; and that members themselves should revise their own eloquence with a view to greater selectness and condensation. Finally, the Committee expresses this weighty opinion

"That the satisfactory conduct and progress of the business of the house must mainly depend upon her Majesty's Government; holding, as they do, the chief control over its management. They believe that, by the careful preparation of measures, their early introduction, the judicious distribution of business between the two houses, and the order and method with which measures are conducted, the Government can contribute in an essential degree to the easy and convenient conduct of business."

bond who will take the trouble. Beyond a certain extent you cannot humbug John Bull; but Pat will listen year after year to the same story. Misguided from a child; filled with idle fallacies of imaginary oppression; kept in eternal agitation, one day, by some unwashed demagogue, the next, by a firebrand priest; the natural tie that should bind landlord and dependent broken; men of property and position, for self-protection, rendered absentees; no manufactures, bad tillage, and an increasing population-all tend to render Ireland-we use the general term-with all its great national advantages, the most wretched country upon the earth."

THE INJURIOUS EFFECTS OF INTEMPERANCE.-Mr. Passmore Edwards stated, in a lecture on Temperance, at Evesham, a few nights since, over which Most true. It seems impossible that either mem- the Mayor presided, that there were upwards of bers or ministers can neglect counsel so reasonable, £60,000,000 spent every year in Great Britain in so modestly but firmly and distinctly expressed, and intoxicating liquors, and nearly £6,000,000 in toemanating from so high authority: the obvious re-bacco and snuff. Since the commencement of the sponsibility, the disgrace of such neglect, would be too great to be braved. This Committee therefore, we say, has begun an important and beneficial


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railway enterprise, we had expended upwards of £150,000,000 in establishing railways, and upwards of £1,000,000,000 in alcoholic drinks, tobacco and snuff. Supposing every mile of railway to cost £20,000, we, as a nation, had expended sufficient money in such injurious' drinks as would send a railway 24,000 miles, or around "the great globe itself." He also stated that, in 1847, there were 10,000,000 of quarters of grain destroyed in the manufacture of such drinks. This was food enough, at least, to have fed 5,000,000 of human beings, and this took place while men were falling down and dying of want in Ireland! The potato disease, last year, did not take away half as much food as the drinking system did. Besides the potato disease merely rotted the potato, but intemperance rots the man! There could not be less than 500,000 drunkards in the United Kingdom, and it was pretty evident that at least 30,000 of them died annually. It was stated by an excellent authority, that Warrington, with a population of 21,000, had more than 1,000 drunkards, and that in one street there were known to be forty drunken women.

THE IRISH PEASANTRY.-The extravagant adulation and the equally extravagant vituperation that have been heaped on the Irish peasantry, deserves censure. There is much truth, mixed however with no small exaggeration, in Mr. Maxwell's portraiture of that body. "Countries have their peculiarities of character, and there are no three people on the earth who will stand blarney to a tithe of the extent to which the French, Irish, and Americans will take it in. You need not apply it with a hair pencil, but fling it on fearlessly with a shovel. The Frenchman is vain-glorious and polite; the Yankee believes he has gone slick a-head of the residue of creation; but an Irish bog-trotter will stand the dose stronger than both together. He knows his right hand is not his left-and on the strength of that intelligence, if you tell him of all the peasantry that heaven has created he is the picked specimen, he will swallow it as easily as he would an oath or a new potato. His qualities are innate, and his religion and want of education equally repress their development. Launch an Irishman on the world, let him rub skirts with civilized communities, the lesson will not be lost; in time he will shuffle off his slough, and rapidly become a valuable member of society. He neither wants natural talent nor energy to employ it-all he lacks is opportunity. An Irishman to early super- As he comes from a very hot climate, the greatest stition adds unbounded credulity. Tell him a cock-precautions are adopted for the exclusion of cold, and-bull story of a ghost, or assure him that he is the and the little creature is accordingly put into bed worst-used being upon earth, and he will swear to with a large cat and a very shaggy dog, all three the truth of both. Under the latter belief, the low animals being covered up with a thick mantle of Irishman labors through life; and the fruits of his wool. During the day the ourang-outang is clothed ignorance, idleness, and their consequent wretched-in a red blouse, after the fashion of the "Greek" ness and misery, are all ascribed to Sassenach op-design of the curtains of the empire, and white pression. Of course, he is a ready tool for any rogue pantaloons.

ZOOLOGICAL CURIOSITY.-The Presse gives the following account of a young ourang-outang, which has just arrived in France, and been added to the collection in the Jardin des Plantes. The animal is only six months old, but presents in appearance the aspect of a serious and meditative child of three years of age. He makes none of those jerking movements, or contortions of countenance, which are so characteristic of the "ape" species; nor is that absence of sustained attention, so common to monkeys, in any way remarkable. He is calmnay almost affectionate, and gives the keepers that pass by his cage the most hearty shakes of the hand, with the same air of semi-solemnity that would be assumed by an old Arab. His diet is very recherché, consisting of chocolate, roast-meat, wine, and even liqueurs.

PROPOSED ALTERATION OF THE PRAYER BOOK. The London correspondent of the Oxford Herald divulges "rumors in well-informed quarters" of "a design which may well make faithful Churchmen tremble; being nothing less than the issuing of a Royal Commission to certain select parties to revise the Liturgy. The object is to make some of its expressions, if not its doctrines also, more agreeable to the Calvinistic predilections of those who style themselves the Evangelical clergy." "The parts to be omitted, and those to be appended, are to be respectively placed in brackets, so that they can be dealt with as each clergyman thinks proper. It is understood that the Archbishop of Canterbury not only acquiesces with the Premier in the propriety of the proceeding, but will himself engage in it. The Act of Uniformity, which at present stands in the way of any departure from the order of the Book of Common Prayer, will of course have to be got rid of; and it is believed that Lord John is quite prepared to repeal it. A vigorous effort will be made to get the matter referred to Convocation before any step should be taken to carry the object of the Premier's Commission into practical effect."

GENEROSITY OF JENNY LIND.-This gifted lady has shown her deep and earnest sympathy for suffering humanity, by giving, entirely at her own suggestion and expense, a concert, in aid of the funds of the Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest. The sum realized amounted to nearly £2,000, which, the concert being entirely free from all ordinary charges, will be devoted to the purpose of building a new wing to the hospital. The entertainment took place in the concert-room of Her Majesty's theatre, which was crowded to excess; high prices having been refused for even standing room; and elicited from an audience, composed of the great and noble of the land, the warmest sympathy and applause. Miss Lind deserves to be an Englishwoman. The record of her noble generosity will outlive the present generation, but will be preserved in the memories of those who come after us to the benefit of thousands. In our humble capacity we tender her, and her warm-hearted coadjutors in this good work, our deep, sincere, and earnest thanks.

POLITICAL LIBERTY FAVORABLE TO RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION.-There is one circumstance connected with the late revolutionary events in Italy and Sicily, which must be hailed with joy by every sincere Christian. We allude to the wide and we should hope effectual door, which has been opened for the circulation of the Scriptures and the proclamation of the everlasting Gospel. The diminution of Papal power, and the shaking of the thrones and potentates of Europe, now furnish an opportunity never before enjoyed of preaching the Gospel and circulating the Bible, not only in France and Germany, but in Italy itself. In the extracts of correspondence, published by the British and Foreign, and also by the Scottish Bible Societies the most gratifying proofs are given of the opportunities now afforded for promoting the kingdom of our Lord on the Continent. The renewed power of the Jesuits, which had been operating most prejudicially in France has been checked, and colporteurs and preachers are enabled without molestation to circulate their Bibles and proclaim the Gospel. The letters of MM. Presensee and Roussell are in these respects most satisfactory. On the other hand, letters from Germany, and particularly from the agent of the Edinburgh Bible Society, Mr. Oncken, inform us, that even in Austria he has been enabled,

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to preach the Gospel, and that several converts from Popery have already testified to the blessing attend ing the reading of the Scriptures and the preaching of the word. In Italy, too, there is a growing demand for the Bible. Very recently we learn from a correspondent in the Mediterranean, that an application was made on behalf of Sicily for 2,000 Bibles at the depôt of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and shortly after another demand followed for 5,000. It is to be lamented that neither at the British and Foreign, nor at the Christian Knowledge Society's depot were there Bibles to supply those demands. We hope, therefore, that no time will be lost in sending out an adequate supply by the steamers.— Record.


Correspondent of the Morning Star gives the followconstitute the Cambridge University. ing history of the different colleges, which together

lady Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby, St. John's College. This college was founded by and the mother of Henry VII. The building was commenced in the year 1511. It is 228 feet long, and 216 feet wide. The second court was not built till sometime afterwards, and is 270 feet by 240; and the third court is smaller, and was built by Charles II. On the opposite side of the way is All Saints' Church, where lie interred the remains of Henry Kirk White, who died at St. John's College, Oct. 19, 1806. At the west end is a monument, which was erected by Mr. Boot, an American gentleman, who was a great admirer of his poetry.

Trinity College. This college was founded by Henry VIII., and from it some of the most eminent men of the world have proceeded, amongst whom were Sir Isaac Newton, whose observatory. formerly stood above the gateway; the Earl of Essex, Sir Edward Coke, Bacon, Donne, Cotton, Geo. Herbert, Cowley, Isaac Barrow, Nathaniel Lee, John Dryden, Roger Coats, Lord Byron and others, the most of whose busts or pedestals are arranged in the library room. The hall is surpassed by few buildings in the kingdom, measuring 102 feet in length, 40 feet in breadth, and 56 feet in height.

Gorville and Caius College. This college was founded by Edmund Gorville, Rector of Ferrington, in 1348. In 1557, it was much enlarged by Dr. Caius, physician to Queen Mary, and who built three singular gates. The first gate, through which the student is supposed to enter, has the Latin word "humilitatis," written over the top; the next has "virtutis," over it, and leads to the chapel; and the third has "honoris," on it, and leads to the senate house, where the degrees are conferred.

King's College. Some parts of these magnificent buildings were begun by Henry VI., but was not wholly finished till Henry the VIII. On entering the area, the majesty of the chapel, which forms the northern part of the quadrangle, appears in all its glory. The eye embraces its vast length, height and grandeur with one view. It is decidedly one of the first buildings in the kingdom. The length, from east to west, is, on the outside, 316 feet. Its breadth from north to south, is 84 feet, and its height, from the ground to the top of the battlements, is 90 feet, and the height to the top of either of the corner towers, is 146 feet. When you enter you are completely overwhelmed, as its entire length, nearly 300 feet, as well as its breadth, bursts upon your view in all its beauty. The roof is arched of stone, worked into flowers and other devices, seeming to hang in the air without a single pillar to support it. The floor is composed of black and white marble. Twenty-five win

dows, each fifty feet high, gorgeously adorned with painted glass, shed a rich lustre over the whole interior. Though this magnificent structure was begun by Henry VI., it was not finished till the reign of Henry VIII.

Corpus Christi College. This college was founded by two Cambridge Guilds, in 1352, and formerly consisted of the old court and chapel. The front and best part of the buildings was not erected till 1823, by William Wilkins, Esq.

Queen's College. This college was founded in 1448, by Margaret of Anjou.

Pembroke College. This was founded in 1324, by Mary, wife of the Earl of Pembroke. This college has produced many eminent men. Ridley, the martyr, was its master, and here were educated among others, Edmund Spenser, Archbishop Whitgift, Harvey the poet, and William Pitt. The Queen is visitor.

St. Peter's College. This college was founded in 1284, by Hugh de Balsham, Bishop of Ely.

Downing College. This college was founded by Sir G. Downing in 1807.

Emanuel College. This college was founded in 1584, by Sir Walter Mildmay.

Christ College. This college appears to have been founded by Henry VI. It is celebrated as the place where the immortal Milton received his education. In the garden is an old mulberry tree, which that illustrious man planted with his own hand. One side of the tree has much decayed, and is patched all over with lead, and under the heavy branches of the opposite side are placed four large posts, to keep them from breaking. The tree is much honored by the students.

Sidney Sussex College. This college was founded in 1596, by Frances Sidney, Countess of Sussex.

Jesus College. This college was founded by John Alcock, Bishop of Ely, 1499. This gentleman took a most singular way of perpetuating his name, by covering the buildings without and within with the images of cocks, thus making a play upon his own


Magdalene College. This college was founded about the year 1483. This completes the list of colleges in Cambridge.

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Again, from this amount an immense deduction must be made of troops on particular service, who cannot be removed. To guard the Austrian boundary, an extent of five hundred miles, requires a considerable force; while the line from Kazan to Kamschatka is still larger. Again, the newly-acquired territories must keep their armies of occupation, or they would soon be free from servitude under the Russian eagle; and, as in the case of the Circassians, a still more powerful force is necessary to carry on the war. All these diminish the million very considerably; and they may be summed up under the following heads

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Military Colonies..


Cordon Militaire, to collect



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The University Library. This is a large and valuable collection of books, both ancient and modern. The library possesses the same privilege as WORKING OF THE POST-OFFICE.-The general the British Museum, Bodleian Library at Oxford, the Library of the Faculties at Edinburgh, and Trini- penny postage came into operation on the 10th January 1840. The gross revenue of the Post-office ty College Library at Dublin, of being entitled to a for the year ending the 5th of January 1840 (the copy of every book published in Great Britain. Amongst the Manuscripts, which are fewer and in- highest year of any) was 2,390,7637.; its nett reveferior to those of Oxford, is a fine copy of the Pen-nue, 1,633,7641. The same items for the following tateuch, beautifully written on red goat-skin, obtain-year were 1,359,4667.; and 500,7891.; so that the ed from the black Jews in India, by Dr. Buchanan.gross revenue fell nearly one half, and the nett re

THE RUSSIAN ARMY.-The army is certainly colossal in numbers,-upwards of a million fightingmen are nominally enrolled under its banners: but when we examine closely this immense force, we discover that the effective nature of it is by no means so formidable. It is wonderful to think, however, that in so few short years such a fine army has sprung from the rabble that composed its ranks when Peter's thousands were routed by the hundreds of Charles XII. It appears that it mustered in 1656 but 9,000 men, and has increased progressively as follows-.

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venue more than two-thirds. The same items for the year ending on the 5th January last were 2,181, 0161. and 984,996.; so that the gross revenue of 1839-40 has been overtaken within about a 230 part -a halfpenny in every shilling-of its highest former amount. The nett income has doubled since 1841, but it is still only about 12s. in the pound of the nett income of 1839-40. This last circumstance is a consequence of the increased annual "cost of management;" which, with the immense increase of public accommodation, has risen from 756,999. in the year 1839-40 to 1,633,7647. in the year ending on the 5th January last. The letters conveyed have increased from about a million and a half in 1839-40, to six millions and a half in 1847-8. The moneyorders have increased from 40,763, for a total sum of 67,4117., in 1839-40, to 881,552, for a total sum of 1,782,605., in 1847-8.-Post-Office Returns.

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