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SMALL ARMS-Musts' and 'Maybes'

F'rinstance, none of the small arms in the 110000 category specifically require any operational records and only the twin and quad helicopter machine guns take any historical records. But some of 'em are on the list of items for collected maintenance data (Appendix III) and will require special reporting. These are the "musts".

The only weapons in Appendix III for data collection purposes so far are the M14 rifle, M73 machine gun, M79 grenade launcher and the helicopter twin and quad armament. But others probably will be added from time to time.

All four of these weapons require use of the 2407/2407-1. The helicopter machine guns also take the 2408-3 and the 2408-7 and 2408-8.

Just don't forget to check "yes" in Block 9 (Selected Item) on that 2407 for these four items, that's all.

As for the "maybes"-the 2407/2407-1, for example. If you use this form for supplying maintenance data, this won't excuse you from using the same form (or a separate copy, perhaps) for filing an EIR or for requesting a maintenance service or calibration on the same item. Remember that.

You can use one 2407 to request maintenance service on any number of weapons with the same make, model number and FSN, but you'll have to use separate copies if you request services on additional weapons of another type.

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The 2404 (Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet) is another form to watch out for if you use it for small arms. . . Block 2 (Nomenclature and Model); Block 7 (TM Reference), and Column a (the item number of the inspection list in your TM), especially.

If the inspected weapon's a machine gun off a tank or helicopter, for example, you list the "mother" equipment in Block 2 and give its TM reference in the first half of Block 7. In this case, you'd put the TM reference for the machine gun in the second half of Block 7, but only if the gun takes a separate TM. In some cases you might even have to jot down a couple of TM references for each item-some for the vehicle, some for the small arms.

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Operational records used for artillery pieces are also the same as for combat vehicles. You fill out the forms the same way, though, of course, some of the dope on 'em will be different.


Like with combat vehicles, the dispatch will usually be done with the equipment log, but the CO has the option to require the use of DA Form 2400. You use the 2400 and SF 91 just the same way you'd use 'em for combat vehicles. The maintenance records (DA Forms 2402, 2404, 2405, 2407/2407-1 and DD Form 314) are also all handled the same way as for combat vehicles.

On historical records (2408/series) as shown in para 4-26 of the TM you find that towed artillery gets all the same forms as the self-propelled type, except DA Form 2408-1. Check the chart for your equipment's log book requirements.


And make sure you check Appendix III to see exactly what forms you have to keep for items on the list for collected maintenance data. The medium and heavy towed howitzers, for example, are the only ones on which 2406's have to be kept, while the motorized heavy gun's the only one that doesn't need a 2407/2407-1 and 2408-3 for reporting purposes.

When you come to the 2408-4 (Weapon Record Data), pay special attention to Column e (Recoil Exercise). You only enter the date here if your recoil mechanism's been mechanically or hydraulically exercised in accordance with TB ORD 303 by or under the supervision of your Ord-type support people. You don't-like never!-make an entry if it's been exercised as a result of firing.

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Use of operational and maintenance records for sighting and fire control equipment (180000 category) is strictly at the commander's discretion. If he wants you to keep 'em, though, follow the general procedures that you'd use for similar equipment on combat vehicles.

As for historical records, you'll find that the end item equipment, like computer sets, take a more or less full log book. The mounted ones, like telescopes, on the other hand, take none—just like sighting and fire control equipment on combat vehicles.

Calibration services on these items are handled the same way as for sighting and fire control equipment in the 250000 category, and are handled like them through Frankford Arsenal.


Operational and maintenance records are required on weapons in the 190000 category. When you use these forms, you use them the same way as for combat vehicles.

On historical records, as shown on page 4-76, the mechanized flame thrower and irritant gas dispensers take a more or less full-scale log book, while the others, like the portable flame thrower, require fewer forms and don't even rate a log book binder.

However, like the TM says, any outfit can get a binder to keep these records in-and ought to keep the forms for all identical equipment in the same binder.

All of the "Other Weapons", except the mounted irritant gas dispenser, are on the list of items for collected maintenance data (Appendix III). The portable flame thrower and mechanical smoke generator both require 2406's for materiel readiness reporting, and both of these, plus the mechanized flame thrower and portable irritant gas dispenser, also require the 2407/2407-1, 2408-3, 2408-7 and 2408-8.


All the codes in all the tables in Appendix I (except the CB codes mentioned in Table XI) apply to weapons.

Mailing Addresses

You'll find 'em listed in Appendix II of TM 38-750.

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