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For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, D.C. 20402


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Act of June 12, 1970, to extend the provisions of the United States Fishing
Fleet Improvement Act. (Public Law No. 279, 91st Cong.)..

Act of July 10, 1970, to consent to the amendment of the Pacific Marine
Fisheries Compact. (Public Law No. 315, 91st Cong.).........

Act of July 23, 1970, to amend title II of the Marine Resources and Engi-
neering Development Act of 1966. (Public Law No. 349, 91st Cong.).

Act of August 24, 1970, to amend section 4 of the Fish and Wildlife Act of

1956, as amended, to extend the term during which the Secretary of the

Interior can make fisheries loans under the Act. (Public Law No. 387,

91st Cong.).. -

Act of September 25, 1970, to amend the Marine Resources and Engineer-

ing Development Act of 1966. (Public Law No. 414, 91st Cong.).

Act of October 21, 1970, to amend the Merchant Marine Act of 1936.

(Public Law No. 469, 91st Cong.).

Act of July 9, 1971, to authorize appropriations for certain maritime pro-
grams of the Department of Commerce. (Public Law No. 53, 92d Cong.)..

Act of August 4, 1971, to require a radiotelephone on certain vessels

while navigating upon specified waters of the United States. (Public

Law No. 63, 92d Cong.)..

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Act of August 10, 1971, "Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971." (Public Law
No. 75, 92d Cong.).

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