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Envy to which th ignoble mind's a Slave,
Is Emulation in the learned and brave.



London Magazine

Monthly Intelligencer


For the Year 1777.



By his MAJESTY's Authority,
Printed for R: Baldwin at the Rose in Pater Noster he


cont Caller 3-31-20



A T the close of the year, 1777, we resume with great pleasure, the laudable cuftom of paying our annual tribute of fincere gratitude for the conftant, unalterable marks of esteem and friendship conferred on the proprietors of the London Magazine.

The continued encouragement of our old, fteady patrons, as well as the additional fupport given to our publication in the courfe of this year, at the fame time that it commands our warmeft acknowledgments, excites our zeal to merit-the public protection in future.

To our numerous, refpectable and ingenious correfpondents, we are principally indebted for a firm, established reputation; our particular thanks are therefore due to them upon this occafion; and we follicit their future affiftance, to enable us to erect another trophy in the temple of Fame for the XLVIIth volume of the London Magazine at the conclufion of the enfuing


With respect to our future conduct, we have only to obferve, that without facrificing folidity to tafleless variety, we hope to furnish an agreeable mifcellany adapted to the inclinations of every clafs of readers; and as to embellishments, we mean to confine our plates chiefly to illuftrations of curious and useful fubjects; portraits of illuftrious or remarkable perfons, and explanatory maps; all executed by able mafters.

It would look like idle parade, to enumerate in this place, the new and interefling articles we mean to add to the ufual temporary pieces and to the favours of our correfpondents, in the next volume. But we cannot difpenfe with mentioning, that through the benevolent difpofitions of fome fenfible and lively writers, both at home and abroad, we are provided with a series of Mifcellaneous Effays on subjects of improvement and entertainment; and with genuine Memoirs of great and ingenious men, who have flourished in modern times, in different countries, but of whom little or no account has hitherto been given from the English prefs. We are likewife promifed fome detached pieces of hiftory, and fome curious anecdotes from France, Holland, Spain, Portugal, and other parts of the world, together with letters reSpecting the progrefs of arts and fciences in foreign academies.

Any other communications we may be favoured with by correfpondents, will be gratefully acknowledged by the editor - duly inferted if found compatible with our plan—or, if unfuitable, politely refused, and reflored when required.

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