ePub 版

Robinson, William C. The Law of Patents for Useful Inventions (3 vols.)

Little, Brown & Co., 1890.

Boston: Rottenberg, Simon. Technical Cooperation in Latin America: How United States Business Firms Promote Technological Progress. Washington, D.C.: National Planning Association, 1957, 140 pp., $1.75, paper back.

Rubenstein, A. H., editor. Coordination, Control, and Financing of Industrial Research. New York: Kings Crown Press, 1955, 430 pp., $8.50.

Standard Oil Development Co. Future of Industrial Research. New York: Standard Oil Development Co., 1945, 175 pp. Includes chapters by such leaders as C. F. Kettering, Frank B. Jewett, etc.

Steelman, John R. Science and Public Policy. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1947. A Report to the President by the President's Scientific Research Board in 5 volumes:

I. A Program for the Nation
II. Federal Research Program
III. Administration for Research

IV. Manpower for Research
V. Nation's Medical Research

Handbook of Patents (2d ed.).

Toulmin, H. A., Jr.
Co., 1954, 930 pp., $15.

Cincinnati, Ohio: Anderson

Patents and the Anti-Trust Laws of the United States: Including Trade Marks and Copyrights. Dayton, Ohio: Research Press, 1957, $25.

Tuska, Clarence D. Inventors and Inventions. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1957, 175 pp., $3.75.

U.S. Department of Commerce. Proceedings on the President's Conference on Technical and Distribution Research for the Benefit of Small Business. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services, 1957, 300 pp., $2.50. (Also see "Directories" at end of list.)

U.S. Department of Justice. Investigation of Government Patent Practices and Policies (3 vols.). Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1947, 980 pp.

U.S. Department of Labor. Scientific Research and Development in American Industry: A Study of Manpower and Costs. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1953, 120 pp., 50¢.

Usher, A. P. History of Mechanical Inventions. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1954, 450 pp., $9.

Vaughan, F. L. The United States Patent System: Legal and Economic Conflicts in American Patent History. Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1956, 370 pp., $8.50.

Walker, Albert H. Walker on Patents (4 vols., Deller's edition).
Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1937; plus 1955 cumulative supplement.

New York:

Wilson, E. B., Jr. Introduction to Scientific Research. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1952, 375 pp., $6.

Wilson, M. A. American Science and Invention. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1954, 440 pp., $10.

Wise, J. K. Patent Law in the Research Laboratory. New York: Reinhold Corp., 1955, 150 pp., $2.95.

Wood, Laurence I. Patents and Antitrust Law. Chicago, Ill.: Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 1942, 220 pp.

Woodling, G. V. Inventions and Their Protection (2d ed.). New York: Bender & Co., 1954, 500 pp., $10.


American Men of Science (8th ed., 3 vols.). Jacques Cattell, editor.
Bowker Co.

Vol. 1. The Physical Sciences. 1955, 2,180 pp., $20.
Vol. 2. The Biological Sciences. 1955, 1,275 pp., $20.

New York:

Vol. 3. The Social and Behavioral Sciences. 1956, 760 pp., $20. Industrial Research and the Professional Employee: A Bibliographic Review. Edith Arlen. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1955, 140 pp., $5.

Scientific, Medical, and Technical Books Published in the United States of America, 1949-1952. New York: Bowker Co., 1953, $10. (Also see National Science Foundation bibliographies in appendix C.)


Directory of Commercial and College Testing Laboratories. Philadelphia, Pa.: American Society for Testing Materials, 1955, 40 pp., $1.

Directory of International Scientific Organizations. New York: Columbia University Press (UNESCO), 1954, 250 pp., $2.50.

Handbook of Scientific and Technical Awards in the United States and Canada, 1900-1952. Margaret A. Firth, Editor. New York: Special Libraries Association, 1956, 490 pp., $10.

Industrial Research Laboratories of the United States (10th ed.). J. F. Mauk. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1956, 580 pp., $10.

National Associations of the United States. U.S. Department of Commerce.
Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1949, 700 pp., $3.50. 1956
Supplement, Directory of National Trade Associations, 57 pp., 40¢.
Scientific and Technical Societies of the United States and Canada (6th ed.).
Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council,
1955, 450 pp., $7.50.


Most of this report has been devoted to summarizing the type of helpful assistance which smaller business firms can secure from trade associations, while the preceding list names some 80 recent books on technical research, patents, and related problems.

The tables of contents of six representative studies on patents, inventions, and research are presented below, to indicate the broad scope of subjects which an association must be familiar with if it decides to be the owner of many patents. As stated in the introduction, only a very small percent of trade associations are patent owners.

a. Getting the Most from Product Research and Development. American Management Association (1955)

In this American Management Association report of 150 pages, key executives in 13 companies and a Government agency explain how to organize a research program, formulate a sound research policy, select projects and set long-range goals, use outside assistance most effectively, and set up a system of cost controls.


b. Inventions and Their Management. A. K. Berle and L. S. deCamp (1954) Contains many special features, including 40 reference cases. business of invention and commercialism of new products is featured. Also included is an extensive bibliography, a list of patent associations, libraries receiving current patent office publications, and a glossary of words and phrases commonly used in the field.


1. History and Theory of Protection 21. How Income from a Patent is of Ideas

2. Invention Procedure and Records

3. What a Patent Grants

4. U.S. Patent Office

5. Sample Patents

6. Patent Laws


22. Employer-Employee Rights and Re


23. Promoters and Sales Agents

24. Methods of Exploiting Inventions 25. Evaluating a Patent

7. Patentable and Nonpatentable in- 26. Finding a Buyer for a Patent


[blocks in formation]

ing Inventions

15. Patent Searches

16. Reading of Patents

17. Study of the Market

27. Sale of a Patent

28. Royalty Licenses

29. Miscellaneous Methods of Exploiting Inventions

30. Infringement

31. Trade-Marks

32. Copyrights

33. Prints and Labels

34. List of Cases

35. Accounting and Taxes in Relation to Patents

36. Anti-Trust Laws v. Patent Laws

18. Preparation of Patent Applications 37. Special Classes of Patents

19. Patent and Trade Mark Reform

20. Study of the Product

38. Foreign Patents

39. Invention and Research in Industry

c. Organization of Industrial Scientific Research (2d ed.). C. E. K. Mees and J. A. Leermaker (1950)

This book presents a detailed account of the history and development of industrial scientific research, the general principles of its conduct, and an analysis of the methods actually used for the organization and operation of industrial research laboratories.


1. Introduction

12. Some Large Industrial Laboratories

2. Development of Scientific Organi- 13. Position of the Laboratory in a


3. Industrial Research

4. Government Laboratories

5. Internal Organization of the Laboratory

6. Director and Scientific Staff of the Laboratory

7. Selection of the Laboratory Program 8. Director of Research

9. Transfer of Research to Production 10. Associations for Industrial Research 11. Technological Research Institutes


14. Reports, Patents, Publications, and



Financial Administration of the

16. Personnel of the Laboratory
17. Salary Administration
Supplies and Services




Design of a Laboratory for a Specific

Design of the Laboratory Building


d. The Patent System. "Law and Contemporary Problems" (quarterly). of Law, Duke University, Durham, N.C. Part I, Vol. 12, Autumn 1947; Part II, Vol. 13, Spring 1948.

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e. Research in Industry: Its Organization and Management. C. C. Furnas, Editor (1948)

In this book, "the thoughts and experiences of a number of successful executives with long-standing research experience, representing a good cross-section of American industry, are made available to those who may have an interest in the organization and management of industrial research activities. All those having any connections with industrial research laboratories, from laboratory assistant to corporation president, have a potential interest in this activity, which is becoming a dominant part of the American scene" (from the preface).


1. The Philosophy and Objectives of 16. Translating Research Results into Research in Industry New Products and Factory Procedures

2. The Research Laboratory as an

Operating Department of the 17. Development

3. The Research Program

4. Selecting Projects for Research

5. The Research Budget

6. Research Reports

18. The Research Director's Job

19. Organization Charts in Theory and Practice

20. Byproducts of Research

21. Evaluating the Results of Research

7. Characteristics of the Research 22. The Research Director's ResponsiMan and the Research Atmosphere

8. Qualifications, Training, Aptitudes, 23. and Attitudes of Industrial Research Personnel

9. Procurement and Selection of Re- 24. search Personnel


[blocks in formation]

bility in Determining the Company's Patent Policy

Pattern of Collaboration Between the Research Department and the Patent Department

Licenses, Royalties, and Patent Pools
Relations with the Public and Gov-

Relations with the Educational

Relations with Other Firms and

13. The Location, Design, and Con- 28. Research in America and Europe struction of a Modern Research 29. Goals and Problems for the Future Laboratory

14. The Tools of Research: Instruments

and Supplies

15. The Research Man's Helpers: Service Personnel and Facilities


f. Theory and Practice of Industrial Research.

Additional References

Sample Patent Agreements and
Employment Contracts

D. B. Hertz (1950)

The chapter headings indicate the phases of research "theory and practice" covered by this standard textbook.


1. Creative Mentality and Research 9. Internal Relationships in the ReProblems

search Group

2. Methods of Problem Solving in 10. Formal and Research

3. Method of Research

4. Background of Research in Industry
5. Research Projects and Programs
6. Magnitude of Research Projects and
Their Programs





11. Research Facilities-Laboratory

12. Research Tools, and Auxiliary Serv


13. Patent Policies in Research

7. Organization and Administration of 14. Research Personnel

3. Research Economics and Budgeting

External Relationships of the Research Department



1. National Science Foundation (selected reports)

Advisory and Coordinating Mechanisms for Federal Research Development.

Annual Report, 1958..

Basic Research: A National Resource..

Current Research and Development in Scientific Documentation.
Federal Funds for Science: Fiscal Years 1956-58..

Federal Support for Science Students in Higher Education..
Funds for Basic Research in the United States, 1953..

Government-University Relationships in Federally Sponsored Scien-
tific Research and Development...

Graduate Student Enrollment and Support in American Universities and Colleges..

Grants for Scientific Research.

Highlights of Conference on Research and Development, and Its Impact on the Economy.

List of International and Foreign Scientific and Technical Meetings

Non-Conventional Technical Information Systems in Current Use.
Organization of the Federal Government for Scientific Activities.
Publications Resulting From NSF Research Grants.

Research by Cooperative Organizations..

A Program for National Information on Scientific and Technical Personnel..

Research and Development Costs in American Industry, 1956.

Research and Development by Nonprofit Research Institutes and Commercial Laboratories.

Research Expenditures of Foundations and Other Nonprofit Institutions, 1953-54.

Science and Engineering in American Industry (1958 edition in press)..
Scientific Activities in Six State Governments.

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Scientific Research Expenditures by the Larger Private Foundations..
Scientists and Engineers in Research and Development, 1954..
Soviet Professional Manpower: Its Education, Training, and Supply...
Trends in the Employment and Training of Scientists and Engineers...

Bibliography for the International Geophysical Year.

A Selected Bibliography of Research and Development and Its Impact on the Economy..

Also there are many reports in such series as National Science Studies, Scientific Manpower Reports, Scientific Manpower Bulletins, Science Information Exchange. Among the Foundation's Monthly publications are its List of International and Foreign Scientific and Technical Meetings.

2. Office of Technical Services (OTS)

The average smaller firm probably has more technical research contacts with this agency than any other in the Federal Government, since it sells some 200,000 research reports each year.

Created by Congress in 1950 and partially supported by funds from the National Science Foundation, it is an agency within the Department of Commerce. Each month OTS releases to the public from 600 to 800 research reports which have been prepared by units within the Atomic Energy Commission, Department of Defense, and many other Government and non-Government agencies carrying on federal-financed research. Its monthly U.S. Government Research Reports totals some 800 pages of bibliographic material each year.

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