Guns, Grenades, and Grunts: First-Person Shooter Games

Gerald A. Voorhees, Joshua Call, Katie Whitlock
Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2012年11月2日 - 448 頁
Known for their visibility and tendency to generate controversy, first-person shooter (FPS) games are cultural icons and powder-kegs in American society. Contributors will examine a range of FPS games such as the Doom, Half-Life, System Shock, Deus Ex, Halo, Medal of Honor and Call of Duty franchises. By applying and enriching a broad range of perspectives, this volume will address the cultural relevance and place of the genre in game studies, game theory and the cultures of game players.

Guns, Grenades, and Grunts gathers scholars from all disciplines to bring the weight of contemporary social theory and media criticism to bear on the public controversy and intellectual investigation of first-person shooter games. As a genre, FPS games have helped shepherd the game industry from the early days of shareware distribution and underground gaming clans to contemporary multimillion dollar production budgets, Hollywood-style launches, downloadable content and worldwide professional gaming leagues. The FPS has been and will continue to be a staple of the game market.



From Guns to Griefing
BattleZone and the Origins of FirstPerson Shooting Games
The Immediacy of
The Normalization of the First
Game Studies Empire and
Disposable Bodies
The Apocalyptic Soul of
The Best Possible Story? Learning about WWII from
Feminized Performances
The Role of Affect in Online Multiplayer
PostApocalyptic Alien
Humanizing the Digital Display in Call of Duty
About the Contributors
Index of Games

More Bang For Your BuckHardware Hacking Real Money
Communicative Norms

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關於作者 (2012)

Joshua Call, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at Grand View University.
Katie Whitlock, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Department of Theatre at California State University, Chico.
