ETourism Case Studies: Management and Marketing IssuesRoman Egger, Dimitrios Buhalis Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008 - 463 頁 eTourism Case Studies bridges the gap in contemporary literature by carefully examining marketing and management issues of many international companies that have successfully implemented eTourism solutions. Divided into six sections this book explores the newest developments in this field, introducing and discussing emerging trends, approaches, models and paradigms, providing visions for the future of eTourism and supporting discussion and elaboration with the help of thorough pedagogic aids. With contributions from leading global experts both from the industry and academia, each case follows a rigid structure, with features such as bulleted summaries and review questions, as well as each section having its own thorough introduction and conclusion written by the editors, highlighting the key issues and theories. This is the first book of its kind to bring together cases highlighting best practice and methods for exploiting ICT in the tourism industry, from international market leaders. |