A Panoramic View of Chinese Culture

Simon and Schuster, 2014年5月6日 - 337 頁
A Panoramic View of Chinese Culture is an accessible introduction to the beautiful, vibrant world of Chinese customs, history, and civilization. Written for English speakers, with simplified Chinese translations of key words, the text invites students of China and the Chinese language to engage with the text in new and interesting ways. Covering everything from history, philosophy, and religion, to sports, cuisine, and medicine, A Panoramic View of Chinese Culture covers a vast array of topics with elegance and ease.



The Origin of Chinese Culture
Chinese Language
Chinese Cuisine
Ancient Capitals and Heritages
Crafts and Skills
Festivals and Customs
Traditional Sports and Athletics
Ancient Science and Technology
Operas and Music
Classical Literature
Education and Aesthetics
History in Brief
Thoughts and Philosophy
Religions and Beliefs
Medicine and Herbology
Exchanges with Foreign Countries


關於作者 (2014)

Wu Dingming is the author of A Panoramic View of Chinese Culture.
