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Defense Utilization Program, 296, 314
Demobilization planning, 51, 106, 109,
111-12, 119, 131-32

Department of the Army Reorganization
Project Office, 346n, 348-49, 355,

Deputy Chief of Staff for Administration,
187, 189-91, 196, 206-08, 246, 279
Deputy Chief of Staff for Development,

Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics

Davies/Slezak proposals for, 228, 232,

established in 1955 reorganization,
234-35, 237-39

Project 80 evaluation, 391, 330-32,
338-40, 342-45, 350, 364
research and development functions,
251-53, 255, 257-58, 261, 330
and supply organization, 291, 294
Deputy Chief of Staff for Military Op-
erations, 239, 261, 324, 326, 342, 344,
346-47, 363-64

Deputy Chief of Staff for Mobilization
(proposed), 176

Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations

(proposed), 176, 185, 187, 189
Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations

and Administration, 196, 221, 239
Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, 239,
319, 335-37, 341, 346, 357, 360-61,

Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans, 185, 187,

189, 206, 208, 239, 246-47, 279

Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Op-
erations (proposed), 189-91, 196,


Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Pro-

grams (proposed), 196, 221
Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Re-
search, 221, 223-24, 227, 247, 250,

Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans, Pro-

grams, and Systems (proposed), 324,
326, 342, 346-47

Deputy Chief of Staff for Research and
Development, 253, 256

Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategy and
International Affairs (proposed),

324, 326, 339, 342, 364

Deputy Chief of Staff for Zone of In-
terior Administration (proposed),
175, 181

Deputy Chiefs of Staff. See also Chief of

Johnston plan recommendations, 187,

in 1950 and 1956 reorganizations, 238-
39, 241

three-deputy concept, 196, 206, 208,
238-39, 269, 334, 374

Development Command (proposed), 219,

Devers, General Jacob L., 169

Dodge, Maj. Gen. Grenville M. (Dodge
Commission), 6–7, 10

Dorr, Goldthwaite, 72-73
Duff, Lt. Gen. Charles B., 361
Duffy, Irving A., 223

DUKW amphibian vehicle, 254
DuPont (E. I.) de Nemours and Com-
pany, 63, 68, 127, 196, 365, 369
Eastern Defense Command (proposed),

Eastern Department, U.S. Army, 28
Eberle, Brig. Gen. George L., 156
Eberstadt, Ferdinand (Eberstadt Com-
mittee), 272, 272n, 276-77
Economics controls, 23, 30-31
The Economics of Defense in the Nu-
clear Age, 299

Eddleman, General Clyde D., 347, 357-58,

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

criticism of his defense administration,
299, 303, 306
285-86, 289-90

agreement, 167,

and "functionalization" of technical
services, 188-89

on need for military comptroller, 181
and Patch-Simpson Board recommen-
dations, 148, 151, 153-57

and plan for a "wartime ASF," 174-75,

presidential appointments, 222, 255,

reorganization of 1946, 158, 160-62,
165-67, 168, 169-70, 174, 242
Reorganization Plan No. 6, 223-24,
249, 289, 297

research and development policy, 157,
242, 255

on size of postwar army, 136
succeeds Marshall as Chief of Staff,
136, 146, 148

in World War II, 113-14, 160
Eisenhower, Milton, 222
Embarkation Service, 33, 48
Engineers. See Corps of Engineers.
Enthoven, Alain C., 309, 310n
European Advisory Commission, 114
European Command, 216, 321

European Theater of Operations, 148,
160-61, 163

Evaluation of Organizational Responsi-
bilities, Department of the Army.
See McKinsey and Company.
Executive control. See Traditionalists
vs. rationalists, on executive con-

Executive Division, General Staff, 37,
39-40, 43, 45

Federal Catalog Program, 314
Federal Property and Administrative
Services Act of 1949, 288

Field army organization, 3-4, 16-17, 28,
52. See also ZI armies.

Field Artillery. See Artillery branch.
Field Manual 101-5, 202-04
Finance Department, 48, 51, 93, 99, 100,
145, 181, 186, 207

Finletter, Thomas K., 302

First Army Survey Appraisal, 264-66
First War Powers Act of 1941, 71, 74,
127, 158, 184, 206

Fitzhugh, Gilbert W., 372

Flanders Committee, 283-84
Flemming Arthur S., 222

"Flow of Trainees through the Training

Base," 336, 361

Force Development Command


posed), 324, 328-30, 333, 341
Force Development Division, General
Staff (proposed), 221

Force planning analysis, 309-10
Ford Motor Company, 196, 233, 369
Forrestal, James V., 271

Fourth Service of Supply and Alterna-

tives, staff study on, 291
Functional organization, 148, 162, 226
Army Organization Act of 1950, 206,
208, 212

Bendetsen proposals, 218-19, 237-38
Cresap survey recommendations, 195-
99, 244

Johnston plan, 182-89, 193-94, 203-04,

of research and development, 243-44,
256, 333-34

Somervell views on postwar organiza-
tion, 151-52, 176, 195

of technical services in Logistics Com-
mand plans, 176

of technical services under ASF, 96,
101. 127-28, 137, 139, 141-43, 369
of technical services under Project 80,
316, 324, 331, 333, 339, 341, 349, 353,
Functions, Organization, and Procedures
of the Department of the Army,

study of. See Project 80 (Hoelscher

G-1 Division, 88, 114, 117, 131, 246, 248
and allocation of replacements, 109,


established under Pershing reorgani-
zation, 52

functions absorbed by Deputy Chief
of Staff for Personnel, 239
and manpower strength reporting, 109,

in Marshall reorganization, 64, 100,
104-07, 115

as personnel policy planning agency.
100, 105-07, 110, 115, 207
postwar reorganization proposals for,
203, 219, 226, 230-31

redesignated Director of Personnel and
Administration (1946), 160
redesignated from Director of Person-
nel and Administration (1950), 207
Somervell proposals to abolish, 138–39.
142, 145

G-2 Division. See also Intelligence.
Davies Committee recommendations,

established under Pershing reorgani-
zation, 52

organization in World War II, 64, 96.
104, 107-08

redesignated Director of Intelligence.

G-3 Division. See also Training.

under Army Reorganization Act of
1950, 207

Davies Committee recommendations,

established under Pershing reorgani-
zation, 52

in Marshall reorganization, 64, 99,
104, 106, 109-10, 115, 119, 131
redesignated Director of Organization
and Training, 160

in reorganization of 1956, 239
requirements and doctrine functions,
99, 121-22

research and development functions,

Somervell proposal for OPD to absorb.

G-4 Division, 62, 64. See also Logistics

Command (proposed); Logistics
Division, General Staff; "Logistics in
World War II: The Final Report of
the Commanding General, Army
Service Forces"; Logistics planning
and management.


established under Pershing reorgani-
zation, 54

in Marshall reorganization, 73, 77, 82,
90-91, 104-05, 110-12, 121, 127
postwar reorganization proposals, 219,
224, 226-28, 230-31, 234, 237
redesignated as Director of Service,
Supply, and Procurement (1946),
150, 160

redesignated from Director of Serv-
ice, Supply, and Procurement
(1950), 207

research and development functions,
121, 245-51

Somervell proposals to abolish, 138-39,
142, 145

Gardner, Col. Fulton Q. C., 39
Garrison, Lindley M., 18, 20

Garvin, Wilfred J., 338-40

Gasser, Maj. Gen. Lorenzo D., 117

Gates, Brig. Gen. Byron E., 88, 94, 317
Gavin, Lt. Gen. James M., 248n, 253,
255, 258, 299

General Accounting Office, 339
General Equipment Command, 346
General Headquarters, Army Air Corps.

General Headquarters, U.S. Army, 53.
57, 66, 68, 71-72, 83, 104
General Motors Corporation, 63, 68, 127,
196, 365, 369

General of the Armies, 53-54

General Services Administration, 288-89
General Staff. See also Chief of Staff;

and by name of individual divisions.
and Air Forces control, 55-56, 83, 88
under Army Organization Act of 1950.

Bendetsen organization proposals, 221
budget control of the technical serv-
ices, 278

Collins reorganizations, 202-03, 205,

Coordination Group, 239, 241
Eisenhower reorganization, 158, 160-
61, 242

intervention in intramural disputes.

16, 168, 219, 326

Johnston plan recommendations, 183-
96, 199-200

legislation concerning. 208-09
Marshall reorganization, 68-70, 72, 76.
78-79, 104-13, 115, 126-28, 148-49.
155, 367, 369

under National Defense Act of 1916
and amendments, 19-20, 50-52, 54-
55, 209-10


organization approved by Congress in
1903, 11, 367

organization until 1903, 3, 10-11
Patch-Simpson Board recommenda-
tions, 147-50, 153, 155-56

pre-World War II organization, 62, 64,
67, 78, 367

Programs and Analysis Group, 239,

Project 80 evaluation, 318-19, 324, 326
reorganization of 1918, 37-49, 63, 367
reorganization of 1956, 238-39

and research and development, 158,
160, 242

Root institution of, 8, 10-12, 12n, 367-

Secretary of the General Staff, 13, 39,
172, 364, 374

Slezak plan recommendation, 234
Somervell reorganization proposals,

138-39, 142-43, 152

Stimson-Wood reorganization, 13, 15-
17, 19

World War I organization, 11, 26-29
George Washington University, 248
German General Staff, 8, 10, 164
Gerow, Brig. Gen. Leonard T., 70
Gilpatric, Roswell L., 302, 317-18
Goethals, Maj. Gen. George W.
Acting Quartermaster General in
World War I, 33, 34n, 43, 138
Purchase, Storage, and Traffic Direc-
tor, 35-36, 43, 64, 73, 90, 138
and supply organization reform, 33-35,
38-39, 41, 44-45, 47, 49-50, 151, 324
Grant, General Ulysses S., 4, 372
Graves, Maj. Gen. William S., 23, 28, 39
Gray, Gordon, 177-78, 201, 204–05, 211,

Green Book (Project 80), 354, 361
"Green Hornets," 78, 371
Groves, Brig. Gen. Leslie R., 126
Gulick, Luther, 316

Hagood, Maj. Gen. Johnson, 371
Haines, Brig. Gen. Ralph E., 320, 320n,

Haislip, General Wade H. (Haislip
Board), 170, 174-75, 179-80, 182,
190, 201, 204

Hall, Lt. Gen. Charles P., 169, 171
Hamlett, Lt. Gen. Barksdale, 347, 360
Handy, General Thomas T., 105, 127,
147-48, 154

Hanmer, Maj. Gen. Stephen R., 357
Harbord, Maj. Gen. James G. (Harbord
Board), 52-53, 57-58, 66, 79
Harding, Warren G., 54

Harris, Maj. Gen. Charles T., Jr., 147
Harris, Maj. Gen. Peter C., 40
Harrison, Brig. Gen. William K., Jr.,
70-73, 148

Hastie, William H., 61

Hawaiian Department, U.S. Army, 28,

Hawley, Joseph, 372

Haworth, Leland J. (Haworth Commit-
tee), 260, 262, 330

Hay, James, 15-16, 19-21, 21n, 41, 50
Hayes, Ralph, 25n

Heaton, Lt. Gen. Leonard D., 350
Heileman, Maj. Gen. Frank A., 188
Henry, Maj. Gen. Stephen G., 124
Herr, Maj. Gen. John K., 65-67, 69
Higgins, Frank, 252

Hilldring, Maj. Gen. John H., 114
Hinrichs, Lt. Gen. John H., 350
Historical Division, Special Staff, 153,

160, 186, 191, 201. See also Military
History, Chief of, Special Staff.
Hitch, Charles J., 299, 306-10, 369
Hitt, Col. Rodney, 42n, 44

Hittle, Lt. Col. J. D., 164
Hobby, Col. Oveta Culp, 100

Hodes, Brig. Gen. Henry I., 146, 155
Hoelscher, Leonard W., 316-20, 323, 336.
348, 369. See also Project 80
(Hoelscher Committee).
Hoelscher Committee. See Project 80

(Hoelscher Committee).
Hoover, Herbert C., 54. See also Hoover
Commission on the Organization of
the Executive Branch of the Gov-

Hoover Commission on the Organiza-
tion of the Executive Branch of the

First (1949), 200-201, 244, 271-72, 276,
277n, 278, 286, 288, 370

Second (1955), 253, 273, 284, 286-88,
291-93, 370

Hopkins, Harry, 92

Horses vs. motors, 66-67, 69
Horwitz, Solis S., 68n, 305, 316, 318-19,

354, 362

Hughes, Maj. Gen. Everett S., 188-89,

Human resources research, 219, 248, 267
Human Resources Research Office, 248
Hurley, Patrick J., 54

Illig, Brig. Gen. James M., 338-40, 345
"Implied powers" doctrine, 229-30
Individual Training Command (pro-
posed), 329, 337, 347

Industrial mobilization, 22-23, 30, 37,
40, 54-55, 59, 61-62, 64, 90, 92, 132,
134, 146, 165, 198, 204. See also
Munitions Board; War Industries
Board; War Production Board.
Industry/Army organization parallels
before World War II, 5, 7, 7n, 8. 10.

11n, 13-15, 18, 23, 29, 29n, 31, 33-34.
44, 63-64, 76, 79, 120, 127

during and after World War II, 68,
88, 94, 96, 128, 151, 178, 188, 278,
286, 321

Industry/Army relations

aircraft industry management control,
84, 90

in research and development, 256, 258,

Infantry branch, 15, 51, 67, 352
Information Division, Special Staff, 105,
112, 185, 186, 196, 201, 207, 347
Ingersoll, C. Jared, 223

Ingraham, William M., 32, 32n
Inland Traffic Service, 34, 48
Inspector General's Office, 3, 104, 108,
185-86, 196, 207, 347

Intelligence, 12, 20, 27, 61, 108, 127, 161,
178. See also Assistant Chiefs of
Staff, for Intelligence; G-2 Division;
Intelligence Division, General Staff:
Military Intelligence Division, Gen-
eral Staff; Military Intelligence

Intelligence Division, General Staff, 160,
185, 190, 221

Inter-Allied Munitions Council, 36
Interservice Supply Support Program.


Itchner, Lt. Gen. Emerson C., 350

Jackson, Andrew, 4

Jackson, Henry M., 299-301

Johns Hopkins University, 244, 259, 260
Johnson, Brig. Gen. Hugh S., 29n, 35.

36n, 39, 41-44, 47, 49-50, 182, 182n
Johnson, Louis A., 54, 59, 289
Johnson, Lyndon B., 301, 305
Johnston, Col. Kilbourne, 36n, 182. See
also Johnston plan.

Johnston plan, 182-91, 194-95, 204, 206-
07. 209

Joint Chiefs of Staff, 120, 222, 279-80,

Air Forces representation on, 65, 83
Army liaison with, 77, 93, 113, 160,
239, 241, 247, 326, 339, 363
Army representation on, 214, 225, 318
committee system, 130, 164, 297, 299-
300, 302-03

under Defense Reorganization Act of
1958, 297

and Defense Supply Agency, 313-14
under Eisenhower Reorganization
Plan No. 6, 223-24, 296-97

joint agencies reporting to, 310-12,
314, 321

Key West and Newport conferences,

and Marshall unification proposals,
130, 134-35, 164

under National Security Act of 1947,
165, 167, 296-97

Joint Committee on New Weapons and
Equipment, 120

Joint Strategic Objectives Plan, 280
Judge Advocate General's Office, 3, 93,
99, 101, 145, 191, 196, 207, 209, 212,
225, 337, 347

Keep, Charles Hallam, 17

Kennedy, John F., 241-42, 299, 302, 304,
348, 350, 353-54

Keppel, Frederick P., 23, 36
Key West Conference, 271
Kilgo, Marvin M., 245

Killian, James, 248-52, 255
King, Lt. Col. Archibald, 214
Kjellstrom, Maj. Gen. John A., 320n
Kolko, Gabriel, 29n

Korean War, 216-17, 228, 248, 248n,

258, 279-80, 289

Kuhn, Brig. Gen. Joseph E., 26

Kuter, Maj. Gen. Laurence S., 72, 87,


Lanphier, Robert C., Jr., 292, 294
LARC amphibian vehicle, 254

Larkin, Lt. Gen. Thomas B., 169, 193-
94, 197-99, 202-04, 228, 245-46
Leahy, Fleet Admiral William D., 130
Learned, Edmund P., 87, 119, 335
Leavey, Maj. Gen. Edmond H., 91, 92n,
193-94, 197

Legislative and Liaison Division, Special
Staff, 104, 112, 134, 186, 207, 224
Lehman, Herbert H., 115

Lemnitzer, General Lyman L., 223, 250-

[blocks in formation]

Logistics Division, General Staff, 172,
182, 186-87, 189-91, 193-94, 200-
203, 244

"Logistics in World War II: The Final

Report of the Commanding Gen-
eral, Army Service Forces," 146
Logistics planning and management, 93,

111, 128, 175-76, 179, 184, 186, 204,
209, 230, 234-35, 237, 248, 270, 321,
323, 331-34, 341. See also Army
Service Forces; Deputy Chief of
Staff for Logistics; Logistics Divi-
sion, General Staff; Supply opera-

Long-range planning, 79, 93, 106, 110,
133-34, 142, 183, 195, 221, 239, 246-
47, 258, 260, 280, 323, 326, 328, 330-
31, 336

Lord, Brig. Gen. Herbert M., 48
Lovett, Robert A., 61, 76, 148, 162, 218,
222, 237, 290, 301, 369

Lutes, Lt. Gen. LeRoy, 93, 105, 111, 155,
170, 175, 228, 285-86
MacArthur, General of the Army Doug-
las, 216

McAuliffe, Lt. Gen. Anthony C., 246
McCain, Maj. Gen. Henry P., 40
McCloy, John J., 61, 108, 114, 141
McCormack-Curtis amendment to De-
fense Reorganization Act of 1958,
296-98, 353

McCoy, Maj. Gen. Frank R., 110
McCulloch vs. Maryland, 229

McCullough, Hugh, 309

McGregor, Col. Edward W., 345, 353, 355
McIntyre, Maj. Gen. Frank, 39

McKean, Roland N., 299
McKinley, William, 6, 58

McKinsey and Company, 224, 235, 237,
253, 267

McNair, Lt. Gen. Lesley J., 66, 68, 71,
76, 79, 83, 122-23, 128

McNamara, Lt. Gen. Andrew T., 314
McNamara, Robert S., 68n, 86n, 366, 368
appointed Secretary of Defense, 242,

and consolidated supply system, 312-14
and the decision-making process, 304-
05, 328, 352-53, 362-63, 371
organization of Secretary's office, 305,

and program budgets, 306, 308-09,

Project 80 implementation, 354-55,
358-60, 364, 372

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