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Chief of Staff as principal adviser, 214
civilian personnel functions, 200, 225
Davies Committee proposals, 224-25,

Johnston plan proposals, 185, 190-91,

Project 80 evaluation, 319, 321, 362,

Under Secretary, 133, 185, 206, 218,
225, 250, 345

Secretary of War. See also Secretary of
the Army.

Assistant Secretaries, 35-36, 43, 51-52,
54-56, 59, 61-62, 83, 143

Chief of Staff as military adviser, 21,
24, 26, 51, 58-60, 213-15
civilian personnel functions, 115, 117,

Expert Consultant to, 61, 123

organization before World War I,
3-11, 13, 17, 152

organization through World War II,
37, 53-54, 58-62, 101

postwar reorganization proposals, 142,

Under Secretary, 59, 61-62, 64, 72-73,
90-92, 132, 143, 152-53, 200
Security Division, General Staff (pro-
posed), 196

Selective Service, 27n, 35, 136

Service Command (proposed), 219, 221,

Service Commands, 92, 101-03, 118, 131,

139, 143, 145, 150, 155, 158, 160-61
Service, Supply, and Procurement Divi-

sion, General Staff, 150, 152-53,
155-56, 160, 170, 172, 175, 285
Services of Supply, 158. See also Army
Service Forces.

Siberian expedition of 1918, 23, 28, 39
Signal Corps

before World War I, 3, 9, 48

tion, 364, 373


postwar organization proposals, 143,
147, 176, 185, 189, 196, 201, 203, 350
in World War II, 89, 97-98, 124
Simpson, Lt. Gen. William H., 147, 153–

54, 156. See also Patch-Simpson

Single manager concept. See Supply op-

Single Service Procurement Program,

Slezak, John (Slezak plan), 232, 234,
250-51, 260, 266-67
Smith, D. T., 119, 335

Smith, Lt. Gen. Walter Bedell, 160
Soldiers' Home, 62

Somervell, General Brehon B., 127, 147.
See also Army Service Forces.
appointed as head of ASF, 68, 74, 76,

and Control Division, ASF, 94, 100,
138, 272, 304, 369

and demobilization planning, 131
friction with WAC, 100

as G-4, 73, 91, 104, 228

as head of QMC Construction Divi-
sion, 91

logistics adviser to Chief of Staff, 92,
105, 110, 138, 142, 145, 230
organization and staffing of ASF head-
quarters, 92-93, 105, 124, 126, 145,

personality, 91-92, 141, 146
succeeded by Lutes, 155
and technical services reorganization,
92, 99, 102, 110, 128, 137-39, 141-42,
145-47, 151-52, 162, 165, 176, 182,
185, 195, 238, 286
Southeastern Department, U. S. Army,

Southern Department, U.S. Army, 28
Spaatz, General Carl, 167, 222, 285, 289
Spanish-American War, 5n, 6, 22, 288,

Special Planning Division, Special Staff,
106, 112, 131-33, 135-37, 142, 145-47
Special Services Division, Special Staff,
99, 203, 207-08

Special Staff, 61-62, 100, 373

in Marshall reorganization, 99, 112,

postwar reorganizations, 149, 158, 160,
200, 202-03, 205, 207

Project 80 evaluation, 319, 324, 347
Special Weapons Development, Office of,
259, 331

Stahr, Elvis J., Jr., 316, 319, 323, 343-44,
349, 358

State Department, 165
State-War-Navy Coordinating Commit-
tee, 114

Statistical reporting systems

McNamara reforms, 309, 370
post-Korean War, 218, 235, 284, 336
World War I, 30, 40, 42-44, 48

World War II, 85, 94, 109, 118-19, 180
Stettinius, Edward R., 34, 36, 41, 43, 49
Stevens, Robert T., 223-24, 250, 252, 260
Stilwell Board, 242-43
Stimson, Henry L., 369

and civil affairs/military government,
112, 114

rapport with Marshall, 128

Roosevelt appoints as Secretary of
War, 60, 60n

as Secretary of War, 1911-1913, 13-19,
22-23, 39-40, 76

as Secretary of War 1940-1945, 61-62,
108, 118, 120, 124, 126, 130, 132,
134, 136

and Somervell, 74, 91-92, 138, 141
Storage and Traffic Division, General
Staff, 33, 37, 41, 43

Strategic Air Command, 300

Strategic Communications Command, 364
Strength Accounting and Reporting Of-

fice, Special Staff, 112, 117, 119, 317
Strength of the Permanent Military
Estalishment, Special Committee on,


Strength Report of the Army, 119
Strong, Maj. Gen. George V., 107-08
Stubbs, Maj. Gen. Marshall, 350

Styer, Maj. Gen. Wilhelm D., 91, 92n,

Subsistence Department, 3, 17

Supply and Distribution Command (pro-
posed), 333

Supply and Maintenance Division, Gen-

eral Staff (proposed), 185
Supply Command (proposed), 224, 226–

28, 230-32, 250. See also Logistics
Command (proposed).

Supply operations. See also Army Ma-

teriel Command; Army Service
Forces; Defense Supply Agency;
G-4 Division; Logistics Division,
General Staff; Logistics planning
and management.

chaos and reorganization in World
War I, 27-36, 38-39, 41-45, 47-49.

in Marshall reorganization, 73-74.
90-93, 96-98, 101, 105, 110-11, 128,

post-World War II proposals for, 175–

77, 183, 200-201, 209, 217-18, 226
pre-World War I consolidation pro-
posals, 7, 10

proposals for a common supply serv
ice, 130, 132, 134, 142-46, 148, 151–52.
163. 165, 202, 270, 285, 288-92, 312-
13, 321, 333, 344

"single manager" concept, 288, 292-96,
312-14, 333

Support Services Command, 359
Supreme War Council (Paris), 26, 38
Surgeon General's Office, 48-49, 143, 185,

196, 209, 235, 341, 350, 365. See also
Medical Department.

Surplus Personal Property Disposal Pro-

gram, 314

Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and
Night Observation (STANO) sys-
tem, 373

Surveyor General of Supplies, 43
Swope, Gerard, 35, 43, 49
Symington, Stuart E., 299, 302
Systems analysis, 309-10, 327, 363. See
also Operations research.
Systems and Materiel Command (pro-
posed), 333-35, 339-41, 344-45. See
also Army Materiel Command.
Systems Development and Logistics
Command (proposed), 324
Systems (Management) Division, Gen-
eral Staff (proposed), 327

Tables of organization and equipment,
27, 82, 109, 111, 115, 267, 347, 360
TACT Operation. See Third Army

[blocks in formation]

Taft, William Howard, 13, 17, 19
Tank Corps, 48, 65. See also Armored

Taylor, Frederick W., 18-19, 35
Taylor, General Maxwell D., 241, 246–47,
299-300, 348-49, 351-53
Technical services, 64, 67. See also Bu-
reaus; Functional organization; and
by individual service designation.
and the Army Air Forces, 82
Army Organization Act of 1950, 208-
12, 217, 353n

ASF postwar proposals for, 141-43.
145, 176-77

Bendetsen proposals, 218-19, 221. 238
budgets approval process, 97, 130-31,
180, 184, 273, 277-78

Collins reorganizations, 171-72, 174.

and combat developments functions,
260-62, 328

and control of Class II installations.
172, 174, 185, 226-30, 263-64, 266,

Cresap survey recommendations, 195-
201, 204

Davies Committee and Palmer recom-
mendations, 224, 226-32, 266, 269
Eisenhower reorganization, 155, 161,

Johnston plan recommendations, 182-
94, 204

Marshall reorganization, 72, 80, 85, 89,
96-99, 127, 163, 368
Patch-Simpson Board


tions, 147-51, 152, 155-56
post-World War II supply authority,
285-87, 289

Project 80 recommendations and ac-
tion, 316, 318-19, 324, 328, 331-41,
343, 348-55, 364-65, 368

reaction of service chiefs to Project 80,
337-38, 349-51

and research and development, 121,
242-43, 245-49, 251-58

and "single manager" concept, 293-95
under Slezak plan, 232, 234-35
statutory position of service chiefs,
208, 341, 353n, 354, 364-65, 368, 373
Test and Evaluation Agency, 352
Textor, Col. Gordon E., 132
Third Army Territorial Command Test,
172, 174, 176, 202, 263
Thomas, Charles E., 290

Thorne, Robert J., 34, 34n, 35, 44, 47,


Tompkins, Brig. Gen. William F., 131
Traditionalists vs. rationalists, on execu-

tive control, 9, 12-15, 22-23, 25, 32,
39, 49-50, 63, 129, 205, 272, 300,
304-05, 366-70, 372, 374. See also
Marshall, General of the Army
George C.

Training. See also Army Field Forces;

Army Ground Forces; Continental
Army Command; G-3 Division.
Plattsburg summer training, 20
postwar organization plans, 155, 183,

193, 203, 207-08, 219, 224-25
pre-World War II, 17, 28, 52
Project 80 recommendations, 323-24.
328-30, 336, 340, 350-51, 363

in "wartime ASF" plan, 176, 178

in World War II, 66, 71, 80, 82, 86-87,
90, 109

Training Command


(proposed), 176.

Training Division, General Staff (pro-
posed), 185, 196

Training literature, 82, 85, 171, 347, 360
Transportation Corps

postwar organization proposals, 143,
150, 154, 176, 185, 188, 200-201, 268,

under Project 80, 350, 364

and research and development, 254
single manager for military traffic
management, 293-95

World War II organization, 97-98
Transportation Service, 48
Transportation systems, 7, 28, 30-32,

Traub, Lt. Gen. David W. (Traub
Committee), 344-48, 352, 355, 357,


Troop basis, 111, 201

Troop Information and Education Di-
vision, Special Staff, 112, 160, 186,
221, 239

Trudeau, Lt. Gen. Arthur G., 255-58
Truman, Harry S., 158, 163, 216, 271,

Tyson, Brig. Gen. Robert N., 355
The Uncertain Trumpet, 241, 300
Uncles, Maj. Gen. John F., 250-51
Unification proposals, 130, 163-68, 285,
302, 368

United Nations, 133

United Nations Relief and Rehabilita-
tion Administration, 114-15
United States Military Academy, 99, 219,
268, 329

"Unity of command" principle, 4, 7n,
8, 15, 39, 49-50, 91, 97, 103, 128, 148,
160, 169, 172, 174, 227-28, 266, 286
Universal military training and national
service, 112, 120, 131-33, 135-37
University of Virginia, 113

Vance, Cyrus R., 305, 312, 316, 319,
344-45, 349, 352-53, 358, 362-63,

Vinson, Carl, 163-64, 353-54
VISTA Project, 249, 258-59, 330
Vittrup, Lt. Gen. Russell L., 346, 357
Wadsworth, James W., 32
Wainwright, General Jonathan M., 169–

War College Division, General Staff, 12,
12n, 15, 20, 26-27, 32, 37. See also
Army War College.

War Council, 54

War Department (redesignated as De-
partment of the Army), 167

War Department Equipment Board,


War Department Manpower Board, 112,
117-18, 181

War Department Policies and Programs
Review Board. See Haislip, General
Wade H. (Haislip Board).
War Department Section, General Staff,


War gaming, 171-72, 219, 330

War Industries Board, 30-33, 35, 37, 40-

War planning, 12, 12n, 20, 51, 58n, 101.
See also Long-range planning.
War Plans and Operations Division,
General Staff (proposed), 196
War Plans Division, General Staff, 10,
37, 52-53, 57, 58n, 66, 68, 70, 76-77,
127, 150. See also Army War Col-
lege; Operations Division, General

War Production Board, 62, 165
Washington, George, 58

Weapons and Mobility Command, 345,

Weapons Command, 354

Weapons Systems Analysis Agency, 310
Weapons Systems Evaluation Group,
248n, 258

Wedemeyer, Lt. Gen. Albert C., 190
Weeks, John W., 54

Western Defense Command (proposed),

Western Department, U.S. Army, 28
Western Electric, 35, 43

Wheeler, Lt. Gen. Raymond A., 169,

177-78, 362

White, Maj. Gen. Miller G., 100

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