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Names of persons, except those of the two Presidents and two Secretaries of State
whose terms of office are covered by this compilation, have been omitted.)

Acheson, Dean (addresses, statements,
correspondence, etc.): Asia, U.S. posi-
tion in, 1436-1437, 2310-2322; Aus-
trian State Treaty, 38, 1823-1824;
Bonn agreements, 1727-1728; China,
"People's Republic" of, U.S.S.R. rela-
tions with, 2465-2468, U.N. represen-
tation of, 340-341; China, Republic of,
U.S. policy respecting, 2449–2452;
collective security, 169-179, 2616-
2617; Czechoslovakia, Slansky trial in,
2111-2112; Europe, Eastern, U.S. pol-
icy in, 2067-2068; Europe, Western,
U.S. policy in, 1432-1441; Foreign
Ministers' consultations (1950), 1432-
1441; Foreign Ministers' deputies
meeting (1951), 1789-1793; German
remilitarization, reunification, etc.,
1782-1784; Hungary, release of U.S.
fliers, 2123; Indochina, U.S. economic
and military aid to, 2365-2366; Italy,
release of from peace treaty obliga-
tions, 1683, U.S. economic aid to,
1681-1683; Japanese-U.S. security
treaty, 886-888; Korea, U. S. policy
respecting, 171, 174, 176-178, 1948-
1952, 2527-2528, 2533-2536, 2551,
2615-2622, 2649-2650, 2666-2667,
2668; Libya, independence of, 2303;
Middle East Command, 2182-2183;
national defense, 13-16, 17, 18; North
Atlantic Council activities, 1624-1629;
North Atlantic Treaty, 815-825, 854-
864, 1505-1519; Rumania, travel re-
strictions in, 2151-2152; Spain, U.S.
relations with, 1690-1696; U.S.S.R.,
relations with, 6-10, 170-171, 1928-
1936, 1944-1952; U.S. foreign policy,
5-18, 25, 32-39.

Afro-Asian (Bandung)
Conference attended by, 2344; U.N.,
admitted to, 136n; U.S. emergency
food aid program for, 2229–2230.
Africa (see also individual country
headings), 2296-2309.
Afro-Asian (Bandung) Conference: com-
muniqué of, 2344-2352; preliminaries
for, 2344n; U.S. addresses and state-

ments concerning, 376-377, 381, 2496,
2497, 2500, 2504.

Aggression, problem of defining in U.N.,

Agricultural Trade Development and
Assistance Act of 1954 (as amended),

Agricultural workers, U. S.-Mexican
agreement on, 1376-1403.
Albania (see also Europe, Eastern):
Eastern European Mutual Assistance
Treaty (Warsaw Pact) ratified by,
1239n; Prague Conference of 1950
attended by, 1782n; U.N. membership
of, 136n, 335n, 337; U.S. policy
respecting, 2085-2086.

Algeria, U.N. debate on, 2301-2302.
American Republics (see also American,
Inter-American, and individual coun-
try headings): "atoms for peace"
program, participation in, 1340n;
communism (international), measures
against adopted by, 1292-1302; cul-
tural exchange program (U.S.) with,
1327-1330; economic and technical
programs in, 1316-1325, 1333-1336,
1338-1340; Finance and Economy,
meeting of Ministers of, 1337-1340;
fisheries problems in, 1343-1346,
1356-1364; Foreign Affairs, Fourth
Meeting of Consultation of Ministers
of, Final Act of, 1292-1299; military
assistance agreements (U.S.) with,
1303; nonintervention principle in,
1271-1274; technical cooperation pro-
gram in, chart of, 1326.
American States, Organization


[merged small][ocr errors]

Arab League. (See Arab States, League

Arab refugees. (See Palestine refugees.)
Arab States (see also Arab-Israeli
relations and regional and individual
country headings): defense and eco-
nomic cooperation, treaty for, text
and ratifications, 1249-1253, 1249n;
League of, pact establishing, text and
ratifications, 1243-1249, 1243n.
Arab-Israeli relations (see also Arab
States and regional and individual
country headings): armistice agree-
ments governing, texts of, 698-724;
armistice borders, tripartite declara-
tion on, 2237-2238; U.N. Conciliation
Commission for Palestine, role in,
2244-2245; U.N. Truce Supervision
Organization, role in, 2241-2244,
2248-2250; U.S. addresses and state-
ments on, 374–375, 2170–2171, 2174–
2175, 2177-2180.

Argentina: atomic energy, civil uses of,
U.S. agreement with, 2883n; Japanese
peace treaty ratified by, 437n; Rio
Treaty, ratified by, 811n, reservations
at signing, 795; U.N. ECOSOC,
member of, 149n; U.N. Security
Council, nonpermanent member of,
141n; U.N. Trusteeship Council,
member of, 155n.

Armaments, conventional, limitation

and control of (see also Disarmament),
work of U.N. respecting, 2739-2745.
Armaments, regulation and limitation
of. (See Atomic energy and Dis-

Armed Forces (U.S.) abroad, criminal
jurisdiction over, 1532-1534, 1565-
1566, 1572-1575, 1577, 1579-1580,
1581-1593, 2215-2217.

Arrest of Sea-Going Ships, International
Convention for the Unification of
Certain Rules Relating to, ratification
action on, 319n.


Asia. (See Far East, Southeast Asia,
and individual country headings.)
Atomic energy (see also other Atomic
energy headings): information
sharing of, 1635n, 2853-2860, 2861-
2883; radiation effects of, U.N.
resolution on, 2840-2841.
Atomic energy, international control of
(see also other Atomic energy headings
and Disarmament): U.S. addresses
and statements concerning, 52-54,
163-164, 175, 348-350, 1933, 2798-
2805; U.S. proposals for, 2757-2759,
2767, 2783-2789.

Atomic energy, peaceful uses of (see
also other Atomic energy headings):
international agreements for, 2835-
2836, 2837, 2883-2887, 2883n; inter-

national technical conference on,
2823-2832, 2836, 2837; U.N. General
Assembly resolutions on, 2823-2824,
2837-2841; U.S. addresses and state-
ments on and proposals for, 96-98,
377-378, 385-386, 1705, 1706, 2011,

Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 2853-2877.
Atomic Energy Agency, International,
2802-2804, 2805-2808, 2809-2810,
2823, 2824, 2832-2835.

Atomic Energy Commission, United
Nations, 348n, 348-349, 2745-2747,
2837, 2839-2840.

Atomic Energy Commission, United
States (see also Atomic Energy Act of

1954), 2825-2826, 2860-2861.

Australia (see also ANZUS and SEATO
headings, and Southeast Asia): Col-
ombo Plan, member of, 2339; Japa-
nese peace treaty ratified by, 437n;
Southeast Asia Collective Defense
Treaty ratified by, 915n; trust ter-
ritories administered by, 153n; U.N.
ECOSOC, member of, 149n; U.N.
Security Council, nonpermanent
member of, 141n.

Austria (see also Austrian State Treaty
headings): Austrian State Treaty
ratified by, 683n; EPU membership
of, 1012; neutrality of, 687-688,
1777-1778, 1859-1860, 1866; occu-
pation regime in, easing of, 1822-
1823; OEEC convention ratified by,
998n; Soviet interference in, 1766-
1769, 1769-1776; travel requirements
in, 1769; U.N. membership of, 136n,
335n, 337, 688-689; U.S. relations
with, communiqué on, 1776-1777.
Austrian State Treaty:

draft texts: abbreviated ("short
draft"), 1829-1832; "long draft",

text (final), 643-675, accessions to,
672n, ratifications of, 683n, U.S.
ratification action on, 676-697.
Austrian State Treaty negotiations:

conference on (Berlin Foreign Min-
isters Meeting), 1840-1841, 1842,
1844-1845, 1847-1849, 1858-1861,
1864-1867, (quadripartite commun-
iqué) 1870, (tripartite communiqué)
1870-1871, 1874, 1876;

deputies (Foreign Ministers') for,
work of, 1826, 1837, 1877-1881;

U.N. General Assembly resolu-
tions concerning, 678, 1834-1835;

U.S. addresses and statements on,
38, 68, 83, 94, 355, 367, 1824-1826;

Western Powers' (France, U.K.,
U. S.) action on: communiqués,
declarations and statements, 1458,
1722, 1822, 1827, 1884; notes to

U.S.S.R., 1791, 1826, 1828-1829,
1832-1833, 1835-1836, 1837-1838,
1840-1841, 1842, 1844-1845, 1846,
1882-1883, 1885; summary of, 1877-

Azores, U.S. military facilities in,
agreement with Portugal concerning,

Bacterial weapons. (See Disarma-

Baghdad Pact (Iran, Iraq, Pakistan,
Turkey, and U.K.): text and rati-
fications of, 1257-1259, 1257n.
Balkan Pact (Greece, Turkey, and
Yugoslavia): agreements constitut-
ing and ratifications of, 1235-1239,

Baltic States (see also individual country |
headings), U.S. policy respecting
sovereignty of, 2086-2091.

Bandung Conference. (See Afro-Asian

Battle Act. (See Mutual Defense As-
sistance Control Act.)
Belgium: atomic energy, civil uses of,

U.S. agreement with concerning,
2883n; Brussels Treaty ratified by,
971n, Paris protocols to ratified by,
975n; Council of Europe, Statute of
ratified by, 1011n; European Coal
and Steel Community treaty ratified
by, 1077n; EDC treaty, parliament-
ary action on by, 1471n; EPU
membership of, 1012; Japanese peace
treaty ratified by, 438n; North At-
lantic Treaty ratified by, 814n. pro-
tocols to accepted by, 854n, 872n;
OEEC convention ratified by, 998n;
trust territories administered by,
153n; U.N. ECOSOC, member of,
149n; U.N. Security Council, non-
permanent member of, 141n; U.S.
relations with, communiqué on, 1660-

Bell Report. (See Mutual Security,
Public Advisory Board for, report of,
and Philippines, Republic of: eco-
nomic survey mission to, report of.)
Berlin: access to (see also Germany,
Soviet Zone of), 1765, 1939; Bonn
agreements, provisions of regarding,
486, 488, 490, 533; uprising in
(1953), 1744-1746; Western Powers'
position in, agreements, commun-
iqués, declarations, and reports con-
cerning, 612, 617-618, 638, 1198,
1482-1483, 1737, 1740-1742, 1758.
Berlin Foreign Ministers Meeting, 1954
(France, U.S.S.R., U.K., and U.S.):
communiqué (quadripartite) of, 1870,
2372-2373; communiqué (tripartite)
of, 1870-1871; Austria, U.S. state-
415900-57-vol. 2-101

ments concerning, 1858-1861, 1864-
1867; China, "People's Republic" of,
question of participation in, 1842,
1843, 1846-1847, 1849; Germany,
U.S. statements concerning, 1850-
1855, 1859, 1869-1870; Korea, prob-
lem of considered at, 2685; prepara-
tions for, 1839-1850; report on,
85-90; U.S. addresses and statements
at, 1850-1870.

Bermuda Conference of Heads of Gov-
ernment, 1953 (France, U.K., and
U.S.): communiqué of, 1468-1470.
Bogotá Pact. (See American Treaty on
Pacific Settlement.)

Bolivia: Rio Treaty ratified by, 811n.
Bonn Agreements of 1952, as amended
in 1954, 483-610.

Borneo (British): Colombo Plan, mem-
*ber of, 2339.

Brazil: atomic energy, civil uses of, U.S.
agreement with, 2883n; Japanese
peace treaty ratified by, 438n; Rio
Treaty ratified by, 811n; U.N.
ECOSOC, member of, 149n; U.N.
Security Council, nonpermanent
member of, 141n.

Brussels Treaty, 1948 (see also Western
European Union): text, 968-971;
ratifications of, 971n; amendments of
by London Conference Final Act,
1476-1479, 1483, by Paris protocols,
972-989; Germany, Federal Republic
of, accession to, 972-976; Italy, ac-
cession to, 972-976.

Bulgaria: Eastern European Mutual
Assistance Treaty (Warsaw Pact)
ratified by, 1239n; peace treaty with,
violation of human rights provisions
of by, 2070-2081; Prague Conference
of 1950 attended by, 1782n; U.N.
membership of, 136n, 335n, 337; U.S.
relations with, 2091-2095.

Burma: Afro-Asian Conference attended
by, 2344; Chinese forces in, 2353;
Colombo Conference attended by,
2344n; Colombo Plan, member of,
2339; independence of, 34n, 51n,
2312n; Japan, peace treaty with, 439n;
U.N. membership of, 136n; U.N.
Trusteeship Council, member of,
155n; U.S. relations with, communi-
qué on, 2354.

Buy American Act, revision of, 2921,

Byelorussian S.S.R.: U.N. ECOSOC,
member of, 149n.

Cambodia (see also Indochina): Afro-
Asian Conference attended by, 2344;
armistice agreement in, 767-775;
Colombo Plan, member of, 2339;
independence of in French Union,

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