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Colours to be worn by Flag

or Divifion he belonged, shall immediately be acquainted with it; and if it be the Commander in Chief who is killed, the next commanding Officer is to be forthwith informed of it, who fhall immediately repair on board the Ship of the deceased Commander, and give the neceffary Orders, leaving his Flag, or broad Pendant, flying in his own Ship.


For the better Diftinction of Flag-Officers paffing Officers in in their Boats, the following Regulation is to be obtheir Boats. ferved; the Admiral of the Fleet, the Admirals of the White and Blue, and the Vice-Admiral of the Red, may carry their proper Flags at the Head of their Boats, when they think proper; but there fhall be in the other Flags the following Diftinction, viz. a White Ball in the Flag of the Rear-Admiral of the Red; a Blue Ball in the Flag of the Vice of the White; and two Blue Balls in the Flag of the Rear of the White; a White Ball in the Flag of the Vice of the Blue, and two White Balls in the Flag of the Rear of the Blue; the faid Balls to be in a Canton, at the upper Corner of the Flag, next the Staff.

Colours of


Merchant-Ships are to wear a Red Enfign, with the Union Jack in a Canton at the upper End next the Staff; and a White Jack, with a red Crofs, commonly called St. George's Cross, paffing quite through the


V. Ships



Ships having private Commiffions, or Letters of Colours of Mart or Reprizals, are to wear the fame Enfign as Merchant Ships; and a Red Jack, with the Union Jack in a Canton, at the upper Corner next the Staff.


Ships or Veffels in the Service of any publick Office, Colours of are to wear the fame Enfign and Jack as Ships having ing to publick Veffels belong Letters of Mart, only that in the Body of the Jack or Offices. Enfign, fhall be likewise described the Seal of the Office they belong to.


Colours, to


His Majefty ftrictly forbids all Masters of Merchant- Ships wearShips, as alfo of all Ships or Veffels employed in the ing prohibited Service of any publick Office, or in raising Seamen, to be proceeded against in the wear Pendants, or what may be taken for them: AdmiraltyAnd if any fhall prefume to offend herein, and wear Flags, Pendants, or other Colours, contrary to what is here allowed, it is His Majefty's Pleasure,, that the Captains, or any other Officers of His Ships of War, do feize the faid Colours, and return the Names of the Mafter and Ship to the Secretary of the Admiralty, together with Affidavits of the Fact by two Witneffes, in order to their being proceeded against in the High Court of Admiralty.


Foreign Ships

not to ride in

Ports with


The Commanders of His Majefty's Ships are not to His Majefty's fuffer any Foreign Ships to ride in any of His Ports or Fale Colours, Roads with Falfe Colours; and if they perfift therein, after being admonished, they are to put the faid Ships under Arrest, and fend an Account thereof to the Secretary of the Admiralty.

Commanders in Chief not to appoint

Officers in

the Channel.

No Lieute

made, with

Rules to be obferved in the Appointment of Officers in Foreign Parts.


Article I.

HEN any Commanders in Chief shall have Power given them, in their Commissions or Inftructions, to appoint Officers in Ships under their Command, they are nevertheless not to proceed to execute that Power while they are within the Channel, but to acquaint the Secretary of the Admiralty of all Vacancies that hall happen.

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Commanders in Chief are not to prefer any to be nants to be Lieutenants in Foreign Parts, but fuch as have passed out passing a their Examination, which if they have not already mination. done at the Navy-Office, they may authorize any

regular Exa


three of their Principal Commanders to examine them; and if it shall appear, by their Certificates, that they have served Six Years at Sea, and have been rated two of the faid Six Years as Midshipmen, or Mates, in fome of his Majefty's Ships, and that they do produce regular Journals, and good Certificates from the Commanders they have ferved with, and are in all Refpects qualified for that Employment, and, not under Twenty Years of Age, they may prefer them, and not otherwife, taking care to fend the faid Certificates of Examination to the Secretary of the Admiralty, to be depofited in that Office.


Commanders in Chief may appoint fuch of their Nor Maßters. Officers as may happen to be Members of TrinityHoufe; or, if there be none, fuch of their Commanders or Masters, as they think proper, to examine Masters, or their Mates, or others applying for the Employment of Mafters; and, according to their Certificates, may promote them to any Vacancies in the Voyage; but, after their Return home, they are. to be re-examined before the Corporation of TrinityHoufe, and fhall not be employed again, without their Certificates of Approbation; but in case there are Second Masters on board any of the Ships of the Squadron, they are first to be provided for according to their Seniority and Qualification, before any new one is made; and no other Second Masters are to be created in their Room...


IV. Sur

Nor Sur



Surgeons, and their Mates, are to be examined by fome of the Principal Surgeons of the Fleet or Squadron, if they have not already paffed their Examination at Surgeons-Hall, and fhall not be preferr'd to higher Ships, than they are qualified for by their Certificates: If a Physician is in the Fleet, he fhall prefide at the Examination; but, upon their Return Home, they are to pass a fresh Examination before the Governors of the Surgeons Company, and are not to be employed again, without their Certificates of Approbation.


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