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To make up his PayBooks.

A Flag-Offi

tions that have been made, during the Voyage, of the Qualities of the Ship; the standing of her Mafts; Quantity of Balaft; Draught of Water; beft failing Trim; Stowage, Manner of Sailing; and fuch other Circumstances as may be neceffary for the Information and Guidance of those who may command her afterwards; which Account, figned by himself and the Officers, he is to deliver to the Commiffioner of the Navy at the Port, and tranfinit a Duplicate of the fame to the Navy-Board.


When Orders fhall come for laying up the Ship, he is, before he leaves her, to prepare five Pay-Books, with the Affiftance of his Purfer, according to the Form fet down in Page (160, 161.) together with three Alphabets; taking Care, that the Pages of the Pay-Books do agree together in the Number of Names, and to tranfmit the fame, without any Delay, to the Navy-Board, figned by himself and figning Officers, that His Majefty may not be put to an unneceffary Charge in continuing the Ship in Pay for Want thereof; and he, and his Officers, are to attend the Payment of her.


If there be Occafion to discharge any of the Men, er or Com- when the Ship is under Orders to be paid off, they are miffioner of the Navy to to be carried to a Flag-Officer, or to a Commiffioner of the Navy at the Out-Ports, or to the Commiffioners of the Navy at their Office in London, who are to

Sign Tickets.


examine their Qualifications, and if they find them agreeable to their Rating, to fign their Tickets, otherwife they will be paid Ordinary. And all Men who stand open upon the Pay-Books, at the Time of any Ship's Payment, and do not appear in Perfon to receive their own Wages, fhall likewise be paid but Ordinary, unless it fhall appear to the Commiffioner who comptrols the Pay, that they are duly Rated on the Ship's Books.


He is to be very diligent in clearing the Ship from all her Stores and Provifions, and neither to depart from her himself, nor fuffer the Officers or Men to go afhore, until the Ship is paid, and wholly unrigged and clear, and to deliver her fó into the Charge of the Officers of the Yard.

To deliver the
Officers of

Ship clear to


the Yard.


rable for the

Lastly, Whereas the Charge and Command of the To be answeShip, and of the Officers and Men ferving therein, are Conduct of entirely entrusted to the Captain, and the Welfare and every body in the Ship. good Management of the Whole does in especial Manner depend upon his OEconomy and Prudence, he is to understand, though the feveral Rules contained in the following Parts of this Book, are forted into different Chapters, for better Order and Clearness, that nevertheless he is himself refponfible for the whole Conduct and good Government of the Ship, and for the due Execution of all Regulations here fet down, which concern the feveral Duties of the Officers and

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To be anfwe

rable for the


Company of the Ship, who are to obey him in all
Things, which he fhall direct them for His Majefty's

And whereas, by the Establishment of the Navy, Faults of his he is allowed a Clerk, he is to look upon himself to be accountable for all Errors or Frauds committed by the faid Clerk, who is regarded no otherwise than as his Inftrument, and one appointed to ferve him in the Execution of his Office.

To receive no

Wages with

And, as he is not to receive his Wages, without out proper producing Certificates from the Secretary of the AdCertificates, miralty, and from the Navy, Victualling, Ordnance, good all Da- and Sick and Wounded Offices, that they have nothing


to object against him, fo is he to expect to make good out of his Wages any Damage His Majefty may have fuftained from his Neglect or Irregularity; and in cafe of the Ship's being paid off before fuch Discovery is made, to answer the fame out of his Half-Pay, or be otherwife accountable, as the Lord High Admiral, or Lords Commiffioners of the Admiralty fhall judge proper.


Rules of Difcipline and good Government to be observed on board His Majefty's Ships of War.


Article I.

Examples to

N the First Place, the Commanders of His Maje- Commanders sty's Ships are strictly required to shew in them- to be good felves a good Example of Honour and Virtue to their their Men, and to punish Officers and Men; and next, to be very vigilant in Vice. inspecting the Behaviour of all fuch as are under them, and to discountenance and fupprefs all diffolute, immoral, and disorderly Practices, and also fuch as are contrary to the Rules of Difcipline and Obedience, and to correct those who are guilty of the fame, according to the Ufage of the Sea.


vice to be re

The Commanders of His Majesty's Ships are to take Divine SerCare, that Divine Service be performed twice a Day gularly peron board, according to the Liturgy of the Church of formed. England, and a Sermon preached on Sundays, unless bad Weather, or other extraordinary Accidents, pre

vent it.





If any shall be heard to Swear, Curfe, or Blafpheme of Swearing, the Name of God, the Captain is strictly required to punish them for every Offence, by caufing them to wear a Wooden Collar, or fome other shameful Badge of Distinction, for fo long Time as he fhall judge proper. If he be a Commiffion Officer, he fhall forfeit One Shilling for each Offence, and a Warrant or Inferior Officer Six Pence. He who is guilty of Drunkenness, if a Seaman, fhall be put in Irons until he is fober; but if an Officer, he fhall forfeit Two Days Pay.

And of Drun


Captains not

to punish be

yond twelve

gainst the Of



No Commander fhall inflict any Punishment upon a Seaman, beyond twelve Lashes upon his bare Back Labes, but to with a Cat of Nine Tails, according to the ancient inform aPractice of the Sea; but if the Fault fhall deferve a greater Punishment, he is either to apply to the Commander in Chief, or inform the Secretary of the Admiralty, if the Ship is at home, in order to the Offender's being brought to a Court Martial, if it fhall be thought proper, and in the mean time he may put him under Confinement.

Not to dif

charge or pu


The Captain is never, by his own Authority, to nifh an Offi- difcharge a Commiffion or Warrant Officer, nor to cer, but only punish or ftrike him; but if any are disobedient to fufpend him.


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