ePub 版

Second position of draw saber, dismounted, with officers' saber


Third position of draw saber (carry saber), mounted, with officers' saber


Third position of draw saber (carry saber), dismounted, with

officers' saber

[blocks in formation]

406. To present saber.—Being at order saber or carry saber, the command is: 1. Present. 2. SABER (or ARMS).

a. Dismounted.-At the command Present, raise and move the saber to the front, base of the hilt as high as the chin and 6 inches in front of the neck, edge to the left, point 6 inches farther to the front than the hilt, thumb extended on the left of the grip, all fingers grasping the grip.

At the command Saber (or Arms), lower the saber until the point is in prolongation of the right foot and near the ground, edge to the left, hand by the side, thumb on the left of the grip, arm extended.

When marching on foot, at eyes right (or left), the saber will be carried in the position described above, the arm swinging naturally as when marching without the saber.

To salute with the saber, present arms is executed when six paces from the person saluted or at the nearest point of approach, if more than six paces. The second position is held until the person saluted has passed or the salute is returned. The saber is then returned to the order or carry.

b. Mounted.-Same as when dismounted, except that after lowering the saber the hand is held slightly in rear of the thigh and the point of the saber is a little to the right and in front of the stirrup.

407. To execute port saber.-The command is: 1. Port, 2. SABER.

a. Dismounted.-Being at intervals or distances, at the carry, at the command Saber, bring the left hand, lightly closed and without constraint, the back of the hand vertical, to a position about 6 inches in front of the belt buckle. At the same time lower the saber blade to the left front until its flat side, edge to the front, rests on the middle of the left forearm. The hilt is clasped easily in the full grasp of the right hand, the right hand near the hip, the saber extending to the left front, the point about 6 inches higher than the hilt.

b. Mounted.-Being in any formation, at the carry, at the command Saber, lower the saber blade to the left front until its flat side, edge to the front, rests on the middle of the forearm. The hilt is clasped easily in the full grasp of the right hand, the right hand resting on the thigh, the saber extending to the left front, the point about 6 inches higher than the hilt.

c. The port is a very comfortable position in which to hold the saber. Accordingly, it is taken, on occasion, in order to afford relief from the fatigue and constraint of holding the saber for a prolonged period at the carry.


First position of present saber, dismounted, with officers' saber

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