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'EXICO, Cuba, Central America and South America offer a golden opportunity for trade to the American manufacturer, and their vast possibilities are little understood.

The countries of Latin-America alone are to-day purchasing FOUR TIMES as much from other countries as from the United States. The superior quality of our products, our convenient location and community of interests, entitle us to a larger percentage of their trade. With proper attention, it is ours for the asking. That England, Germany and France are so strongly in control of these markets is due alone to the sheer neglect of the American manufacturer.


At the laying of the corner-stone of the new building of the International Bureau of American Republics on May 11, President Roosevelt made the following remarkable prophecy :

"In the century that has passed, the development of North America has, on the whole, proceeded faster than the development of South. America; but in the century that has now opened I believe that no other part of the world will see such extraordinary development in wealth, in population, in all that makes for progress, as will be seen from the northern boundary of Mexico through all Central and South America."

EL MUNDO DE HOY (The World To-Day)

will reach the principal importers of MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA, SOUTH AMER ICA, CUBA, PORTO RICO and the PHILIPPINES, and will be an ideal medium for the manufacturer wishing to cover these countries.

The Spanish issue of THE WORLD TO-DAY will be a high-grade general magazine, elaborately illustrated, printed in colors on fine paper, and in every respect equal to the regular edition. It will not be a reprint, but an entirely new publication from cover to cover. In contents it will have two aims:

(1) To exploit the United States, their markets and the quality of their products in an attractive, entertaining manner.

(2) To interest Latin American readers :-To this end it will contain many articles by writers well known to them, descriptive of the different countries, their projects, amusements, biographical sketches and portraits of leading people, etc.

The plan and purpose of the publication have been approved by the International Bureau of American Republics, the Philadelphia Commercial Museum and kindred organizations.

The Spanish issue of THE WORLD TO-DAY will be unique. It will be the only general magazine published in the United States for distribution in the Spanish-speaking countries, and the only publication that can guarantee any considerable circulation.

If you are a manufacturer seeking foreign markets we shall be glad to send you, free of charge, "LATIN AMERICA: A GREAT COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITY," by Hon. John Barrett. This is an illustrated booklet containing much valuable information Address,

THE WORLD TO-DAY COMPANY, 67 Wabash Ave., Chicago.

When writing to Advertisers kindly mention "THE WORLD TO-DAY."


CLUB LUB men, college men, business men, like to wear our Varsity; you see why.

Style Book for six cents; shows many models.

Hart Schaffner & Marx Good Clothes Makers



New York


It is a very simple matter to clean a refrigerator. All you need is a bowl of hot water, a cake of Ivory Soap and a clean cloth. It takes only a few minutes to go over every nook and corner of the refrigerator-the woodwork, the shelving, the porcelain walls and the ice-box. And, when you get through, you have the satisfaction of knowing that your refrigerator is absolutely hygienic-as sweet and clean as it was the day you bought it.

For this purpose, and for a hundred others that might be named,
Ivory Soap is unrivaled. It is pure; and it is odorless.

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When writing to Advertisers kindly mention "THE WORLD TO-DAY."

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