Textbook of Psychiatry

Macmillan, 1924 - 635 頁

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第 437 頁 - Thus in the older Bleuler, the organic, Kraepelinian orientation clearly won out over the psychoanalytic. Bleuler demonstrated this in his stand on therapy. He wrote, for example: "Most schizophrenics are not to be treated at all, or at any rate outside of asylums," and Expensive treatments, that are of no use anyway, should be cautioned against, above everything. Moreover, the economic and moral interests of the healthy members of the family should not be sacrificed for a hopeless treatment. On...
第 187 頁 - A donkey, loaded with salt, had to wade a stream. He fell down, and for a few minutes lay comfortably in the cool water. When he got up he felt relieved of a great part of his burden, because the salt had melted in the water. Longears noted this advantage, and at once applied it the following day, when, loaded with sponges, he again went through the same stream. 'This time he...
第 367 頁 - The disease at times runs a chronic course, at times in shifts ; it may become stationary at any stage or may regress a certain distance, but probably does not permit of a complete restitulio ad integrum.
第 123 頁 - Even the normal individual feels, as it were, two souls in his breast, he fears an event and wishes it to come, as in the case of an operation, or the acceptance of a new position. Such a double feeling tone exists most frequently and is particularly drastic when it concerns persons, whom one hates or fears and at the same time loves.
第 367 頁 - Even though we cannot as yet formulate a natural division within the disease, nevertheless schizophrenia does not appear to us as a disease in the narrower sense but as a disease group, about analogous with the group of the organic dementias, which are divided into paresis, senile forms, etc. One should, therefore, really speak of schizophrenias in the plural It is characterized by a specific kind of alteration of thinking and feeling, and of the relations with the outer world that occur nowhere...
第 511 頁 - The first necessity was the extermination, the "redemption" of his children; but the revenge against, and contempt for, the village occupied him no less. His wife he had to kill because of pity. For a person like him there are special laws. He had not only the right but the duty to do this. His plan was a "humanitarian matter.
第 524 頁 - ... all events, it is not a direct result of any process in the brain, or of a constitutional degeneration, and one must assume that at least in the milder cases the disease would not have broken out without being released by an external situation, or at least would not have assumed the same form. . . . Invariably we see at the root of the disease a situation to which the patients are not equal, and to which they react by means of the disease...
第 528 頁 - It happens that paranoid or paranoiac and rarely hypomanic patients not only can make those with whom they live close together believe in their delusions, by they so infect them that the latter under conditions themselves continue to build on the delusions.
第 475 頁 - In Euphoria the turgor vitalis is naturally raised; a patient, who in a state of melancholia is a broken-up individual, may appear twenty years younger the next day, when he has merged into a manic mood, and then present a vigorous bearing and a good appearance. All vegetative functions adapt themselves to the situation. The exalted person usually has a good appetite and effective metabolism...
第 227 頁 - Hence what is important, we shall only recognize from the study of the growing psyche of the child, and above all from aberrations of those already developed in psycho-pathology. At this time one of the most important, if not the most important path to a knowledge of the human psyche is by way of psycho-pathology •
