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His Imperial Majesty the Sultan, under conditions of administrative autonomy. It shall have a Christian Governor-general.

Article XVII. The Governor-general of Eastern Roumelia shall be nominated by the Sublime Porte, with the assent of the Powers, for a term of five years.

Crete, &c.

Article XXIII. The Sublime Porte undertakes to scrupulously apply to the island of Crete the Organic Law of 1868, with such modifications as may be considered equitable.

Similar laws adapted to local requirements, excepting as regards the exemption from taxation granted to Crete, shall also be introduced into the other parts of Turkey in Europe for which no special organization has been provided by the present treaty.

Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Article XXV. The provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall be occupied and administered by Austria-Hungary.

Montenegro, Servia, and Roumania.

Article XXVI. The independence of Montenegro, Servia, and Roumania is recognized by the Sublime Porte, and by all the high contracting parties, subject to the conditions set forth in the following

In Montenegro the difference of religious creeds and confessions shall not be alleged against any person as a ground for exclusion or incapacity in matters relating to the enjoyment of civil and political rights, admission to public employments, functions, and honours, or the exercise of the various professions and industries in any locality whatsoever.

The freedom and outward exercise of all forms of worship shall be assured to all persons belonging to Montenegro, as well as to foreigners; and no hindrance shall be offered either to the hierarchical organization of the different communions or to their relations with their spiritual chiefs.

Article XLV. The principality of Roumania restores to His Majesty the Emperor

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of Russia that portion of Bessarabian territory detached from Russia by the Treaty of Paris of 1856.

Cessions in Asia.

Article LVIII. The Sublime Porte cedes to the Russian Empire in Asia the territories of Ardahan, Kars, and Batoum, together with the latter port.

Article XIX. His Majesty the Emperor declares that it is his intention to constitute Batoum a free port, essentially commercial.

Article LX. The valley of Alaxhkerd and the town of Bayazid, ceded to Russia, are restored to Turkey.

The Sublime Porte cedes to Persia the town and territory of Khotou for its delimitation of the frontiers of Turkey and of Persia. I

"The topics regulated by the three Treaties of Paris, London, and Berlin are :

"(i.) The admission of the Porte to the concert of Europe (P. Art. 7).


'(ii.) The agreement as to resort to mediation (P. 8). "(iii.) Religious equality in Turkey (P. 9; B. 62).

The Anglo-Turkish Convention.

Article I. Batoum, Ardahan, Kars, or any of them, shall be retained by Russia, and if any attempt shall be made at any future time by Russia to take possession of any further territories of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan in Asia, as fixed by the Definitive Treaty of Peace, England engages to join His Imperial Majesty the Sultan in defending them by force of arms.

In order to enable England to make neces

"(iv.) The navigation of the Straits (P. 10; L. 2).


'(v.) The navigation of the Black Sea (P. 12; L. 3). "(vi.) The navigation of the Danube (P. 13-19; L. 4-7; B. 52-57; L. 1883).

"(vii.) Roumania (B. 43-51).

"(viii.) Servia (B. 34, 40-42).

"(ix.) Montenegro (B. 26-31, 33).

"(x.) Bulgaria (B. 1-12).

"(xi.) Eastern Roumelia (B. 13-21).

"(xii.) Bosnia and Herzegovina (B. 25).

"(xiii.) Other European provinces (B. 23).

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'(xiv.) The Armenian provinces (B. 61).

'(xv.) Cessions to Greece (B. 24; Cons. of 1881). "(xvi.) The Russian boundaries (B. 45, 58-60).

"(xvii.) The Persian boundary (B. 60)."

(Holland's "European Concert in the Eastern Question").

sary provision for executing her engagement, His Imperial Majesty the Sultan further consents to assign the island of Cyprus to be occupied and administrated by England.

Beaconsfield having thus attained "peace with honour" for England, returned, and in a speech in the House, said, "They are not movements of war, they are operations of peace and civilization; we have no reason to fear war. Her Majesty has fleets and armies which are second to none."

In the House of Lords, July 18, 1878.

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