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found in a situation where the present momentum to reinstate the professionals, technicians, engineers, researchers, and other intellectuals cannot be stopped.

The result might then be that these people establish themselves as new privileged class with the blessing of the party and military bureaucracy. Such a possibility cannot be ruled out because, for example, if the food supply problem is resolved, there is no urgent need, in the short run, to divert large R. & D. and investment resources into agriculture as this would only aggravate the issue of unemployment and labor allocation. For the time being in China, as in many other developing countries has no other choice than to use agriculture as a residual employer. Consequently, development resources such as engineering manpower, R. & D. resources, et cetera, are likely to mainly flow into the modern industrial sector. This might then add additional support to the hypothetical possibility that certain key groups in the urban-based modern economy establish themselves as privileged groups to the detriment of the majority of the population residing in rural areas thereby changing the broad economywide emphasis or scientific and technological change.

So, it might be appropriate to pose the following question. The emphasis is on urban technological change will it be possible for the Chinese leadership to maintain a fair balance between urban industry and rural agriculture? Herein we can find three different type problems with regard to changes in technology and science policy. First, will the leadership be able to maintain the delicate but necessary balance in meeting the modernization objectives while reflecting the legitimate interests of the various groups in the Chinese society? Second, as the potentially privileged groups will make use of the new situation to further their own interests, in ways detrimental to the majority of the population in the rural areas will this nonprivileged majority create a counterforce in order to redress the balance? Should this be the case the present change in technology policy would create an unstable situation. Third, will the changes create a situation where privileged groups become established as a stable new class to the detriment of the overall, long-term development of China?

It must also be emphasized that the current situation in China is rapidly changing and the structure for encouraging innovations and change in technology and science policy has not been fully worked out. The current debate on science and technology, as reflected in the news media over the past couple of years, can thus only shed limited light on the future development of science and technology in China.




Workdays of women in agriculture...

Child care for village women..






ACDWF-All-China Democratic Women's Federation

ACWF-All-China Women's Federation

APC-Agricultural Producers Cooperative

CB-Current Background

CCD Communist China Digest

CCP-Chinese Communist Party

CFJP-Chieh-fang jih-pao (Liberation Daily)

CKFN-Chung-kuo fu-nü (Women of China)

FBIS Foreign Broadcast Information Service

HCKFN-Hsin chung-kuo fu-nü (Women of New China)

HHPYK-Hsin hua pan yüeh-k'an (New China Semimonthly)
HHYP-Hsin hua yüeh pao (New China Monthly)

HK-Hong Kong

JMJP-Jen-min jih-pao (Peogle's Daily)
KJJP-Kung-jen jih-pao (Workers' Daily)
KMJP-Kuang-ming jih-pao (Enlightment Daily)
NCNA-New China News Agency

PRS - Provincial Radio Station

RPC-Rural People's Communes
RS-Radio Station

SCMM-Selections From China Mainland Magazines

SCMM Supplement-Selections From China Mainland Magazines Supplement TKP-Ta Kung Pao (The Impartial)

URS-Union Research Service

WHP-Wen hui pao (Wen hui Daily)
YCL-Young Communist League


Several years of national recovery followed the victory of the Chinese Communists in 1949 and the end of civil war in the following year. Known as the rehabilitation period, it officially ended in 1952. The first 5-year plan (FFYP) period began in 1953 and ended in 1957. The following quotation from Chairman Mao Tse-tung's address on "Coalition Government," May 1945, summarizes the long-range goal of employment policy during these years:

It is the peasants who are the source of China's industrial workers. In the future additional tens of millions of peasants will go to the cities and enter factories. If China is going to build up powerful national industries and many large modern cities, there will have to be a long process of transformation of rural into urban inhabitants.1

Transfer of labor from agriculture to industry was seen as a necessary precondition for economic development. The immediate short-term aim was recovery from more than a decade of war and achievement of increased production and an adequate living for the people of China. Greater labor inputs in combination with such institutional changes as land reform and the successive stages of cooperativization of agriculture were considered to be the best means of increasing agricultural production. In addition the policy of the Communist Party was to increase the area of cultivation, double cropping, and irrigation. At this stage mechanization of agriculture was not conceived of as a viable alternative for the immediate future.


Policies toward women in China are one aspect of the overall attempt to transform the whole country. Every change in general policy has engendered a concomitant change in policy on women. After 1949 the policies that were developed for employment in urban and rural areas showed marked differences.3 The differences were most clear


Mao Tse-tung, "Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung." vol. III, p. 250. Foreign Languages Press, Peking,

2 Chinese employment policy on women in urban production will be dealt with extensively in my book on "Women in Production in the PRC, 1949-78" to be published this autumn by the Scandinavian Institute for Asian Studies, Kejsergade 2, Copenhagen, Denmark.

According to Chinese terminology an "urban" area is a place with either more than 75 percent of it's inhabitants engaged in nonagricultural pursuits or with a population over 2,000 at least half of which is nonagricultural. The distinction between "urban" and "rural" population is not equivalent to that between nonagricultural and agricultural population. A village with less than 2,000 residents may have a number of people in nonagricultural activities, all included in the rural population. Tung-chi kung-tso t'ung-hsin (Statistical Work Bulletin), No 12, 1955.12.17.

cut in policy statements on employment of traditionally marginal groups in the labor force, such as the young, the old, and women. In contrast to employment of women in urban areas, at no time were women in rural areas officially encouraged to refrain from taking part in production. In rural areas, as policy on the employment of women developed in the early 1950's, women were urged to take part in agricultural production, and increase the number of days they did farm work.

Already at the time of John Lossing Buck's study of the rural economy of China in the 1930's there was a great amount of underutilized labor in the countryside, especially during the slack season. Only 35 percent of the agricultural male population, 15-59 years of age, worked full time in agriculture. As many as 58 percent of the male peasants worked only part time in agriculture and were idle part time. Certain characteristics of the utilization of marginal labor could be distinguished at this time.

The greater the number of busy seasons in agriculture in a region the greater the employment of the marginal labor force. Thus in North China with one to two harvests a year women, even during peak periods, played a negligible role in agriculture. On the other hand in South China, notably, in Kwangtung and Fukien provinces, women supplied up to a quarter of the labor force in the three to four annual harvests. Earlier, women in areas with more harvests had more frequently unbound feet and had looser foot bindings and greater proportions of unbound feet the lower their class.

Facilitating the increased participation of women in agricultural production required at least partial solutions to problems of changing traditional views on the role of women in farm work and making practical arrangements for them to do such work. The main difficulties were first of all taboos and prejudices against women performing certain agricultural tasks. Views of the lack of working ability inherent in such peasant sayings as "when women dig a well the water dragon will be annoyed" or "when women transplant rice, no seedlings will sprout" had to be overcome by propaganda and education.

By arranging temporary childcare and urging other members of the household to assist, more mothers could be released for agricultural work. Other practical arrangements included encouraging formation of all-female production teams and locating women in worksites near their homes and in traditionally accepted tasks.

In contrast to the agricultural male population, women of poor peasant origin from the beginning played a crucial role in production teams, as compared to men of the same origin, because they were the most skilled of their sex in farm work, since poverty forced them to do farm work from childhood on and often in low and despised jobs such as collecting manure.

Among the women they were usually the most politically reliable as well as the most experienced in farming. In the male population, however, though the poor peasant might be politically the most trustworthy, he usually was not the most knowledgeable.

J. L. Buck, "Land Utilization in China. A study of 16,786 farms in 168 localities and 38,256 farm families in 22 provinces in China, 1929-33", 1937, reprint 1964, New York, p. 289 ff. (hereinafter referred to as J. L. Buck, 1964).

& Ibid.

In China in 1949 two types of areas existed defined by different criteria where the female participation rate was higher than the average; in the earlier mentioned areas with three to four harvests annually, reviewed in Buck's study, and in the old Communistdominated areas where land reform was carried out in the 1930's, according to Chinese Communist accounts.


On June 30, 1950, the Agrarian Reform Law was enacted by the new regime. According to this law:

The land ownership system of feudal exploitation by the landlord class shall be abolished and the system of peasant landownership shall be introduced in order to set free the rural productive forces, develop agricultural production, and thus pave the way for China's industrialization."

After this land reform had redistributed land to over 300 million poor peasants, the new regime tried to widen and make permanent the traditional system of families cooperating during peak seasons in agriculture. This system of seasonal informal mutual help was through official encouragement converted into permanent mutual aid. The rationale for grouping peasant families into mutual aid teams on a year-round basis was to cope with the problems of unemployment in slack seasons and labor shortage during peak seasons. By developing subsidiary activities during slack seasons and coordinating agricultural work during busy seasons the problems of labor supply would be alleviated."

On December 16, 1953, the Chinese Communist Party adopted a resolution, "On the Development of Agricultural Producers' Cooperatives." On June 30, 1956, collectivization of agriculture was introduced in the "Model Regulations for Higher-stage Agricultural Producers' Co-operatives." 8

In contrast to the earlier agricultural producers cooperatives (APC), often referred to as lower APC's, the advanced or higher APC's required their peasant members to give up their major means of production such as privately owned land, farm implements and animals to the collective ownership of the higher APC's. In August 1958 the party passed a resolution on "The Establishment of the People's Communes in the Rural Areas." This meant amalgamation of the advanced APC's into larger administrative units known as rural people's communes. The main rationale for the formation of the people's communes was "the overall and continuous leap forward in agricultural production."

According to official Chinese claims, two-fifths of all peasant households were organized into mutual aid teams in 1953. In late 1955 three-fifths of all peasant households belonged to lower APC's, according to Communist claims, 1 year later after the big collectivization drive of 1956 practically all peasant households were included in higher APC's. In mid-1958 the first rural people's communes were

Land Reform Law of the Chinese People's Republic, 1950.6.28, in "Collection of Selected Laws of the Chinese People's Republic," pp. 127 ff. 7A. Donnithorne, China's Economic System," London, 1967, p. 31 ff.

Chao Kuo-chün, "Economic Planning and Organization in Mainland China." A documentary study (1949-57), vol. 1, 1959, p. 129 ff.

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