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[blocks in formation]

Chief of Staff: 1, 10, 40, 46, 49, 61, 69, 73, 194,
227. See also Ridgway, General Matthew B.;
Taylor, General Matthew D.

and continental defense: 269, 276-77
Eighth Army: 2

and FY 1953 force level: 41-42

and FY 1955 force level: 42, 43, 44

and FY 1956 force level: 42, 47, 54

and FY 1956-58 force levels: 51

and FY 1957 force level: 42, 48, 49, 50, 53

and FY 1958 force level: 53

and FY 1956 MDAP: 242-44

and FY 1957 MDAP: 248, 251-54

and IRBMS: 68, 69, 70-71, 72

and JMRWP-57: 25, 26

and JSCP-56: 29, 30

[blocks in formation]

Army Ballistic Missile Agency: 70
Army Organization Act of 1950: 74

Army and Air Force Authorization Act of 1949: 74
Asia: 18, 96, 237, 249

Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Materiel): 240
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Logistics and
Research and Development): 240

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Atomic
Energy: 81

Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller):
240, 254, 263

Assistant Secretary of Defense (ISA): 87, 88, 90,
96, 111, 118–19, 135, 136, 156, 162, 163, 179,
190, 217, 218, 227-28, 240-43, 249–56, 258,
260, 262-63, 265, 278

Assistant Secretary of Defense (Supply and
Logistics): 240, 263

[blocks in formation]

Budget, defense-Continued

FY 1955-58: 57

FY 1956: 47, 55, 274-75

FY 1957: 50, 54-55, 274-75, 279

FY 1958: 52, 54
FY 1959: 52

FY 1960: 52

and the Joint Chiefs of Staff: 41, 55

and JMRWP-57: 26-28

and JSOP-60: 35-36

and mobilization base: 24

and the Secretary of Defense: 41

Bulganin, Nikolai A.: 17, 18, 88, 93, 94, 95, 98,

101, 102, 116, 118, 123, 188

Bureau of the Budget: 3, 14, 41, 249-50
Burke, Admiral Arleigh: 2, 3, 128, 178, 287
and Army aviation: 75-76

and the Baghdad Pact: 160

and FY 1957 force level: 49

and ICBMs: 69

and IRBMS: 69, 71

and JSCP-57: 38

and the Suez Canal crisis: 178-79, 182
Burma: 18

Burns, Lt. Gen. E.L.M.(Canada): 190

C-124 aircraft: 186

C-130 aircraft: 219

Cairo: 30, 176

Cambodia: 221, 222, 230, 238, 239, 257, 264
Canada: 85, 93, 121, 131, 145, 187, 190, 245, 268,

272, 275, 277-79, 282

Canadian Chiefs of Staff Committee: 275, 278–79
Canal Zone: 177

Cannon, Maj. Gen. Robert M., USA: 265
Canton: 205

Cape Dyer: 275

Cape Farewell: 275-77

Carney, Admiral Robert B.: 1, 2, 108, 287

and air defense roles: 62, 276

and Taiwan: 195, 196, 198, 201, 207

Cassady, Admiral John H.: 153, 156, 157, 160, 288
Caucasus Mountains: 153

Central Europe: 30, 98, 102, 106, 116, 137, 138
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): 3, 4, 12, 167,
186, 230, 272

Ceylon: 183

Channel Command: 132. See also North Atlantic

Treaty Organization.

Chase, Maj. Gen. William C., USA: 206-08
Chidlaw, General Benjamin W., USAF: 288
Chief of Naval Operations. See Navy, US, Chief
of Naval Operations; Burke, Admiral
Arleigh; Carney, Admiral Robert B.
Chief of Staff, US Air Force. See Air Force, US,
Chief of Staff; Twining, General Nathan F.
Chief of Staff, US Army. See Army, US, Chief of

Staff; Ridgway, General Matthew B.; Taylor,
General Matthew D.

Chiefs of Staff, British: 152, 171-73, 278

Chiefs of Staff, Canada: 280

Chile: 238, 257, 264

China, People's Republic of: 5, 80, 83, 84, 85, 97,

98, 102, 176, 222, 245

and Korea: 211, 212, 218, 219

China, Republic of: 193–209, 224, 238, 249
Chinese People's Volunteers: 212

Churchill, Prime Minister Winston: 112
Civil defense: 8

"Clarification of Roles and Missions to Improve
the Effectiveness of Operation of the
Department of Defense": 60

Cold War: 105, 111, 118, 129

Collins, General J. Lawton, USA: 137–39, 142,
144, 146, 147, 148, 229-31
Colombia: 190, 238, 257, 264

Commandant, Marine Corps. See Marine Corps, US,
Commandant. See also Pate, General Randolph
McC.; Shepherd, General Lemuel C., Jr.
Commander in Chief, Alaska (CINCAL): 279–80
Commander in Chief, Atlantic (CINCLANT):
273, 276

Commander in Chief, Continental Air Defense

Command (CINCONAD): 273, 276-77, 279-81
Commander in Chief, Eastern Atlantic and

Mediterranean (CINCNELM): 153, 156, 157,
160, 169, 170, 182, 187, 191

Commander in Chief, Far East (CINCFE): 244, 249
Commander in Chief, Pacific (CINCPAC):

195-96, 199-201, 203, 206–07, 226-27, 228,
244, 249, 273, 279, 281

Commander in Chief, US Specified Command,
Middle East (CINCSPECOMME): 183
Commander in Chief, United Nations Command
(CINCUNC): 212, 214, 215, 217, 219
Communism: 5-7, 9, 105, 106, 123–29, 137, 164,

165, 187, 221, 223, 229, 231, 233-35, 237, 245,
250. See also Eastern Europe; Korea; Soviet
Union; Vietnam

Communist China. See China, People's Republic of
"Communist Inspired Threat to West Pakistan in
Conditions Short of Global War": 162
Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritime de
Suez. See Suez Canal Company.
Concept of Operations (Outline Plan). See

Congress: 21, 41, 47, 50, 52, 77, 94, 164, 198, 221,
231, 234, 238-42, 251-54, 258-60, 263, 265, 274
Constantinople Convention: 175, 183
Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD):
189, 270, 274

Continental defense: 36. See also DEW Line.

and the DEW Line extension: 275-81
and the Killian Panel: 272-75

and NSC 5408: 267-70

and the Sprague Report: 270–72

Contingency Paper Number Four. See "The UK
and France Inititate Action Against Egypt
Despite US Objections."

Contingency Paper Number One: 181
Contingency Paper Number Two: 181
Convair Corporation: 66
Corporal missile: 65, 111, 146
Cuba: 238, 257, 263, 264

Cutler, Robert: 195

Cyprus: 169, 186, 188

Czechoslovakia: 18, 116, 121, 126, 128, 156, 166,
212, 214, 217

DOD Directive 5100.1: 60, 66, 68, 73, 74, 75
DOD Directive 5132.3: 241, 244
DOD Directive 5160.22: 76

Dai, Bao: 229-30

Dakar: 179

Damascus: 185

Declaration of the Institute of International Law
(1887): 169

Denmark: 114, 119, 121, 131, 146, 190, 251, 257,

264, 278, 279

Denmark Strait: 277

Department of Defense: 2, 5, 12, 41, 47, 67, 68, 74,

126, 136, 145, 166

and the Austrian State Treaty: 108–11

and the Baghdad Pact: 156

and continental defense: 274, 275, 279, 280, 282
and disarmament plan: 81-83

and European security treaty: 118-20

and first Stassen revision: 85-86

and force reductions: 97

and Korea: 214-15, 217-20

and military assistance: 238, 250, 251, 254-56, 259

and Open Skies: 89

and SEATO: 226-29, 234

and second Stassen plan: 91

and the Suez Canal crisis: 179, 182

and summit conference: 112

and Taiwan: 195, 208

Department of State: 19, 145, 255, 256, 259
and the Arab-Israeli conflict: 166–67, 171
and the Austrian State Treaty: 107-11
and Baghdad Pact: 156, 159
and continental defense: 278-79
and disarmament plan: 82-83

and European security treaty: 118-20

and first Stassen revision: 85-86
and German reunification: 113-18
and Korea: 214-19

and SEATO: 227-28

and the Suez Canal crisis: 176-77, 179

and summit conference: 112

and Taiwan: 195, 200, 208

and Vietnam: 231

Department of the Navy: 190

Department of the Treasury: 14, 115, 167, 259
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State: 171. See also
Rountree, William M.

Deputy Secretary of Defense: 4, 68, 69, 87, 88, 92,
97, 108, 114, 115, 154, 156, 169, 244, 249. See
also Robertson, Reuben, Jr.

Deterrence: 6, 7, 39, 245

and JSOP-60: 33
Dhahran: 182-83

Diem, Ngo Dinh: 229–31

Dillon, Ambassador Douglas: 177
Disarmament: 14, 79. See also Arms control;
Nuclear weapons.

Distant Early Warning Line (DEW): 48, 49, 189
and continental defense: 268–72
Atlantic extension of: 275-79
Pacific extension of: 279-81
Dominican Republic: 238, 257, 264
DuBridge, Dr. Lee A.: 272
Dulles, Allen: 186

Dulles, John Foster: 3, 19, 97, 115, 116, 119, 145, 287
and the Arab-Israeli conflict: 170-72

and the Austrian State Treaty: 108–10

and Korea: 216, 218

and Middle East defense: 152, 159, 160, 163
and Open Skies: 88

and SEATO: 226

and Stassen plan revision (23 June 1955): 86
and the Suez Canal crisis: 176-78, 182-84,
186-87, 192

and Taiwan: 194, 197-98, 202, 204-06
and Vietnam: 229, 230, 231

East Germany: 115, 116, 121

Eastern Europe: 113, 115, 116, 121, 123, 187
Eastern Mediterranean: 169, 173

Economic and Counter-Subversion Committees.

See Baghdad Pact.

Ecuador: 238, 257, 264

Eden, Sir Anthony: 112, 116, 117, 118, 144, 145,

170-72, 177, 183, 187, 190, 203

Egypt: 102, 126, 151, 152, 154, 155, 156, 163, 255
and Arab-Israeli conflict: 165–66, 169-72, 174
and Suez Canal crisis: 175-92

Eisenhower, President Dwight D.: 1, 4, 55, 287
and the Arab-Israeli conflict: 165–66, 170–71
and atomic energy: 86

and the Austrian State Treaty: 108-11

and the Baghdad Pact: 159–60, 164

and Bulganin letter: 93-95

and compromise disarmament plan: 94–97,

and continental defense: 267-68, 273

and disarmament plan: 83, 86, 87, 93, 94, 95,


and FY 1953 force level: 42

and FY 1955 force level: 43

and FY 1956 force level: 42-43, 47

and FY 1957 force level: 43, 49, 50
and FY 1956 MDAP: 240-41

and FY 1957 MDAP: 251, 252, 259–60
and FY 1958 MDAP: 260, 265

Eisenhower, President Dwight D.-Continued

and Hungarian revolt: 124–27

and ICBMs: 69, 70

and IRBMs: 70

and Korea: 214, 216, 220

and NSC 5428: 152

and NSC 5524/1: 115-16

and NSC 5608/1:123

and NSC 5612/1: 234

and the New Look: 1, 43, 47

and nuclear inspections: 94–95, 102-03

and nuclear test ban: 101-02

and nuclear weapons: 19

and Open Skies: 86-88, 91, 92, 95, 117
and second Stassen plan : 92-93

and Soviet foreign policy: 18

and Stassen plans (26 May and 23 June 1955):

and the Suez Canal crisis: 176-78, 182-84,

[blocks in formation]

Faroe Islands: 272-73, 275, 277-79
Farrell, Maj. Gen. F.W., USA: 12
Faure, Premier Edgar: 116, 203, 230–31
Fedayeen: 185

Finland: 190

Finletter, Thomas: 72

Fixed-wing aircraft: 72, 74, 75, 76

Foochow: 195–96, 206–07

Force levels, US. See also Air force, US, force
levels; Army, US, force levels; Marine Corps,
US, force levels; Navy, US, force levels;
Middle East; North Atlantic Treaty
Organization, force levels.

FY 1953: 41

FY 1954-57: 56

FY 1955-58: 45, 205

FY 1956: 42, 50, 54, 205

FY 1956-58: 51

FY 1957: 42, 48, 49, 50

FY 1958: 50

FY 1957 MDAP: 247

FY 1958 MDAP: 260–61

and JSOP-60: 37

in the Middle East: 169-70
NATO: 134

and NSC 5501:9

Foreign Operations Administration (FOA): 240
Formosa. See China, Republic of; Taiwan.
Forrestal, USS: 189

Fox, Lt. Gen. Alonzo P.: 179

France: 6, 7, 17, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 93, 98, 102, 106,
107, 126, 131, 139, 146, 163, 238, 248, 257, 264
and Algeria: 136–39

and the Arab-Israeli conflict: 165-66, 168,
171-72, 174

and the Austrian State Treaty: 102, 106, 107, 110
and Korea: 213, 216

and NATO redeployment: 136–39, 149–50

and SEATO: 222, 229

and the Suez Canal crisis: 175–92

and summit conference: 112-18

and Vietnam: 229–32

Franklin D. Roosevelt, USS: 189

French Expeditionary Corps: 231

French Ministry of Defense: 136, 137

French North Africa: 169

French Union: 231

[blocks in formation]

Germany, Federal Republic of: 5, 17, 30, 37, 48,

65, 83, 84, 85, 106, 107, 110, 175, 203, 238, 243,
251, 255, 257, 264

and NATO: 131, 134, 139, 146, 148-50

reunification of: 113-18, 121-22

Gero, Erno: 124

Gomulka, Wladyslaw: 124, 128

Goose Bay: 189

Gray, Gordon: 87, 190, 217, 219, 220, 250, 254,

255, 258, 260-62, 287

Great Britain: 68, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 93, 98, 99, 126,
136, 139, 142

and the Arab-Israeli conflict: 170-74

and the Austrian State Treaty: 102, 106, 110-11
and European security treaty: 121-22

and Korea: 213, 216

and Middle East defense: 151, 152, 153, 154,
155, 156, 163

and SEATO: 235

and the Suez Canal crisis: 175–92
and summit conference: 112-18

Greece: 30, 131, 136, 146, 237-39, 243, 251, 257, 264
Greenland: 191, 272-73, 275-78

Gruenther, General Alfred M., USA: 140-44, 146,
147, 253, 288

Guatemala: 257, 264

Gulf of Aden: 151

Gulf of Aquaba: 188

H-bomb: 101

Haitan Island: 194

Haiti: 243, 257, 264

Harmon: 189

Hawaii: 271, 273, 274, 279-81

Hawk: 271

Hedding, Rear Admiral Truman J.: 171–73

Helicopters: 72, 74, 75, 76

Henderson, Loy W.: 183

Hensel, H. Struve: 241, 249-50, 287

Heusinger, General Adolf: 37

Hindu Kush Mountains: 157

Hitler, Adolf: 106, 177, 179

Holsteinborg, Greenland: 275, 277
Honduras: 238

Honest John: 111, 146, 219-20, 252, 254, 256, 263
Hong Kong: 30

Hoover, Herbert, Jr.: 154, 155, 156, 171-72, 189,

191, 200, 205, 215, 216

House Armed Services Committee: 37
House Subcommittee on Defense

Appropriations: 47

Hull, General John E., USA: 288

Humphrey, George M.: 19, 176

Hungary: 116, 122, 124-29, 187
Huntsville, Alabama: 70

Iceland: 131, 148, 179, 272-73, 275, 277-78
Ichiang Island: 194, 196

Ikateq: 277

India: 18, 102, 183, 190, 221, 233
Indochina: 7, 42, 221, 223, 230, 233
Indonesia: 30, 183, 190, 193, 238, 257, 264
Intelligence Advisory Committee: 185
Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance: 29
Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). See

Missiles, ICBMs. Interceptor aircraft: 59, 61, 62
Interdepartmental Committee on Disarmament
Policy: 99

Interim Plan. See BP/MIDMIL/MP/56/1.
Intermediate range ballistic missiles (IRBMs). See
Missiles, IRBMs.

International Cooperation Administration (ICA):
240, 243, 251, 259

International Security Plan: 244-45

Iran: 29, 146, 152, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 162, 238,
242, 248, 250, 255, 257, 259, 261, 264

Iraq: 152, 154, 155, 156, 159, 165, 169, 170, 179,
238, 257, 260, 264

Iron Curtain: 102, 105, 127
Ismailia: 187

Israel: 102, 151, 155, 156, 163

and Arab states: 165-74

and the Suez Canal crisis: 175-92

Italy: 30, 111, 114, 126, 131, 136, 146, 175, 238, 243,
257, 264

Ivelaw-Chapman, Air Chief Marshal P.: 153

JCS 2099/466: 247

JCS 2101/113: 1, 42, 43

Japan: 29, 30, 48, 67, 84, 85, 146, 193, 221, 224,
233, 242-43, 245, 248-50, 257, 264

Johnson Island: 281

Joint Air Force-Navy Feasibility Study Group:


Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)

and Ad Hoc Committee for Reappraisal of
World-Wide MDAP: 28

and air defense: 61-65, 142, 144

and the Arab-Israeli conflict: 167-74

and arms control: 5, 79-104

and Army aviation: 72–76

and the Austrian State Treaty: 108-11

and BP/MIDMIL/MP/56/1: 161-63

and the Baghdad Pact: 154-64

and Basic National Security Policy: 1, 4, 5, 8,
11, 12, 14-17, 20-21

and Bulganin letter: 93–94, 95, 100
Chairman: 3, 65, 66, 68, 69, 76, 77

and conventional force reduction: 91-92

and European security treaty: 118-22

and FY 1955 force level: 43, 44

and FY 1956 force level: 42

and FY 1956-58 force levels: 51

and FY 1957 force level: 47-49

and FY 1958 force level: 51

and FY 1958-60 force levels: 51-52
and FY 1959 force level: 51

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