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Joint Chief of Staff (JCS)-Continued

and FY 1956 MDAP: 241-44

and FY 1957 MDAP: 244–59

and first Stassen plan: 85–86

and first Stassen revision: 85-86

and force reductions: 96-97

and French NATO force redeployment: 136–39

and Hungarian revolt: 126

and ICBMs: 68-69

and IRBMS: 68-69, 77

and JMRWP-57: 26

and JSCP-56: 28-31, 39

and JSCP-57: 33

and JSOP-60: 32-34

and the Killian Report: 11-12, 67-68

and Korea: 213-20

and land-based Talos: 62-65

and MC 48: 132-40

and Middle East defense: 151-64

and MOP 84: 23, 28-29, 31, 38–39

and NATO force levels: 132, 134-36, 140

and NATO infrastructure projects: 146-49
and NSC 5428: 167

and NSC 5501: 8, 9, 10, 16

and NSC 5514: 213

and NSC 5524: 115

and NSC 5524/1: 118

and NSC 5602: 12-18

and NSC 5602/1: 18-21

and NSC 5608/1:123

and NSC 5612: 234

and NSC 5616/1: 127-28

and NSC 5616/2: 128

and the National Security Council: 3-5

and the New Look: 1

and nuclear inspection: 89-90, 93, 95, 96, 119–20

and nuclear test ban: 91

and Open Skies: 87-88

Operations Deputies: 35

and planning: 23

and "Program for Planning": 23

and SEATO: 224-28, 234-35

and second Stassen plan: 91-92

and second Stassen revision: 93–94
and Service functions: 72-78
and Soviet bloc: 113, 123–29

Special Assistant for NSC Affairs: 4, 12
Special Assistant for Mutual Defense
Assistance Affairs: 265

and Stassen compromise plan: 100

and the Suez Canal crisis: 178–82, 188–92
and summit conference: 112

and surprise attack: 85, 87, 91, 104
and T-37 aircraft: 72-73

and Taiwan: 195–96, 198-99, 204-09

and US disarmament policy: 93–94
and US/Soviet policy: 17

and Vietnam: 230, 232

and weapons development: 59-60
and the White Book: 136

[blocks in formation]

Korea, Republic of (ROK): 213, 215, 217, 218, 219, 267
Korean People's Army: 212

Korean War: 2, 41, 66, 152, 211, 237, 258

Kra Isthmus: 30

Khrushchev, Nikita S.: 17, 18, 123, 124
Kuntilla: 185

Labrador: 191

Laos: 221, 222, 230, 239, 257, 264

Latin America: 239, 243, 248, 249, 255, 257, 264
Lebanon: 154, 155, 165, 169, 170, 179
LeMay, General Curtis, USAF: 50, 288

Lemnitzer, General Lyman L., USA: 212-17, 288
Lend-lease: 18

Libya: 146, 255, 257, 263, 264

"Limited War Plan to Deal with Communist

Inspired and Aided Aggression by

Afghanistan Against Pakistan": 162

Lincoln Laboratory: 270

Lloyd, Selwyn: 170

Lodge, Henry Cabot: 186, 200

London: 98, 104, 113, 121, 173, 183-85, 191
London Conference: 181-85
Loper, Maj. Gen. Herbert B.: 81
Luchow: 206–07

Luxembourg: 114, 131, 238, 257, 264

MC 32/6: 149

MC 48: 114, 132-40, 146, 147, 149
MC 54: 144

MacArthur, Douglas, II: 112, 171
McGuire, Perkins: 263

Macmillan, Harold: 116

Makins, Sir Roger: 197
Malaya: 224

Malenkov, Georgi M.: 6, 17, 105
Manchuria: 212

Manila Pact: 221, 222, 231, 232. See also Southeast

Asia Collective Defense Treaty.

Marine Corps, US

and the Arab-Israeli conflict: 169-70
Commandant: 46, 224. See also Pate, General
Randolph McC.; Shepherd, General Lemuel
C., Jr.

FY 1953 force level: 41-42

FY 1955 force level: 42-44

FY 1956 force level: 42, 47, 54

FY 1956-58 force levels: 52

FY 1957 force level: 42, 48-50, 53

FY 1958 force level: 53

and JMRWP-57: 25, 26

and JSCP-56: 29, 30

and JSCP-57: 38

and JSOP-60: 34, 36

and the Manila Pact: 222, 226

and NATO force level (1955): 134

objections to FY 1955-58 force level reductions: 44

and the Suez Canal crisis: 180, 186

and Taiwan: 206

Maritime Provinces: 280

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 11, 67,
270, 272

Matador: 252, 256, 263

Mathewson, Lt. Gen. Lemuel, USA: 288
Matsu Islands: 194, 197, 200-03, 205-06
"Measures to Increase the Effectiveness of

Defense Efforts of Signatory States." See

Mediterranean Sea: 146, 182, 186, 187
"Meeting the Threat of Surprise Attack." See
Killian Report.

Memel: 119

Memorandum of Policy (MOP) 84: 23, 28-29, 31,

Mendes-France, Premier Pierre: 144

Menzies, R.G.: 183

Middle East: 18, 26, 27, 30, 102, 151-63, 221, 245,

248, 250, 255, 257, 259, 264
Arab-Israeli conflict in: 165-74
Suez Canal crisis in: 175-92

Middle East Defense Organization (MEDO): 152,

Middle East Policy Planning Group (MEPPG):
179, 181, 182, 184

Midway Island: 272-74, 279-81

MiG aircraft: 206

Military Armistice Commission (MAC): 211–12,
214-16, 218

Military assistance. See Mutual Defense
Assistance Program (MDAP).

Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG):
201, 206-07, 240, 241, 246, 250, 253, 260
Military Committee. See Baghdad Pact; North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Military Deputies. See Baghdad Pact.
"Military and Other Requirements for Our

National Security": 20

"Military Problems Involved in Action Under
the Tripartite Declaration of 1950": 171
Military Representatives Committee. See North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).


air-to-air: 252, 271, 272-73

and continental defense: 267, 268, 271-73, 282
ICBMs: 6, 66-70, 72, 91, 95, 96, 110, 273
IRBMS: 67-70, 72

surface-to-air: 60-65, 77, 252

surface-to-surface: 60, 65–66

Mobile, Alabama: 95

Mobilization base: 14-15

and JMRWP: 25, 26

and JSOP-60: 34-37

and NSC 5602: 14-15

Mollet, Guy: 187

Molotov, V. M.: 107

Monro, Sir Leslie: 199

Moscow: 106, 110, 119, 123, 125, 176, 191

Munitions Board: 24

Murmansk: 276

Mutual Defense Assistance Management

Council: 238

Mutual Defense Assistance Program (MDAP):

28, 239-40

FY 1950: 239
FY 1951: 239

FY 1952: 238-39

FY 1954: 238-39

FY 1955: 238-39

FY 1956: 239, 241-44, 245-46, 265

FY 1957: 239, 244-60

FY 1958: 239, 260-65

Mutual Security Program

FY 1956: 241-44

FY 1957: 253

Mutual Weapons Development Programs: 263

NSC 112: 80, 81

NSC 162/2: 1

NSC 164/1: 111

NSC 170/1: 213

NSC 5405: 233, 234

NSC 5408: 267-70

NSC 5428: 152-53, 166-68

NSC 5429/5: 193, 194-97, 221, 232
NSC 5501

and continental defense: 10, 274-75
and Eisenhower economic policy: 8
Estimate of the Situation: 12

and JSCP-57: 32

and Soviet nuclear capability: 5, 6, 7

and US nuclear capability: 8, 9, 10, 15-16, 115
revision of: 12-21. See also NSC 5602; NSC 5602/1.

NSC 5514: 213

NSC 5524: 115

NSC 5524/1: 115, 116

NSC 5602

and arms control: 19

and deterrence: 13, 16

and mobilization base: 14-15, 19
and NATO: 13

and R&D: 13

and Soviet military strength: 17
and US nuclear capability: 15-16
NSC 5602/1: 100

and bacteriological weapons: 19
and chemical weapons: 19
and deterrence: 20-21

and initial JCS reaction: 20-21

and JSCP-57: 32

and JSOP-60: 34

and US nuclear capability: 19

NSC 5603: 111

NSC 5608/1: 123, 125

NSC 5612: 233-34

NSC 5612/1: 234

[blocks in formation]

Navy, Pakistani: 247

Navy, Republic of China: 247
Navy, Republic of Korea: 247
Navy, US

and the Arab-Israeli conflict: 169-70

Chief of Naval Operations: 1, 2, 34, 49, 55, 71,
75, 76, 93, 128, 146, 156, 182, 195, 201, 207,
209, 227, 275–79. See also Carney, Admiral
Robert B.; Burke, Admiral Arleigh.

and continental defense: 269, 271, 275-77
Director, Strategic Plans Division: 3
and FY 1953 force level: 41-42

and FY 1955 force level: 42, 43, 44

NSC 5616: 125-27

NSC 5616/1: 127

NSC 5616/2: 128

and FY 1956 force level: 42, 47, 54

and FY 1956-58 force levels: 51

and FY 1957 force level: 42, 48, 49, 50, 53

Navy, US Continued

and FY 1958 force level: 53
and FY 1956 MDAP: 242–44

and FY 1957 MDAP: 248, 251-54

Fast Carrier Task Force 58: 2
and JMRWP-57: 25, 26

and JSCP-56: 29, 30

and JSCP-57: 38

and JSOP-60: 34-35, 36

and NATO force level (1955): 134, 143

and nuclear inspection: 90

and SEATO: 223

Seventh Fleet: 189

Sixth Fleet: 146, 169, 186, 187, 189

Special Projects Office: 70

and the Suez Canal crisis: 180, 182, 186, 187,
189, 190, 191

Support Activity Command: 191
and surface-to-air missiles: 61-65
and Taiwan: 76, 77, 194, 200, 205

Task Force 76: 200

Task Force 77: 200

and weapons program: 59, 60
Navy, Vietnamese: 247

Nazism: 106, 116

Near East: 239, 242

Netherlands: 114, 131, 175, 238, 243, 251, 257, 264

Neutral Nations Inspection Teams (NNITs): 212,

Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission

(NNSC): 211–18

Newfoundland: 191

New Look: 1, 2, 9, 20, 40, 235

New York: 276

New Zealand: 187, 193-94, 199, 203, 222, 245, 249
Nicaragua: 238, 257, 264

Nike Atlas: 61, 63, 219, 256, 263, 271-73, 282
Nike Hercules: 61, 63

Nile River: 175

Norstad, General Lauris, USAF: 288

North Africa: 136-39, 149, 179, 185

North America: 269, 275-77, 280-81

North Atlantic Council. See North Atlantic
Treaty Organization.

North Atlantic Treaty: 131

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): 5,
37, 99, 100, 102, 105, 111, 113, 114, 120, 121,
129, 131-32

Air Defense Technical Center: 144
and air defense: 140-44, 275-76, 278–79
Annual Review Questionnaire (1955): 132-36
Annual Review Questionnaire (1956): 140
Country Study on France: 138

force levels: 133-44

and French force redeployment: 136–39,

and German participation: 131, 134, 146,


Infrastructure Committee: 147
logistics program: 146–49

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)—


and MC 48: 132–40

and Middle East defense: 153, 155

and military assistance: 238, 243, 245, 248
Military Committee: 132, 144, 149
Military Representatives Committee: 132
North Atlantic Council: 131-33, 136, 137, 138,

142, 144, 256

and nuclear weapons: 132-33, 144-46, 150
Southern European Task Force: 146

Standing Group: 132, 136, 137, 138, 140, 144,
147, 149, 279

and the Suez Canal crisis: 181

White Book: 136

North Korea: 193, 212, 216, 218, 219

Norway: 30, 131, 144, 146, 190, 238, 243, 257, 261, 264
Nuclear weapons: 19, 20, 110. See also

Disarmament; Weapons.

and continental defense: 267-72

and JCS 2101/113: 42

and JMRWP-57: 25-26

and JSCP-56: 29

and JSCP-57: 31-32

and JSOP-60: 33-34
in Korea: 219–20
and MC 48: 132-40
and MDAPs: 258

and Middle East defense: 153

and NATO: 132-40, 144-46

and SEATO: 224-25

and Soviet arms control policy: 79–81

and Soviet capability: 66, 67

Soviet control of: 79, 80, 81, 86

and US arms control policy: 79–81
and US capability: 66

US control of: 79, 80, 81, 84-86

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

RF84-F aircraft: 219

Raab, Chancellor Julius: 107

Radford, Admiral Arthur W.: 1, 3, 46, 55, 128

and air defense roles: 62, 65

and the Arab-Israeli conflict: 171-73

and Army aviation: 76

and the Baghdad Pact: 156, 159

and FY 1957 force level: 49

and FY 1958 force level: 52

and FY 1957 MDAP: 249

and FY 1958 MDAP: 262, 263, 265

and French NATO forces redeployment: 137, 138
and ICBMs: 68

and IRBMs: 68, 71

and Korea: 214-20

and NATO force levels (1955): 135

and Open Skies: 87

and SEATO: 225, 231, 232

SEATO Council: 222, 228

Saigon: 229

Sanmen Bay: 195

Saudi Arabia: 169-70, 179, 192

Science Advisory Committee: 67, 272. See also

Killian Panel; Office of Defense Mobilization.
Scotland: 277

Secretary of the Air Force: 65, 68, 72-73, 190, 249.
See also Finletter, Thomas; Quarles, Donald
A.; Talbott, Harold E.

Secretary of the Army: 70, 72, 217, 249. See also
Pace, Frank.

Secretary of Defense: 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 13, 14, 16, 20,

26, 31, 34, 35, 36, 39, 60, 62, 63, 65, 68, 69, 70,
72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 81, 84, 86, 91, 95, 101, 108,
111, 121, 126, 128, 135, 136, 139, 145, 154, 155,

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