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"Contradictions of Communism" is intended to serve as a preliminary guide to the conflicting nature and inconsistencies of the dogma of Marxism-Leninism, under which we include the teachings of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, his collaborator, V. I. Lenin, Joseph Stalin, his disciple, and Nikita S. Khrushchev, present Soviet Premier. Since the world struggle between communism and the free world is being fought considerably in the realm of ideas, it is essential that Communist concepts be effectively challenged if we are to survive.

As a subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee is interested in legislation which will counteract the forces of communism. In order to formulate such legislation intelligently, it is necessary to begin with a knowledge of Communist fundamentals, especially its inner contradictions.

The study will seek to break through the ideological barrier which the Communists have erected in various ways against those who would challenge the soundness of their doctrine. They have often relied upon sheer audacity to terrorize and paralyze their critics. In fact, from the time of the pronouncement of the "Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848 to the present, the Communists have adhered to Danton's famous maxim, "de l'audace, de l'audace, encore de l'audace!" (audacity, audacity, still more audacity). Both Engels and V. I. Lenin swore by it. Although they represented but a mere handful of Communists at the time, Marx and Engels, in their "Manifesto," did not hesitate to warn "the ruling classes [to] tremble at a Communist revolution." Marx even threatened his enemies with the "mailed fist of the people," whom he had no claim to represent, and with "revolutionary terror," which he had no power to invoke.



The Communists have hammered home their propaganda with a fanaticism and intolerance calculated to overwhelm their opponents. With unshakable self-assurance, they have boasted about the complete infallibility of their prognostications and have in fact endowed their doctrines with a quality of historical inevitability and scientific validity. Year after year they have pounded on the same themes with a persistence aimed at wearing down all resistance. They have appropriated to themselves a monopoly of humanitarian aims and principles. At the same time they have not hesitated to resort to the vilest slanders and even physical violence to intimidate and overpower their antagonists. Constantly on the offensive, they have not allowed their opponents a moment's respite. It is indeed high time that Communist spiritual terrorism is effectively challenged by the forces of the free world.

1 V. I. Lenin, "Can Bolsheviks Retain State Power" (October 1917), "Selected Works" (International Publishers, New York, 1943), vol. VI, pp. 291, 292.

2 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, "Manifesto of the Communist Party" (International Publishers, New York, 1932).

Karl Marx, "Collected Works" (in German), pt. 1, vol. 7, pp. 423 and 442.


Although this study is purely preliminary and by no means exhaustive, we propose to compare some of the glowing promises of Marxism-Leninism with actual performance. It is our purpose to put Marxism-Leninism in the witness box to determine how its statements square with each other. We wish to compare the hard facts of reality with the extravagant claims of Communist doctrine. We have taken the liberty to test Communist monopolistic claims to humanitarian principles; where, if the spokesmen for MarxismLeninism have lied deliberately before the world, we wish to make that plain. Our ultimate ambition is to lay the basis for a situation in which every intelligent American is competent to subject any Communist or pro-Communist, be he American or Russian, to intelligent, sophisticated, and challenging question.

In the main, we have relied chiefly upon Communist-Soviet sources, except in the field of Soviet economics, which are both incomplete and misleading in the texts which reach the non-Soviet world. We hope, however, that the texts given herewith will encourage and inspire students to read more deeply into the subject and for that purpose an informative, anti-Communist reading list is appended. We raise the question as to whether Marxism-Leninism is really something specific and constant, or whether it is currently what Lenin-Stalin-Khrushchev say it is. Just as the development of sputnik has precipitated an awakening in the field of scientific study in the United States, it is high time that the fallacious pronouncements of Marxism-Leninism which have had a tremendous worldwide impact, should stimulate a similar awakening in the study of world politics and political science. Once and for all, we should cease being intellectually too indolent and morally too supine to meet the challenge of Communist dogma which history places before us.


It may be held by some that the utterances of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin, which are presented herewith, are outdated and no longer held by the international Communist movement. Nothing could be further from the truth. Here it should be noted that two editions of Marx-Engels works have been published up to 1955, the fifth edition of V. I. Lenin's "Collected Works" has been published in 1958 and 13 volumes of Joseph Stalin's works have been published up to 1951-with 13 volumes in English, All of these works have been published in Moscow, the mecca of world communism.

In September 1958, the Moscow Pravda announced:

"All our party's work and its wise, farsighted policy is based on the granite foundation of Marxist-Leninist theory. The task consists in studying tirelessly and profoundly the works of genius of Marx, Engels, and Lenin-the treasury of the great ideas of communism." 4

In preparation for the celebration of the 41st anniversary of the Russian Revolution, which is commemorated by Communist Parties throughout the world, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union broadcast from Moscow the following slogan to its supporters everywhere:

"Under the banner of Marxism-Leninism, under the leadership of the Communist Party, forward to the victory of communism!" 5

Moscow, Soviet Home Service Broadcast, Sept. 30, 1958.

Moscow broadcast, Oct. 18, 1958.

Soviet Premier Khrushchev put it this way:

If anyone thinks we shall forget about Marx, Engels, and Lenin, he is mistaken. This will happen when shrimps learn to whistle."

The voice of the Communist Party, U.S.A., joined in this international chorus at its 16th national convention in February 1957. We cite in this connection a passage from the constitution adopted on that occasion:


The Communist Party bases its theory * * * particularly on the principles of scientific socialism as developed by Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, and V. I. Lenin.'

With delightful but apparently unconscious inconsistency-or do they think we are all stupid enough to swallow this the same constitution of the CPUSA assured all and sundry that it "strives to carry forward the democratic traditions of Jefferson, Paine, Lincoln, and Frederick Douglass." 8

Speaking nearly 2 years after the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, at which he had accused Stalin of having "walked all over Lenin's principles", Nikita S. Khrushchev paid him this glowing tribute as a Marxist-Leninist:


As a devoted Marxist-Leninist and a staunch revolutionary, Stalin will occupy a worthy place in history. Our Party and the Soviet people will remember Stalin and pay tribute to him.10

Indeed it must be remembered that it was Joseph Stalin who specifically defined the relationship between Marxism and Leninism in his authoritative book on "Leninism":

Leninism is the further development of Marxism. Leninism is Marxism in the epoch of imperialism and proletarian revolution.11

But international communism goes further than that in its denunciation of those who would dare to intimate that Marxism-Leninism is "outmoded" or that it "has lost its significance." Such individuals or parties are branded with the unpardonable crime of "revisionism" in the declaration of Communist and Workers Parties adopted in Moscow, November 14-16, 1957:

In the bedrock of the relations between the countries of the world Socialist system and all the Communist and Workers Parties lie the principles of Marxism-Leninism *** Modern revisionism seeks to smear the great teachings of Marxism-Leninism, declares that it is "outmoded" and alleges that it has lost its significance for social progress *** The experience of the international Communist movement shows that resolute defense by the Com

International Affairs, Moscow, January 1956, p. 2.

Constitution of the Communist Party, U.S.A. (proceedings, 16th National Convention, Communist Party, U.S.A., Feb. 9-12, 1957, p. 336).

8 Ibid., p. 336.

Nikita S. Khrushchev, speech at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Feb. 25, 1956.

10 Nikita S. Khrushchev, Nov. 6, 1957, before the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. (New World Review, December 1957, p. 35).

J. Stalin, "Leninism" (vol. I, pp. 8, 9, 1933 ed.).


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