Problematic Sovereignty: Contested Rules and Political Possibilities

Columbia University Press, 2001 - 367 頁
Some of the most pressing issues in the contemporary international order revolve around a frequently invoked but highly contested concept: sovereignty. To what extent does the concept of sovereignty - as it plays out in institutional arrangements, rules and principles - inhibit the solution of these issues? Can the rules of sovereignty be bent? Can they be ignored? Do they represent an insurmountable barrier to stable solutions or can alternative arrangements be created? Problematic Sovereignty attempts to answer these and other fundamental questions by taking account of the multiple, sometimes contradictory, components of the concept of sovereignty in cases ranging from the struggle for sovereignty between China and Taiwan to the compromised sovereignty of Bosnia under the Dayton Accord.

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關於作者 (2001)

Stephen D. Krasner is Graham H. Stuart Professor of International Relations and Senior Fellow at the Institute for International Studies at Stanford University. His publications include Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy.
