Tramp: The Life of Charlie Chaplin

Open Road Media, 2014年7月1日 - 606 頁
Charlie Chaplin made an amazing seventy-one films by the time he was only thirty-three years old. He was known not only as the world’s first international movie star, but as a comedian, a film director, and a man ripe with scandal, accused of plagiarism, communism, pacifism, liberalism, and anti-Americanism. He seduced young women, marrying four different times, each time to a woman younger than the last. In this animated biography of Chaplin, Joyce Milton reveals to us a life riddled with gossip and a struggle to rise from an impoverished London childhood to the life of a successful American film star. Milton shows us how the creation of his famous character—the Tramp, the Little Fellow—was both rewarding and then devastating as he became obsolete with the changes of time. Tramp is a perceptive, clever, and captivating biography of a talented and complicated man whose life was filled with scandal, politics, and art.



They Were Nothing Nothing NOTHING
A Romance of Cockayne
A Film Johnnie
The Vagabond
The Black Panther
A Total Stranger to Life
City Lights
Disillusion of Love Fame and Fortune
Modern Times
The Great Dictator
Shadow and Substance
The Public Wants a Victim
A King in Switzerland
Authors Note

A Woman of Paris
The Gold Rush
The Circus

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關於作者 (2014)

Joyce Milton is the author of Loss of Eden: A Biography of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, The Yellow Kids: Foreign Correspondents in the Heyday of Yellow JournalismTramp: The Life of Charlie ChaplinThe Rosenberg File (with Ronald Radosh), and Vicki (with Anne Bardash).
