ePub 版

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Henderson, Neville. The Failure of a Mission. New York, 1940.

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Huntington, Samuel P. Political Order in Changing Societies. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1968.

Inkeles, Alexander, and Raymond A. Bauer. The Soviet Citizen-Daily Life in a Totalitarian Society. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1959.

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Lasswell, Harold C., Nathan Leites, and Associates. Language of Politics. New York, 1949.

Lasswell, Harold D., and David Lerner. World Revolutionary Elites. Cambridge, Mass.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1965.

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[blocks in formation]


Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Assistant Chief of Psychological Warfare
Assistant Chief of Staff

Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence
Army Concept Team in Vietnam (U.S.)
Atomic Energy Commission

American Forces Network

agitation and propaganda

(Cambodian Information Agency)
Agency for International Development

American Land Forces (Lebanon crisis)
armed propaganda team

U.S. Army Regulation on "Public Information-
Community Relations." (1957)

Audience Research Division (of Radio Liberty)
Advanced Research Projects Agency

Army of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam)
Assistant Secretary of Defense

Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Se-
curity Affairs

British Broadcasting Corporation

battalion combat team (in the Philippines)

Civil Affairs (U.S. Army)

Civil Affairs Office (in the Philippines)

Chinese Communist Party (People's Republic of China)

Council of Economic Advisors

Chinese Communists

Central Intelligence Agency

Counterintelligence Corps

Civilian Irregular Defense Group (in Vietnam)
Civil-Military Operations

Central Office of Information (Great Britain)
Commander, U.S. Military Assistance Command Viet-


Conferência de Organizacioes Nacionalistas das
Colônias Portuguêsas (Conference of the Nationalist
Organizations of the Portuguese Colonies) (Portugal)
continental United States




Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (South Vietnamese organization)

Central Office for South Vietnam (in North Vietnam) combined PSYOP center (in South Vietnam) Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Community Relations Advisory Council(s)

Commonwealth Relations Office (United Kingdom)
Communist Terrorist Organization (Malaya)
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic

Development Assistance Committee

Deputy Chief of Mission (diplomatic)






corps tactical zone


















Director of Defense Research and Engineering

Dental Civic Action Project

Defense Intelligence Agency
demilitarized zone

Deputy Director for Operations (Counterinsurgency
and Special Activities) (in the Joint Chiefs of Staff)
U.S. Department of Defense

Defense Program Review Committee (of the National
Security Council)

Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)
essential elements of information

Eighth U.S. Army, Korea

Executive Committee of the National Security Council
(of the United States)

Forces Armées Royales (Royal Armed Forces) (Laos)
Far East Command

Front pour la Libération et L'Indépendance Nationale
de la Guinée Dite Portugaise (Front for the Liberation
and National Independence of So-Called Portuguese

Front de Libération Nationale (National Liberation
Front) (Algeria)

U.S. Army Field Manual. The Law of Land Warfare,
18 July 1966

U.S. Army Field Manual. Combat Intelligence, 12
February 1971

U.S. Army Field Manual. Civil Affairs Operations,
May 1962; August 1967; October 1969

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