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plays: See drama as a communication channel

postage stamps, use in PSYOP: See mail as a communication channel
Pour Vous, Madame: 1087

POW cooperation in PSYOP: 406-407, 416-420, 487-488, 512

as source of PSYOP intelligence, 512-518, 575-578, 725-726
policy, PSYOP: See PSYOP policy

"political development": 465-471

political themes in PSYOP: 405

POLWAR: See PSYOP (see also PSYOP, South Vietnamese)

populace and resources control: 60

posters, 26

practical jokes are PSYOP: 767-770

Pravda: 712, 1039-1040, 1091

press, the (see also newspapers):

government relations with, 167-173
military security and, 172

role in society, 168-169

in Vietnam, 167–174

primary group: 64–67

role in communication, 28

printed media: 696-697, 700, 939-942, 1046-1048

in developing countries, 939-943

prisoner treatment as PSYOP theme: 404-405

Project Falling Leaves: 413-416

propaganda (see also PSYOP; communications; terminology for PSYOP): 1011-1021, 1075–


African, 1122-1141, 1146-1152

definition of, 1012

East Asian, 1105-1115

East European, 1090–1105

grey and black, 8, 678-679, 720-721, 761

and ideology, 1027-1072

insurgent, 1141-1163

Pacific area, 1120-1122

role of the government system in, 1027-1058

role of ideology in, 1027-1028

Southeast Asian, 1115-1120

as term for PSYOP, 2

use of analysis of foreign government, 545–548

West European, 1075–1089

propaganda cycle: See PSYOP cycle

psychological action (l'action psychologique): See terminology for PSYOP

Psychological Action Service (SAPI) (French): 251–259

psychological implications of the use of force: 422-424

psychological operations (see PSYOP)

Psychological Operations Coordinating Committee: 19

psychological warfare (PYWAR): See terminology for PSYOP; PSYOP, evolution of
PSYOP (see also terminology for PSYOP)

in Algeria, 248-259

American people's attitude toward, 2-3, 6-7

British, 7, 18-19, 49, 186-191, 379-380, 1075-1084

British attitude toward, 7

Chinese (People's Republic of China), 29, 41-43, 194-197, 344, 722-725, 735-739, 1041

in Africa, 1110-1115

historical, 1073

PSYOP (con't)

Chinese (Republic of China), 463, 1105-1110
as communication, 22

comparison of U.S. and Soviet, 9, 848-854

in counterinsurgencies, 370-379, 446

in the Cuban missile crisis, 178-181, 259-261, 386–391

definitions of, 40-47, 69

in Dominican Republic, 229-232, 262-266

in the era of national liberation wars (post-1960), 10-11, 69, 149-154, 397-400
evolution of, 2-13

French, 234-241, 248-259

in Cameroon, 234–241

in Hungarian uprising, 382–386

importance of systematic research to, 479

in insurgencies (see also PSYOP in the era of national liberation wars), 149-154, 183,
220-228, 234-241, 397-400, 454-457, 465-471, 1130-1141

in Korean War, 7, 82-83, 412-413, 518-534

lack of definition, 2

in Laos, 1119-1120

in Lebanon intervention, 241-246, 380-382, 714-715

in Malaya, 73, 370-380

Nazi, 1030-1043

as "new diplomacy," 8, 14(n19)

in the Nigeria-Biafra War, 191-194, 702-711

NLF (National Liberation Front-Vietnam), 680-682, 716-717, 750-753, 1117, 1152-1163
in a non-war/limited war, 419, 439–471

North Korean, 532-534

North Vietnamese (see also PSYOP, Viet Cong), 403-407, 537-545, 1115-1119

in the Philippines, 73, 401-403, 440-454, 767-770

in Portuguese Guinea, 1130-1141

role of in military, 67-74

South African, 1122-1130

South Vietnamese, 460-465

Soviet, 8-9, 41-43, 346-353, 672, 676-678, 711-713, 1029-1050, 1090-1105

directed toward the PRC, 1100-1105

and ideology, 1090-1100

by Special Forces in S.E. Asia, 337-340

strategic, 362-400

strategic and tactical, 420-471

tactical, 400-420

use of force and, 422-424

U.S. in general, 27, 49, 151–153, 720-721

deficiencies of, 11-12, 113-114, 684-687

future of, 12, 732-735

Soviet view of, 823-829

Viet Cong (see also PSYOP, North Vietnamese), 131-132, 150-152, 345, 397-400, 536-
545, 680-683, 996-1002

Viet Minh, 253, 398

in Vietnam, 130–132, 134–144, 150–154, 220228, 397–400, 403411, 413416, 684–687,
730-735, 898-913, 946-951, 996-1002

location of PSYOP units in, 224 (map)

organization of, 220-225, 222 (fig.), 246–248

in World War I, 4-5, 14(n9), 68, 673

in World War II, 5-6, 83, 672-673, 678-679, 763-765
World War II to Korean War, 7, 41, 50, 81-82, 407-408
PSYOP channels: See communication channels

PSYOP community: See PSYOP organization; national security system

PSYOP country plans: 133

PSYOP cycle: 137-144

PSYOP Division (in International and Civil Affairs Directorate of ODCSOPS): 84

PSYOP doctrine: 1-2, 6-8, 10

for the 1970s, 11-13

PSYOP effectiveness: 777-1026

criteria of, 492-493, 778-784, 898-899

importance of audience predisposition to, 985-996

letters from listeners as a measure of, 976-979
measuring, 485-486, 491-493, 788, 946-1021
diversity of methodologies, 946-957
post-testing for, 142, 487-491

interviews, 490-491, 972-975

surveys, 488-490, 957-972

pre-testing for, 139, 487-491, 690-693, 781-782, 1003-1011

by means of informal media testing, 491

panels, 490, 988-995

survey, 488-490, 957-972

use of POWs in evaluation, 780-781

PSYOP framework at national level (see also PSYOP organization): 85-101
PSYOP goals: 370-370

PSYOP information sources: See PSYOP intelligence sources

PSYOP intelligence:

and research, 138

in Vietnam, 138

PSYOP intelligence methods (see also content analysis): 571-608

direct observation, 587-590

interviewing, 590-594

intuition, 585-587

sampling, 594-606

PSYOP intelligence sources: 510-570, 572-584

methods for exploiting, 572-584

PSYOP and nationbuilding: See nationbuilding

PSYOP objectives, situational variables in: 440-454

PSYOP organization (see also PSYOP framework at national level; PSYOP, in Vietnam,

organization of): 81-101, 177-266

civilian, 81-85

definition of in-country, 177

headquarters-field coordination, 247-266

for in/country communication, 219-247

interface between civilian and military, 10-11, 81-101, 225-232

for international communication, 177-219

military, 81-85, 132, 137-144, 181-185

PSYOP personnel: 269-358

characteristics of an effective PSYOP officer, 272-282, 299-305

cross-cultural relationships, 282-305

professionalism, 271-272

PSYOP policy:

democratic style, 132–133

and national policy, 122-133, 262-266, 362-370 385

planning, 120-154, 129-130, 137-144

priorities in, 133-137

totalitarian style, 132-133

PSYOP-related personnel: 305-358

[blocks in formation]

role of in international affairs, 155–156

role of in policymaking, 160-166

in the Far East, 553-570

published documents, use of in PSYOP: 583

compatibility of equipment, 139–140

role of international 831-832, 928-938, 985-996
short-wave, 5

effects of broadcasts to U.S., 985-996

use of in PSYOP, 676-678, 696, 700-701, 738, 761
broadcasts, 676-678, 830-835, 901-905, 913-919, 985-996
in Korea, 530-531

in People's Republic of China, 29, 738

Soviet, 711-713, 1040, 1044-1046, 1100-1105

Radio Free Europe (RFE): 197-211, 382-386
corporate structure, 198-202, 200-201 (figs.)
European headquarters, 199-202

[blocks in formation]

Radio Peking: 545-547
RARET: 202

Red Flag (Honggi): 195

reference group: 658-662

reference group theory: 886-897

reinforcement effect (of communication): 47, 49

reinforcement function (of communication): 27-28

residual effect: 1013
Reuters: 1078

"Revoluntionary Development" (South Vietnam): 135

government-sponsored, 7

interviews, 590-594

sampling, 594-606

types of samples, 605 (table)

social science and PSYOP, 609-648

Rockefeller, Vice President Nelson: 6, 81-82

Roosevelt, President Franklin D.: 162

Rowan, C. T.: 107-108, 225

Ruder & Finn: 193

rumor: 765-767, 771-773, 1037-1039, 1043-1045

RVNAF Political Warfare Department: 135

safe-conduct pass: 31, 49, 407-408, 669

samizdat: 830

Sarnoff, R. W.: 1089

satellites, communication: 930-931, 1089

SCAME formula: 784-789

Schramm, W.: 9, 29, 609, 1013

Scope: 1129

"seafloating" as a communication channel: 729

secondary group: 65-67

self-critique (self-criticism): 1035

self-images, national: 806-823

self-praise as PSYOP theme: 406

Senior Review Group (of NSC): 86-88
7th PSYOP Group: 140 143, 226-227
sex as PSYOP theme: 405

Shakespeare, F.: 115

Shils, E.: 49

"sleeper effect": 1017

slogans: 682-683, 1093-1094

Smithsonian Institution: 93-94

"socialism," misunderstanding of term: 667

social movements as PSYOP: 1152-1165

society and culture: 553-571

in the Far East, 553-571

relation to communication, 29

songs as a communication channel: 749-753

source analysis: 785-786, 789-835

example of Soviet, 823-829

relationship of source to a political hierarchy, 823-829

sampling technique in, 806-823

attributes, of sources, 790-805

South African Digest: 1129

South African Panorama: 1129

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