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problems raised by the situation in Korea and recommend a course of action for the future. On 29 July 1955 the committee issued its report. It concluded that "Americans require a unified and purposeful standard of conduct for our prisoners of war backed up by a first class training program." The Committee's recommendations resulted in the adoption of the President's Code of Conduct for Members of the Armed Forces. Its standards may well serve as guidance for all Americans, whether in or out of uniform. As the committee stated, "The conscience and heart of all America are needed in the support of this Code, and the best training that can be provided in our homes, by our schools and churches, and by the Armed Forces will be required for all who undertake to live by this Code."

The Communist treatment of captives must be viewed as but another weapon in the worldwide war for the minds of men. In this struggle, American principles are far more than an heirloom heritage for showcase display. They are precepts which must be taught, understood, and practiced if they are to sustain in our soldiers the steadfast will to resist that supreme confidence, born of understanding and faith, which is so vital to victory. In the Army's view, American soldiers must understand those truths which every American ought to understand.

INFORMATION TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. It is needless to dilate on the responsibility which rests on the Army to provide the American public, and agencies such as Congress, with the fullest information on Army policies, plans, and activities that can properly be given out. No government of a free nation can operate for the common good unless its people know what is going on; and in no field of government is this more true than in the military. American taxpayers contribute billions of dollars a year to the support of the Army; American families see their sons entering the Army by hundreds of thousands, and being sent to serve all over the world. They have the right to know, in whatever detail they desire, how their money is being spent and how their young men are being treated and utilized. They have the right to the

assurance, and to the factual proof, that the nation is being given the highest measure of national defense that money, skill, and devotion can provide.

On its side the Army has the right to present its case fully to the public; to explain the basis of its needs and recommendations; and to answer, in the open forum of a democracy, any hostile or uninformed criticisms that may be directed against it.

OFFICE, CHIEF OF INFORMATION. The program which meets the abovedescribed dual need, of furnishing information to our troops and to the general public, heads up to the Office of the Chief of Information, Department of the Army ("OCINFO").

Evolution of OCINFO. The issuance of formal press releases to newspaper correspondents originated in 1904 as a responsibility of The Adjutant General. In 1916 a member of the Secretary of War's immediate office was designated as Press Release Officer for the War Department. During World War I the public information function was formalized through establishment of a Public Relations Branch in G2 of the General Staff. It remained there until 1941, when the Bureau of Public Relations was created in the Office of the Secretary of War. This organizational reassignment emphasized the growing importance of the public information program and gave it impetus by providing top-management support.

Two other Army information agencies came into existence at about the same time. A troop information and education program was set up in 1940, first under The Adjutant General and later transferred to the Special Services Division. In 1944, due to its growing importance, this function was recognized as a command assignment and given separate status as the Information and Education Division of the War Department Special Staff. Also, during the war, there was created a Legislative and Liaison Division of the War Department Staff, whose informational activities were directed to Congress.

After the war it became evident that these three related activities needed coordination and common supervision. As a result there was created what is now known as the Office of the Chief of

Information. In 1946 the Army Information School was established to train Army personnel in the principles and techniques of public and troop information. In the ensuing years various changes were made, culminating, in 1956, in an OCINFO organization substantially as it exists today.

Relation of "Information" and "Education." For a few years these two Army activities headed up to a common agency. By 1956, however, experience had shown that it was better to separate them. It was recognized that, although troop information and troop education are both aimed toward the individual, they differ in objectives and methods; troop information being essentially an integral part of command, while troop education belongs within the G1 area of staff responsibility. Accordingly the latter was reassigned Army-wide as a G1 function; the former came under OCINFO.

OCINFO TODAY. The Chief of Information is a member of the Department of the Army Staff and is directly responsible to the Chief of Staff on all matters pertaining to public and troop information. There are four divisions in his office, as followsTroop Information Division. Public Information Division. Civil Liaison Division.

Plans, Policies, and Programs Division.

The first three divisions correspond to three basic operational information functions of equal importance. The fourth has the task of "setting the pace" for Army-wide information activities, and recommending policies, plans, and programs to the Chief of Information. In addition to the above, there is in OCINFO a Security Review Office.

Troop Information Division. It is the Chief of Information's agent in directing troop information policies and programs. It has four branches. Training and Publications Branch develops TI plans and directives; reviews and staffs TI materials prepared by OAFIE; publishes "Troop Topics" and "Officers' Call"; supervises TI films; reviews posters; monitors Army Service School TI instruction; and arranges for contract writers and artists for TI publications. Troop Radio and Television Branch produces the radio program "Army Hour"; supervises and provides

technical advice for radio and TV outlets of Armed Forces Radio and Television Service operated by DA; reviews and advises on AFRTS produced programs and equipment requirements for oversea areas. Army Newspaper Branch recommends policies for authorized Army newspapers and civilian enterprise publications; monitors review of papers and selects winners of the semiannual Army Newspaper Award; and publishes the "Army News Service." It maintains liaison with OAFIE on service newspapers and Armed Forces Press Service, and with the Pacific and European commands on "Stars and Stripes." Special News Service Branch publishes daily excerpts of news, editorials, and features from civilian papers; quotes from AP, UP, radio commentators, and selected TV programs; scans selected periodicals; publishes news summaries, spot news, weekly analyses of news relevant to DA, and related military subjects for key DA personnel; and sends daily news summaries to key oversea commands.

The "Army Information Digest" staff edits, rewrites or originates, and publishes this monthly magazine to provide information on Army trends and developments of professional concern. The Chief of the TI Division exercises operational control over the Digest.

Public Information Division. It advises the Chief of Information on all matters pertaining to public information. It has a News Feature Branch, a Radio-TV Branch, a Pictorial Branch, a Magazine and Book Branch, and a Coordinator of activities affecting the Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Information. It is in close touch with the branch offices in New York and Los Angeles, and with information offices of major Army commands. (For these, and the results achieved by them in cooperation with the Public Information Division, see below.)

Civil Liaison Division. Its primary task is the establishment and maintenance of good relations between the Army and the public. It supervises, coordinates, and directs the implementation of public information policies and programs concerned with the establishment of harmonious Army-civil relationships; recommends and executes in

formation programs that will earn public respect for the Army with industry and the community; maintains necessary liaison and coordination with appropriate staff agencies of the Department of Defense, the Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, and those Army Commands charged with the responsibility for implementing the program; maintains a two-way flow of information between the Army and industry; and coordinates Army interest in the Joint Civilian Orientation Conference.

The Organizations and Industry Branch of the Division maintains contact with national organizations and associations, upon request of these groups or as directed by the Department of Defense. Its representatives participate in their meetings and attend their conventions. It supplies them with information on plans, programs, and policies of the Department of the Army. It assists in obtaining Army personnel for their conventions, for briefings, and for presenting speeches to groups and organizations, and in procuring literature, regulations, and directives. It obtains for them information on personnel of the Department of the Army, and on the proper channels for assistance in military problems. It is available to review industrial or business advertising with an Army theme; to maintain a flow of information between the Army and industry; to provide photographs and fact sheets showing use of a manufacturer's product; and to give other assistance on military matters as requested by industry and business.

The Community Relations Branch of the Division has the mission of developing, supervising, and coordinating public relations matters concerned with the establishment and maintenance of harmonious relationships between the U.S. Army and civilian communities. It prepared the first Army Regulation (36055) devoted exclusively to community relations. This regulation, which charges all installation commanders with the duty of planning and conducting active community relations programs, states: "Army community relations is that command function that appraises the attitudes of the civilian community toward the command as well as the attitudes of

the command toward the civilian community, and initiates programs of action to earn community respect and confidence."

Plans, Policies, and Programs Division. This agency develops and promulgates Department of the Army information policies; participates with other Department of the Army planning agencies in formulation of major plans and policies to ensure consideration of information implications; prepares information portions of mobilization, emergency war, and other related plans; maintains current OCINFO emergency plans; prepares original studies pertaining to information matters; represents the Chief of Information at conferences and on boards, committees, and councils; maintains liaison with the other Armed Services on information and field press censorship matters; assists in the preparation of Department of Defense directives and Office of Public Information guidances; supervises and coordinates the other publications concerning information, including review of Army Regulations, field press censorship, and general functions of OCINFO; plans for organization and establishment of press camps; supervises Army Information School matters of interest to the Chief of Information; advises the Chief of Information regarding information aspects of Department of the Army plans and policies; participates with Department of the Army planning agencies in the formulation of plans and policies for the preparation of Department of the Army Primary Programs, and of regulations pertaining to programming; prepares Joint Projects Program Documents; prepares Chief of Information portions of Department of the Army primary program documents; reviews regulations pertaining to Program Management; assists staff agencies in planning public information and troop information programs; develops, in coordination with primary program directors, annual DA information objectives; prepares information plans, with accompanying public information and troop information annexes and data sheets, in support of special nonscheduled information objectives; disseminates to the Public Information Division and to the Troop Infor

mation Division informational material furnished by primary program directors and other Army agencies to support annual and special nonscheduled information objectives; receives reports and analyzes accomplishments in support of information objectives; and prepares the "Army liaison bulletin" an official publication providing technical guidance to commanders and their information offi

Chiefs of Information. The following 1 Jan 1946-20 Jul 1947 21 Jul 1947-2 Jan 1948 3 Jan 1948-31 Jul 1949 2 Sep 1949-28 Feb 1950 1 Mar 1950-31 Aug 1953 6 Nov 1953-4 Aug 1955 4 Aug 1955-3 Jan 1956 4 Jan 1956-9 Sep 1957 10 Sep 1957-30 Sep 1957 1 Oct 1957

*Acting Chief of Information.

INFORMATION ACTIVITIES EXTERNAL TO OCINFO. Outside the Office of the Chief of Information there are a variety of agencies which assist in conveying information to our troops and to the nation, and in associated activities. Their relations to OCINFO vary. Except for two branch offices they are not under its direct supervision, but it and they maintain liaison and cooperate closely in the common task. Included


Two OCINFO branch offices.

The information offices of major commands.
Civilian advisory committees.

Civilian aides to the Secretary of the Army.

cers for their information programs.

Security Review Office. One of OCINFO's duties is to determine what information on Army matters can be given security clearance to be released for publication. This involves coordination with various parts of the Army General Staff. The function is handled, within OCINFO, by the Security Review Office. have served—

.Lt. Gen. J. Lawton Collins .Lt. Gen. Manton S. Eddy .Lt. Gen. R. S. McLain .Maj. Gen. Floyd L. Parks* ...Maj. Gen. Floyd L. Parks .Maj. Gen. Gilman C. Mudgett .Brig. Gen. Theodore S. Riggs Maj. Gen. Guy S. Meloy, Jr. .Brig. Gen. Chester V. Clifton* .Maj. Gen. Harry P. Storke

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OCINFO Branch Offices. Public information offices are maintained in New York City and Los Angeles, our two largest centers of population. They are directly under OCINFO. There is constant liaison between them and the Public Information Division of the central office, to process requests for information from media. They are the meeting places of the public press and the several staff agencies of the Army, the Division's function being coordination rather than censorship.

Information Offices of Major Commands. These are located as follows

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Civilian Advisory Committees. Such committees were first organized in 1946, to meet the situation arising when an Army installation is located in or near a civilian community. Their task is to assist in solving problems common to the community and the installation, and in developing mutual understanding and cooperation. The makeup of a committee is normally as follows: members: Local representatives of the State and Federal governments; heads of the county and city governments; business and civic leaders of the community; representatives of the clergy and of the local school board; others as needed and agreed on. Military members: The commanding officer and senior staff officers of the installation. To these may be added local representatives of

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the Army Reserve, ROTC, and National Guard instructor units, and of retired Army personnel living in the neighborhood.

As an indication of the Army's successful community relations efforts, the Southern European Task Force in Italy, the Seventh U.S. Army in Germany, and the U.S. Army Infantry Center at Fort Benning, Georgia were cited by the American Public Relations Association for outstanding public relations achievement in 1956. The commanders of these units received letters of commendation from the Secretary of the Army.

Civilian Aides to the Secretary of the Army and Army Commanders. A civilian aide is an advisor to the Secretary, the Chief of Staff, and the continental Army commander within whose area the aide is appointed. His field of interest and activity embraces

a. Relations of the Army with the community he represents.

b. Interpretation of the Army's missions and objectives to the community, and interpretation of the community's point of view toward Army-connected problems to the Army.

c. Orientation of the community in the traditions, purposes, problems, and raison d'être of the Army; in its primary role as the ultimate arbiter of victory in war; and in its methods of operation, its requirements, and its coordination with its sister Services within the National Defense Organization.

Civilian aides are appointed by the Secretary of the Army for two-year terms, and are eligible for reappointment. A civilian aide must be a person of outstanding character and patriotism,

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