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ment there of a branch of the Imperial Chinese Maritime Customs. The Imperial German Minister for Foreign Affairs has also given assurances that American trade would not in any way be discriminated against or interfered with, as there is no intention to close the leased territory to foreign commerce within the area which Germany claims. These facts lead this Government to believe that the Imperial German Government will lend its cooperation and give its acceptance to the proposition above outlined, and which our Ambassador at Berlin is now instructed to submit to it.

That such a declaration will be favorably considered by Great Britain and Japan, the two other Powers most interested in the subject, there can be no doubt; the formal and oft-repeated declarations of the British and Japanese Governments in favor of the maintenance throughout China of freedom of trade for the whole world insure us, it is believed, the ready assent of these Powers to the declaration desired.

The acceptance by His Imperial Majesty of these principles must therefore inevitably lead to their recognition by all the other Powers interested, and you are instructed to submit them to the Emperor's Minister for Foreign Affairs and urge their immediate consideration.

A copy of this instruction is sent to our Ambassadors at London and Berlin for their confidential information, and copies of the instructions sent to them on this subject are enclosed herewith.

I have, etc.,


(Enclosures: To London, September 6, 1899, No. 205. To Berlin, September 6 1899, No. 927.)



December 18-30, 1899.

MR. AMBASSADOR: I had the honor to receive Your Excellency's note dated the 8th-20th of September last, relating to the principles which the Government of the United States would like to see adopted in commercial matters by the Powers which have interests in China.

In so far as the territory leased by China to Russia is concerned, the Imperial Government has already demonstrated its firm intention to follow the policy of "the open door" by creating Dalny (Ta-lien-wan) a free port; and if at some future time that port, although remaining free itself, should be separated by a customs limit from other portions of the territory in question, the customs duties would be levied, in the zone subject to the tariff, upon all foreign merchandise without distinction as to nationality.

As to the ports now opened or hereafter to be opened to foreign

commerce by the Chinese Government, and which lie beyond the territory leased to Russia, the settlement of the question of customs duties belongs to China herself, and the Imperial Government has no intention whatever of claiming any privileges for its own subjects to the exclusion of other foreigners. It is to be understood, however, that this assurance of the Imperial Government is given upon condition that a similar declaration shall be made by other Powers having interests in China.


With the conviction that this reply is such as to satisfy the inquiry made in the aforementioned note, the Imperial Government is happy to have complied with the wishes of the American Government, especially as it attaches the highest value to anything that may strengthen and consolidate the traditional relations of friendship existing between the two countries. I beg you to accept, etc.,



SIR: The


Washington, March 20, 1900. Government having accepted the declaration suggested by the United States concerning foreign trade in China, the terms of which I transmitted to you in my instruction No. — of and like action having been taken by all the various Powers having leased territory or so-called "spheres of interest" in the Chinese Empire, as shown by the notes which I herewith transmit to you,1 you will please inform the Government to which you are accredited that the condition originally attached to its acceptance-that all other Powers concerned should likewise accept the proposals of the United States-having been complied with, this Government will therefore consider the assent given to it by

and definitive.

as final

You will also transmit to the Minister for Foreign Affairs copies of the present enclosures, and by the same occasion convey to him the expression of the sincere gratification which the President feels at the successful termination of these negotiations, in which he sees proof of the friendly spirit which animates the various Powers interested in the untrammeled development of commerce and industry in the Chinese Empire, and a source of vast benefit to the whole commercial world.

I am, etc.,

1 Those exchanged with Japan and Russia printed ante.


No. 10

RUSSIA (Chinese Eastern Railway Company) AND CHINA (Provincial Government of Kirin)

Agreement regarding jurisdiction over Chinese subjects in the railway zone-July 5/18, 1901

Under instructions from the Engineer-in-Chief of the Chinese Eastern Railway, his duly authorized representative, Mr. Daniel, has concluded with the Chiang Chun of Kirin at the present time, that is on July 5/18, 1901, and according to the Chinese calendar the 3rd day of the 6th month of the 27th year of the reign of Kuang Hsü, the following agreement, supplementing and amending the agreement concluded on May 19/31, 1899, with Chiang-Chun Yang of Kirin for the establishment in Harbin of a Principal Department for Foreign and Railway Affairs:

1.-In Harbin, Kirin Province, there is established a Principal Department of Foreign and Railways Affairs. For this purpose, there shall be appointed a special staff of Chinese officials, of whom some shall be stationed permanently in Harbin, while others shall be distributed along the line, so that there shall be one official with each district superintendent, it being provided that these latter officials shall be directly subordinate to and at the disposition of the Harbin Department.

2. The said Department is established for the final settlement of all cases arising in Kirin Province, if these affairs directly or indirectly touch the interests of the Chinese Eastern Railway Company, and also directly or indirectly touch the interests of Chinese subjects, not only those working on the railway, such as employees of various kinds, artisans, laborers, contractors and persons supplying goods to the railway, but also and in the same measure all other Chinese subjects, whether merchants, artisans, domestic servants and other Chinese, temporarily or permanently residing in the leased zone of the railway, even if the nature of their occupation does not have any direct relation to the railway. The Harbin Department, having its officials along the line with the district superintendents, shall entrust to these officials the settlement on the spot with the knowledge of and by agreement with the district superintendent of cases which do not constitute serious violations of Chinese laws and railway regulations; the consideration, however, and decision of the more important cases, such as cases of murder,

1 MACMURRAY, vol. 1, p. 274, translation from the Russian version printed in Soglashenia, p. 23.

In connection with this agreement see Chinese Eastern Railway Contract of September 8, 1896 (No. 3, ante); also similar agreement of January 1/14, 1902, with the provincial authorities of Heilungkiang (MACMURRAY, vol. 1, p. 321).

2 MACMURRAY, vol. I, p. 277.

open and collective disobedience of the authorities, Russian or Chinese, adultery, theft of over three hundred Kirin tiao, usury and the like, even if these cases shall arise in the section of the line furthest removed from Harbin, shall be transferred for examination and final decision to the Harbin Department. In doubtful cases, the Chinese official briefly setting forth the case in conjunction with the district superintendent, shall inquire of the Harbin Department whether the case is to be settled on the spot or whether it is to be transferred with the accused persons to Harbin. In case of need such communications shall be made by telegram through the district superintendent. A telegraphic report shall also be made immediately regarding all cases coming outside the competence of the local official in the district. All this second article refers equally to Chinese and to Manchus and Mongols living in Kirin Province.

3. Regarding each case coming within one of the definitions set forth in Article 2, and in which proceedings have previously been begun in any office or by any particular official, a report must immediately be sent to the said Harbin Principal Department, which in its turn shall notify the Engineer-in-Chief, in order to determine whether the case should be referred to the said Department for continuation and decision, or whether it is to be left for examination and decision to the official of the Department who is nearest to the place on the line where the case arose.

4. Hereafter all officials and offices shall refer to the Harbin Principal Department for settlement all new complaints and claims coming before them, which refer to the cases set forth in Article 2.

5.-All complaints and claims, and also all cases in general mentioned in the second article shall be examined and investigated by members of the Harbin Principal Department, in conjunction with the Engineer-in-Chief of the Chinese Eastern Railway or his authorized representative. Also all decisions in all cases shall be arrived at by mutual agreement with the Engineer-in-Chief or his authorized representative.

6. The Chinese subjects mentioned in Article 2 shall be subject to punishment only in accordance with a decision of the Principal Department at Harbin arrived at by due process of law, provided that the Department shall decide whether to execute the sentence in Harbin or at the place where the case originated. In cases of sentence of criminals to banishment to places not so remote (not further than 3000 li), the Harbin Department may give orders for the execution of such sentences to the nearest local . Chinese authorities. For preliminary detention of Chinese who are arrested and for the serving of terms of imprisonment by sentences of the Harbin Department, a jail shall be built in connection with this office.

7. All crimes for the commission of which the convicted persons shall be sentenced to the death penalty or to banishment to remote places (more) than 3,000 li), and also in all cases when the opinions of the members of

the Harbin Department are not in harmony with the opinion of the Engineer-in-Chief, are subject to the final judgment of the Chiang-Chun of Kirin, which shall be based on the reports of the members of the Department and on communications of the Engineer-in-Chief. All other cases, regardless of the degree of their importance, shall be finally settled and carried into execution by order of the President and Vice-President of the Department by mutual agreement with the Engineer-in-Chief or his authorized representative. The President and Vice-President of the Department shall on the one hand report their decisions by memorial to the Chiang-Chun of Kirin for his information, and on the other hand shall send a communication to the Principal Department for Foreign Relations of Kirin Province for preservation in the archives.

8. All the members of the Harbin Principal Department and the soldiers shall be appointed by the Chiang-Chun of Kirin; the President and Vice-President of the Department shall also be appointed and removed by the Chiang-Chun, but after preliminary consultation with the Engineer-inChief, in order that for such important posts may be chosen persons known to the Chiang-Chun and to the Engineer-in-Chief as worthy men, enlightened and acquainted with railway affairs and regulations. Persons chosen in this way by mutual agreement shall be confirmed in their appointments by the Chiang-Chun.

9. In order to meet all the expenses for maintenance of the President, Vice-President, all officials and soldiers of the said Principal Department, the Engineer-in-Chief shall place at the disposition of the President of the Department annually 60,000 taels according to the Kirin market weight. This sum shall be placed by the Engineer-in-Chief at the disposition of the President of the Department in instalments for every three months in advance.

10. Apart from this the sum necessary for the construction of the buildings of the Department and houses for the employees (of inferior position), and also for the furnishing and equipping of the buildings of the Department, shall be fixed by agreement between the President of the Department and the Engineer-in-Chief. The President of the Department shall receive this sum from the Engineer-in-Chief in instalments according as it shall be required.

11. The present agreement written in Chinese and in Russian in duplicate, after its signature by the Kirin Chiang-Chun Chang and by the authorized representatives of the Engineer-in-Chief, Mr. Daniel, shall be submitted for the signatures of the Engineer-in-Chief of the Chinese Eastern Railway, Yugovitch, and his substitute, Engineer Ignatius. One copy of this agreement must be preserved in the office of the Chiang-Chun of Kirin, and the other in the office of the Engineer-in-Chief.

The Russian text is a true rendering of the Chinese text.

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