ePub 版

Indian tribes, U.S. treaties with, 348, | Inter-American Commission on Human

[blocks in formation]

Indochina Migration and Refugee As- Inter-American

sistance Act (1977), 142-144


and CIEC, 711

East Timor, suspension of U.S. pro-
gram in, 991-992

incorporation of East Timor, 10-12
military assistance agreement (1970),

military equipment for program of
civic action, agreement on
(1967), 992

military equipment, materials, and
services agreement (1958), 992
population growth, 828
rescheduling debt to U.S., 784
and U.S.-Singapore Air Transport
Agreement (1977), 642

Indus Basin and Tarbela Development
Funds, 48, 49

Industrial property. See Intellectual

Information Agency, U.S., 882
Information Exchange Programs
(IEP), 960

Ingersoll, Robert S., 160
Ingraham, Edward C., 641
Inouye, Daniel K., 74, 75
Intellectual property

Geneva Act (1977) to Nice Agree-
ment concerning International
Classification of Goods and Serv-
ices for the Purposes of the Reg-
istration of Marks (1957), as re-
vised (1967), 789-791

Paris Convention for the Protection
of Industrial Property (1883), as
revised, 787, 789

Rights, 182


Court on Human

Development Bank

Foreign Assistance and Related Ap-
propriations Act, 1978, 226
International Fund for Agricultural
Development, 822

U.S. participation, 224-225, 753-760,

Inter-American Indian Institute, 47
Inter-American Institute of Agricul-
tural Sciences, 47

Inter-American organizations (see also
Pan American titles), contribu
tions by U.S. to, 46, 47
Interamerican Refining Corporation v.
Texaco Maracaibo, Inc. (1970), 466
Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal
Assistance (Rio Treaty) (1947)
and Panama Canal treaties, 588-590
Protocol of Amendment (1975), 915–

Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commis-
sion, 47, 854

Intergovernmental Committee for Euro-
pean Migration, 48
Intergovernmental Maritime Consulta-
tive Organization (IMCO)
contributions by U.S., 47

Convention on the International Reg-
ulations for Preventing Collisions
at Sea (1972), 400, 630
international staff and structure, 41-

Marine Environmental

Committee, 605


marine vessel pollution, 604-605

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Interior, Department of, 75, 88, 89, 809,

[blocks in formation]

U.S.-U.S.S.R. cooperative agreements Interior, Secretary of, 66, 67, 70, 78, 89.

(1972), 877

90, 91, 92, 809, 844, 845, 850

Inter-American Center for Export Pro- Internal Revenue Code (1954), 68, 69.
motion, 48

[blocks in formation]


Internal Revenue Service, Ruling 296
for foreign officials, 248

International Agency for Research on | International Civil Aviation-Con.

Cancer, 47

International Agreement on the Main-
tenance of Certain Lights in the

Red Sea, 47

International agreements. See name of
agreement and see Executive agree-
ments; Treaties

International Air Services Transit

International Air Services Transit

Agreement (1944), 397
prevention of aviation crimes, 211
Russian text for Chicago Convention
(1944), 401, 403

International Claims Settlement Act
(1949), 697, 698

International Coffee Organization, 48

Agreement (Chicago Convention) International Commission for the Con-

(1944), 207, 394-397

International Atomic Energy Agency

contributions by U.S., 46, 47

In the Matter of Babcock and Wilcox
(1977), 860, 864

International Security Assistance Act
(1977), 945
Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in
Latin America, Treaty for the
(1967), 944

recipients of U.S. nuclear supplies,

[blocks in formation]

International Committee of the Red
Cross (ICRC), 12, 222, 225, 341, 918
International conferences. See also sep-
arate titles

accreditation to by U.S., 340–341
definition, 340-341

Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of
Nuclear Weapons (1968), 796
trilateral safeguards agreement, U.S.
and India (1971), 805-806
U.S.-Japan Joint Determination on
Special Nuclear Material (1977), | International Convention for the Con-

U.S. Senate res. 94 (1977) on nuclear
nonproliferation, 942
International Atomic Energy Agency
Operational Program, 48
International Bank for Reconstruction

and Development (IBRD) (World
Bank), 45, 223, 224, 226, 734, 736,
746, 753–761, 764, 803-804, 813, 815,
822, 824

International Bureau for the Publica-
tion of Customs Tariffs, 48
International Bureau of the Permanent
Court of Arbitration, 47
International Bureau of Weights and
Measures, 48

International Center for the Study of

the Preservation and the Restora-

tion of Cultural Property (Rome
Center), 48

International Centre for Settlement of
Investment Disputes, privileges and
immunities, 33-34

International Civil Aviation Organiza-
tion (ICAO)

aviation security, 645-647
contributions by U.S., 47

hijacking, actions against, 645-647

International Convention for Safe Con-
tainers (1972), 810-811

servation of Atlantic Tunas (1966),

International Convention for the Fish-
eries of the North Pacific Ocean
(1952), 547, 553

International Convention for the Pre-

vention of Pollution from Ships
(1973), 600-604
International Convention on the Elimi-

nation of All Forms of Racial Dis-
crimination (1965), 163
International Cotton Advisory Commit-
tee, 48

International Council for the Explora-
tion of the Seas (ICES), 48

International Council of Scientific Un-

ions and its Associated Unions, 48
International Court of Justice

advisory jurisdiction, 906-909
advisory opinion, Namibia (1971), 6
appointment of sole arbitrator, 675-

arbitration, 391, 392, 700

dispute settlement, compulsory, 251
and Genocide Convention, 203
Libyan nationalization measures, 675-


International Court of Justice-Con.
Optional Protocol to Vienna Conven-

tion on Consular Relations
(1963), 251

Optional Protocol to Vienna Conven-
tion on Diplomatic Relations
(1961), 251

Rules of the, 907

S.S. Lotus (1927), 862

Statute of the, 907-909

U.N. Charter review, 32–33
International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights (1966), 15, 53, 162,
163, 170, 181, 191, 237
International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights (1966).
15, 53, 55, 163, 170-172, 181, 191
International Criminal Police Organiza-
tion, 48

International Development and Food
Assistance Act (1977), 221, 822-826
International Development Association

Articles of Agreement, 33-34
and CIEC, 745

Foreign Assistance and Related Pro-
grams Appropriations Act, 1978,

poverty criterion, 823

privileges and immunities, 33-34
U.S. contributions to, 813, 815
U.S. participation, 223, 224, 753-760,


[blocks in formation]

International law

development of, 53-56
nature, basis, purpose, 1-2
International Law Commission (ILC),
12-15, 53-56, 384-393, 397, 672-674
International Lead and Zine Study
Group, 48

International Monetary Fund (IMF)
balance of payments, 709-710
and CIEC, 711, 736

diplomatic status of an Alternate Ex-
ecutive Director, 247

U.S. contributions, 820

U.S.-Zaire debt rescheduling (1977).

International Narcotics Control Board,

International Navigational Rules Act

International North Pacific Fisheries
(1977), 399, 401, 630-633
International nuclear fuel cycle evalua-
Commission, 48
tion, 799-800, 942-943
International Organization for Legal
Metrology, 48

International organizations. See also
separate titles

authority of U.S. ambassador, 244-

contributions by U.S., 45-49
draft convention on state succession
to debts, 12-15


of U.N. General Assembly
resolutions, 53-56, 680

law of the sea, 535, 537, 539, 541, 608
observer status, 38-39

privileges and immunities, 247-257
U.S. cooperative agreements with on
nuclear materials, 729-730

U.S. participation in, 43-44
International Organizations Immuni-
ties Act (1945), as amended, 33–34.
250, 254-256
International Pacific Salmon Fisheries
Commission, 565-567

International Planned Parenthood Fed-
eration (IPPF), 829
International Regulations for Prevent-

ing Collisions at Sea, Convention on
the (1972), 399-401, 630-633
International Rubber Study Group, 48
International Safe Container Act
(1977), 810-811

International Security Assistance Act
(1977), 210, 471, 945-946, 985, 987.

International Security Assistance and Iraq

Arms Export Control Act (1976)
arms export control, 984-985

and Chile, 464

and CIEC, 711

diplomatic relations, 17, 18, 21

terrorism, 209

International Seed Testing Association, Ireland and the Hague Service Con-

43, 48

International Shoe Co. v. Washington

(1945), 440-442, 469, 504

vention, 479

Irish Northern Aid Committee, 331
Irish People, Inc., 332

International Sugar Agreement (1977), Irish Republican Army,


Ishii, Eiji, 332


International Telecommunication Con- Isle of Man and the Hague Service Con-

vention (1959), 367, 369

vention (1965), 479

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

International Whaling Commission,

service of U.S. judicial documents in,

steel exports to U.S., 720-721
trade promotion, 332

Treaty of Peace with U.S. (1951),
594, 595

U.S. conventional arms transfer pol-
icy, 950

U.S.-Japanese Joint Determination
on Special Nuclear Material
(1977), 799, 800

U.S. nuclear power policy, 938
U.S.-Singapore Air Transport Agree-
ment (1977), 642

U.S.-Zaire debt rescheduling (1977),

withdrawal of U.S. forces from

Korea (South), 916, 917

Japanese Air Line, 209

Javits, Jacob K., 206, 573, 764, 968, 975–


Jay Treaty (1794), 348, 365, 366, 405-


Jefferson, Thomas, 20, 171, 344, 349, 351
Jen Tsien-hsin, 1010
Jenkins, Howard, Jr., 319
Jenkins, Kempton B., 235, 695

Jersey and the Hague Service Conven-
tion (1965), 479
Jiryis, Sabri, 109, 110
Jochimsen, Justice, 69
Johnson, Lyndon B., 576
Johnston, J. Bennett, 90, 91
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 957, 972
Jones, George R., 367, 369
Jones, William, 49

Jones v. Meehan (1899), 353
Jonietz, Karl K., 52, 628

Air Charter Agreement with U.S.
and Syria, 636-638

Scheduled Air Services Agreement
with U.S. (1977), 636–637
and West Bank, 925
Joseph, James A., 66, 845

CSCE principles, 177, 179, 182, 227


(1938), 335

Registration Act

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