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Juragua Iron Co. v. United States | Justice, Department of-Continued

[blocks in formation]

loss of nationality resulting from Kaiser, Philip M., 25, 27

treaty, 106-108

maritime, 449, 451, 456

national claims to geostationary

orbit, 658-661

of subject-matter by U.S. courts, 767
Panama Canal Treaty (1977), 581
sovereignty over resources, 54-55, 677

Kallnischkies, George, 241

Kampuchea, Democratic. See Cambodia
Karnuth v. United States ex rel. Albro

(1929), 406, 408, 409

Katz, Julius L., 637, 643
Katzen, Jay, 22
Katzir, Ephraim, 891
Kaufman, Irving F., 654

200-mile offshore exclusive eco- Kearney, Richard D., 384, 997

nomic zone, 537

Antarctica, 449-456

aviation hijacking, 645-647

Benin, 931-932

Botswana, 439

Canal Zone, 586, 588, 592

comity, 994

effect of legislation, 322-326
force against, 534, 536

Guantanamo Naval Station, 593
Puerto Rico, 58

Ryukyu and Daito Islands, 594
U.S.-Canadian boundaries, 435-437
Justice, Department of

Antitrust Guide for International
Operations, 465-466, 766-767

and CIA, 238

Keith, B., 152

Kelly, James W., 240, 241

Kennedy, Edward M., 120, 413
Kennedy, Richard T., 804, 860

Kenya, 892

Keuch, Robert L., 317

Khama, Seretse M., 893

Kim, Yong Shik, 713
Kimble, Kerry, 969
King, Jake, 70

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 167
King v. Andrus (1977), 67
King v. Morton (1975), 68

King, The v. Secretary of State for
Home Affairs, Ex Parte Chateau
Thierry (1917), 152

Fishery Conservation and Manage- Kinney, Stephanie, 263

ment Act (1976), 554

Kinsella v. Singleton (1960), 457

Foreign Agents Registration Act Kipperman v. McCone (1976), 237

(1938), 329-333, 336-338

foreign boycotts, 834-835

Fourth Amendment and warrantless

surveillance, 238-239

Kirillin, V. A., 873, 874

Kissinger, Henry A., 40, 45, 139, 149,
160, 161, 206, 231, 232, 576

Kleindienst v. Mandel (1972), 137

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Supreme Commander of Korean Peo- Latin America, 184, 374, 575, 913–945

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fishery agreement with U.S. (1977), Lebanon


letter rogatory, 492-494

military advisory groups, 985, 986
orderly marketing agreement on non-
rubber footwear (1977), 712–713
Status of Forces Agreement with U.S.
(1966), 457-458

Tongsun Park, U.S.-Korea Agree-

ment on Communicating with
(1978), 471-477

Air Transport Agreement with U.S.
(1977), 641

contributions by U.S. to refugee pro-
gram, 49

corporation of doing business in Illi-
nois, 501, 504

extradition request by U.S., 157
Lebedev, S. N., 1003
Lee, Khoon Choy, 641
Lee, Luke T., 293, 296
Legrez, D., 648

U.S. forces in South Korea, with- Leigh, Monroe, 34, 524, 1073

drawal of, 916-917

Leitzell, Terry L., 574

U.S.-Singapore Air Transport Agree- Leonard, James F., 58, 439, 833, 932,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

(PCT) (1970), 786

Marathon Pipeline Company, 596
Marbles v. Creecy (1909), 145
Marbury v. Madison (1803), 271
Margain, Hugo B., 459, 608, 735
Marijuana, 573-574, 867, 869
Marine Mammal Commission, 448
Marine Mammal Protection Act (1972),
447-448, 849, 865

Marine pollution

contiguous zone, beyond, 607

Convention on the Prevention of, by
Dumping Wastes and Other Mat-
ter (1972), 599-600

International Convention on the Pre-
vention of Pollution from Ships
(1973), 600-604

ocean dumping, U.S. regulations, 599–


oil and hazardous substances, 607,

Oil Pollution Casualties, Convention
Relating to Intervention on the
High Seas in Cases of (1969),

Protocol Relating to Intervention on
the High Seas in Cases of, by
Substances Other than Oil
(1973), 604-606

U.N. Conference on Law of the Sea
(1977), 530

U.S.-French program, 872-873

U.S. policy on, 600-603

Madagascar, Patent Cooperation Treaty Marine Protection, Research,

Madison, James, 349, 352, 353, 412
Magnuson, Warren G., 810

Mail, international, warrantless surveil-
lance, 237-242

Mail, U.S., and Panama Canal Zone,

Mailliard, William, 255


the Hague Service Convention (1965),

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
(1970), 786

Malaysia and U.S.-Singapore Air Trans-
port Agreement (1977), 642
Malmborg, Knute E., 295
Malta and OPIC, 701

Malus, Branko, 324

Mandela, Mrs. Winnie, 214

Mangard, Nils, 1003

Manila Pact, 914

Mansfield, Lord, 995

Mansfield, Mike, 41

Mansfield, Walter R., 651
Maputo, 833


[blocks in formation]

257-179 O - 79 - 73

Maritime law-Continued

McPhun, In re (1887), 148

Public Vessels Act, as amended McQuade, William M., 401

(1925), 633-634

McWilliams, Robert H., 378

United Continental Tuna Corp. v. Mediation

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Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex), 419, | Migration and Refugees Assistance Act

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pre-Columbian artifacts exported to Migratory Bird Treaty Act (1918), 857,

U.S., 885-889


prisoner exchange treaty with U.S. Milford, Dale, 449

(1976), 457-459, 585, 590

Special Claims Convention (1923),


succession of states in respect of
treaties, 386-387

Trade Agreement with U.S. (1977),


treaty with U.S. on utilization of
waters of Colorado and Tijuana
Rivers and the Rio Grande, and
supplementary protocol (1944),
354, 359, 367, 368, 611-612
UNESCO Convention on the Means of
Prohibiting and Preventing the
Illicit Import, Export and Trans-
fer of Ownership of Cultural
Property (1970), 880

U.S. citizens detained in, 286-289
U.S. fishery conservation zone, 557-

Military assistance

advisory groups, 985-986

Argentina, prohibitions, 987-988
human rights, 167

Indonesia, suspension of U.S. pro-

gram in, 991-992

Israel, 988

Middle East, 988
Portugal, 988

prohibitions on U.S. training of for-
eign marine corps, 989-991

U.S. conventional arms transfer pol-
icy, 949-951

Military bases, 386-387, 580
Military crimes, 151-152
Military forces and authority of U.S.

ambassador, 244-245

Military Justice, U.S. Uniform Code of,

Military occupation, 893

U.S.-Mexico Convention for the Recti-Military personnel of Cuba abroad, 25

fication of the Rio Grande (Rio
Bravo del Norte) in the El Paso-
Juarez Valley (1933), 354

U.S.-Mexico transfer of territory,
434 435

visas for travel from Cuba to the
U.S., 114

Mexico, Gulf of, 596, 631

Meyer, Rauer H., 728

Mezvinsky, Edward M., 220

Military sales

conventional arms transfer policy,

procedures for Department of State
approval of, 951-954

revocation of manufacturing license
or assistance agreement, 954-957
southern Africa, 987

Military sanctions, South Africa, 934-

Michel, James H., 449, 452-456, 464, 725, Military Selective Service Act (1967),

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Micronesia. See Trust Territory of the Mink, Patsy T., 531

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Micro-organisms, Budapest Treaty on Minorities, national, principles adopted

(1977), 788, 789

Middle East

congressional policy statement, 892
peacekeeping, U.S. contributions to, 46
U.N. Disengagement Force
(UNDOF), 932-933

in Helsinki Final Act (1975), 177
Missing in action, 30, 169, 223, 224, 913,

Missouri v. Holland (1920), 345, 355,
Mobil, 22

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