ePub 版

Modus vivendi, U.S.-Cuban maritime | Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd. v. V.

boundary, 558-559

Mogwe, Archibald, 439
Mohawk, The (1866), 127

Mondale, Walter F., 3, 6, 214, 215, 714,

Monetary Fund, International (IMF).

See International Monetary Fund
Monetary reform, international, 710-

Mongolia, diplomatic relations, 18, 21
Monroe, James, 348, 367, 369
Montana, 51

Montreal Convention for the Suppres-
sion of Unlawful Acts against the
Safety of Civil Aviation (Sabo-
tage) (1971), 205, 208, 211, 646-

Montserrat and the Hague Service Con-
vention (1965), 479

Moore, James W., 505, 508, 994

Moore, John, 152

Moore v. Mitchell (1930), 995

[blocks in formation]

Golodetz & Company and Water-
man Steamship Corp. (1977), 522
Mutual Educational and Cultural Ex-
change Act (1961) (Fulbright-
Hays Act), 285, 881

Nadelmann, Kurt H., 998, 999, 1013,


Lagos Conference against Apartheid
(1977), 215-218

Maputo Conference, 7-9
military sales, 987

racial discrimination, 213-215

self-determination, 3-10

U.N. Educational and Training Pro-
gram for Southern Africa, 49
U.N. Institute for, 49

U.N. Security Council Res. 415, 50
Namsoo, Clyde S., 331

Narcotic drugs. See also Drug control
criminal jurisdiction, 443-447

extradition for, 157-158

heroin in incoming international mail.

Psychotropic Substances, Convention
on (1971), 867, 869

Single Convention on (1961), 205
National Advisory Council on Interna-
tional Monetary and Financial Pol-
icies, 45

National Aeronautics and Space Ad-
(NASA), 664, 669,

729, 846

[blocks in formation]

institutions, 756,

National Emergencies Act (1976), 780-
782, 980-981

U.S. contributions to refugee pro- National Environmental Policy Act
gram, 49

Multilateral Science Fund and Multi-

lateral Technical Cooperation Fund
of Central Treaty Organization, 48
Multilateral trade negotiations, 734, 735
Mundheim, Robert H., 755, 760

Munitions Control Act (1954), 338, 961
Munitions List, U.S., 951-953, 956
Murphy, Betty Southard, 319

Murphy, J., 380

Murphy, John M., 401, 632

Murphy Oil Corporation, 596

(1969), 89, 844, 859-864
National Guard, 991

National Institute on Drug Abuse, 869
National Labor Relations Act (1935),

319, 320, 323, 325

National Labor Relations Board, 319,
320, 322, 323, 326

National Marine Fisheries Service, 543,
554-556, 853

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad-
ministration, 545, 553, 669, 841, 853
National Science Foundation, 841

[blocks in formation]

dual nationality, 106-108, 112, 693, New Zealand

[blocks in formation]

Naturalization, revocation of. See under New Zealand v. France (1974), 432

Nature Protection and Wildlife Preser-
vation in the Western Hemisphere,
Convention on (1940), 578, 842
Navigable waters, Jay Treaty (1794),

Navy, Secretary of the, 339, 631-632
Nazi war criminals, 134–135
Ndiaye, Sadibou, 444

Ne Win, U, 868

Near v. Minnesota (1931), 234


Antarctic Treaty (1959), 101

Basle Agreement (U.K. credit facil-

ity) (1977), 709

blocking statutes, 769

drug control cooperation with U.S.,


the Hague

(1965), 479

and NATO, 966



N'Gouabi, Marien, 22


American Convention

Rights (1969), 182

on Human

the Hague Service Convention, 480
Nice Agreement concerning Interna-

tional Classification of Goods and
Services for the Purposes of the
Registration of Marks (1957), as
revised (1967), Geneva Act (1977)
to, 789-791

Nicholas & Co. v. United States (1918),

[blocks in formation]

and Southern Rhodesia, 892, 894
Nikkei International, Inc., 467-470

succession of states in respect of Nixon, Richard M., 413, 423, 424

treaties, 389

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Non-rubber footwear,

import control, 712-713

Nordic states, 158

North Atlantic Assembly, 47
North Atlantic Ice Patrol, 48

North Atlantic Treaty (1949), 416
North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Canadian Armed Forces, 726
contributions by U.S., 47

export of defense equipment to, 957
military advisory groups, 986
privileges and immunities of persons
associated with, 250, 252

U.S. conventional arms transfer pol-
icy, 950

U.S. employees, 45

Northern Mariana Islands. See also
Trust Territory of the Pacific

citizenship, interim definition of, 105
commonwealth covenant, 71-72, 82-83,

85-88, 90, 91, 560

Constitution, 82-87, 105-106
courts for, 85-88

fishery conservation zone limits, 560
legal status, 88-89

Trusteeship Agreement (1947), 72-

74, 82, 83, 89, 93

Norton, William, 151


Antarctic Treaty (1959), 101

[blocks in formation]

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy Act of
1977, 939-940

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

See Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons, Treaty on (1968)
Nuclear power policy, U.S., 167, 936-939
Nuclear power stations, 918
Nuclear powered ships, 535
Nuclear Regulatory

(NRC), 729, 804-808, 859-864, 940
Nuclear test cases

Australia v. France (1974), 432
New Zealand v. France (1974), 432
Nuclear transfers, 945-946
Nuclear weapons

Department of Energy Organization
Act (1977), 808-810

Diplomatic Conference on the Re-
affirmation and Development of
International Humanitarian Law
Applicable in Armed Conflicts
(1976), 919

negotiations with U.S.S.R., 428
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
See Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons, Treaty on (1968)
Protocols I and II to 1949 Geneva
Convention for the Protection of
War Victims, 920

claims convention with U.S. (1940), Nuclear weapons test ban, U.S.-U.S.S.R.

[blocks in formation]

talks on,


Nucleus of Chicago Homeowners As-
sociation v. Lynn (1975), 861
Nyquist v. Mauclet (1977), 132
Nyerere, Mwalimu Julius K., 831, 893

Oakley, Robert B., 12

Oaths, administration of to witnesses,

Obenga, Theophile, 21
Obregon, A., 421

O'Brien v. Rozman (1977), 146

treaty Occidental of Umm Al Qay, Inc. v. Cities
Service Oil Co. (1975), 526

Notarial services, fees for U.S. con-

sular services, 312-313

Nuclear data, 958

Nuclear energy, 799-802, 808

Ocean transportation. See Maritime
navigation and transportation

Oceania, 42

Oceans. See Sea, law of

O'Connell, Daniel, 152

Nuclear excavation, Panama Canal O'Connor, Earl E., 379

Treaty (1977), 583

Nuclear explosive devices, Interna-
tional Financial Institutions Act
(1977), 224

Nuclear exports, 729-730

Oetjen v. Central Leather Co. (1918),

521, 526

Oil. See petroleum and petroleum prod-
ucts under Fuels and energy
Oil pollution. Scc Marine pollution

Okada, Hisashi, 332

Olter, Bailey, 81

Olympics, Munich, 1972, 205-206, 209
Oman and OPIC, 702

O'Neill, Thomas P., Jr., 182, 286, 714,

OPEC. See Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Oppenheim, Lassa, 151

Oregon Treaty (1846), 349, 354, 367
Orfila, Alejandro, 255

Organic Act of Guam (1950), 62, 66, 86
Organic Acts of U.S., 64, 66
Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD)
contributions by U.S., 47

Declaration on International Invest-
ment and Multinational Enter-
prises, 773, 774

Declaration on Relations with Devel-

oping Countries, 749

U.S. employees, 45

Organization of African Unity, 200, 210,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


U.S.-Panamanian Treaty of Mutual
Understanding and Cooperation
(1955), 355, 361, 363, 365, 368
U.S. treaty clause to transfer property
to, 351

Panama, Isthmus of, 706
Panama Canal

congressional responsibilities, 343,

expeditious transit, 585, 591

Treaties with U.S. (1977), 397, 398
treaty negotiations, statement of un-
derstanding, 584

and U.S. Constitution

property clause, 346-347, 351, 365
treaty clause, 346, 351, 368
U.S.-Panama Canal Treaty (1977).
agreement on transfer of offend-
ers, 585

U.S.-Panama Isthmian Canal Con-
vention (1903), 576, 587, 590
U.S.-Panama Neutrality Treaty


U.S.-Panama Treaty (1903), 576, 592,


and U.S. War Powers Resolution
(1973), 586, 591

Panama Canal Act (1912), 357
Panama Canal Commission, 577, 579-

Panama Canal Company, 360-361, 509.
511, 577, 579, 582


Economic and Military Cooperation | Panama Canal Consultative Committee.
Agreement with U.S. (1977), 578
Foreign Broadcast Information Serv-
ice Agreement with U.S. (1977),

freighter registered by, 573–574
Gorgas Memorial Institute of Tropi-

cal and Preventive Medicine
Agreement with U.S. (1977), 578
Gorgas Memorial Library Agreement
with U.S. (1977), 578
Helms v. Vance (1977), 370
military advisory groups, 985, 986
and OPIC, 702

Panama Canal Zone. See Canal Zone
Panama Railroad Company, Act to

amend Canal Zone Code to incorpo-
rate (1948), 361
Pangelinan, Edward D. L. G., 85
Panmunjon Armistice (1953), 983
Papantla Royalties Corporation, 517–


Papua New Guinea, succession in re-
spect of treaties, 394-397
Paraguay and American Convention on
Human Rights (1969), 182

request for consular official's im- Paris agreements (1973). See Agree-

munity, 270

Smithsonian Tropical Research In-
stitute Agreement with U.S.
(1977), 578

Treaty Concerning the Permanent
Neutrality and Operation of the
Panama Canal (1977), 575–592,
596, 979
Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation
with U.S. (1936), 362, 594, 596

ment on Ending the War and Re-
storing Peace in Viet-Nam (1973)
Paris Convention for the Protection of
Industrial Property (1883), as
revised, 787, 789

Paris Reparation Agreement (1946).
696, 698

Park, Chung Hee, 472
Park, Tong-jin, 472, 473
Park, Tongsun, 471-477

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