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General Stark needs a biographer just as the state needs a historian. If some author would perform for him a service similar to that recently rendered to his loyalist contemporary, John Wentworth, by Mayo, he would stand forth more plainly than he does now as the great military genius which all those who have investigated for themselves know him to have been. He would clearly appear as second only to George Washington among the great commanders of the Revoution.

of long

By a joint resolution standing the legislature has called upon our successive governors to proclaim an Arbor Day at this season of the year. This has generally been done. In the present instance the day was made to fall upon the one hundredth anniversary of the death of New Hampshire's greatest soldier and trees have been set for him as well as those who have died in war that we may live in peace. It would not seem inappropriate to make Arbor Day and Stark Day permanently identical to be devoted, in some part and among other purposes, to



trees and vines and

By J. Roy Zeiss

Lure of the stream, and evergreen pines,
Fragrance of clover and honeysuckle vines;
Blue of the mirrored lake in early morn,
Rise of the sun in splendor reborn;
Call of the quail, and song of the lark,
Lap of the waves on the side of your bark;—
Fall of the fly and leap of the trout,
Flash of the silver! Your line running out!
Flicker of the shadows in the camp-fire's gleam,
Joys of the follower of forest and stream!

By Rev. Roland D. Sawyer.

Two men grow upon me as I grow older, and as I have more to do with political and public life-they are Lincoln and Webster. Lincoln, for his quiet wisdom and ability to get things done. Webster for his native powers of intellect. Webster was a giant. His poise in public life came from an intellect confident of itself. Capt. Webster of Kingston, born 1739, married 1761, was the first to move into the "North Country" in New Hampshire after the French and English treaty of 1763 opened upper New Hampshire to settlement by the English along the coast. In the little two room frame house there was born on January 18, 1782, the greatest son of New Hampshire. Only the robust survived, and Daniel grew to be a man possessed of fine physical presence and great physical endurance. A boyhood spent among the hills, his sports those of the pioneer, fishing, hunting, he from the out-door life learned to love Nature, to see things from the out-door standpoint-to see them big. He loved to see the sunrise upon the eternal hills of upper New Hampshire-to gaze upon the vast ocean at Portsmouth and Hampton, and later from his adopted home at Marshfield. He loved the great friendly ox-the best friend of the settler; majestic, slowmoving, but sure and strong they were like himself. And the last act of his life was to have his oxen driven on the lawn before his sick room window, so he might watch them feed. Life was hard and dull in the country of Webster's early life; no papers, few books, hardships and never-ending toil-but such environment stirred lads of stirred lads of native endowment like Lincoln, Greeley, Ballou, Webster-and he read and meditated and became a

man of wide information and sound knowledge.

Such was the life of the lad and young man, and as he steps upon the forum he seems fitted for that calling above all else. Just as Whitefield was fitted to be a great open-air preacher, so Webster was fitted for the forum of public life. His fine imagination, his stately eloquence, his love for his countrythese fitted him to stand in Washington as America's Greatest Senator. President he was not destined to be, and it was well; the office of president would have detracted from his glory as America's greatest figure in parliamentary life and activity. And Webster won his fame, not at a time barren of great men-his colleagues were Clay, and Calhoun- "there were giants in those days" in the federal


Alongside of the classics from Greece and Rome in their glory, we Americans can place the speeches at Bunker Hill, the Eulogy on Adams and Jefferson, the Septemher speech at Marshfield, and the second speech on Foote's Resolution.

Webster symbolizes an epochhe is the classic voice of America in the forming. Just as Washington stands for America struggling to be free and as Jefferson stands for America drawing up its form of organic government-so Webster stands for America as it finds itself and stands among the nations of the earth, the youngest, most alert, most virile, most just-of the earth's nations. He stood the great voice of the federal parliament, in that government, which as he himself expressed it is "The peoples' government, made for the

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Memorial Day, 1922, in New Hampshire, was well observed. Of all our holidays, it retains and expresses the most of the purpose for which it was instituted. This has been largely, though not by any means wholly, due to the fact that behind its observance is an organization once powerful by virtue of its numbers and still potent because of the great achievement to its credit in preserving the unity of our nation on the one right basis. So long as one veteran of the Civil War remains in a community as a living symbol of what Memorial

Day means, that community is not likely to allow May 30 to pass without some fitting recognition of the war which saved the Union and the men who fought it.

But when the last member of the Grand Army of the Republic has answered the final roll-call, when the Boys in Blue are only a glorious memory, will their holiday be allowed to lose its meaning and become merely one more free day for motoring, sports and recreation? We hope not. There are very few places in this country where July 4 gives any justification for being known as Independence Day; but in the hundred thousand cemeteries where the grave of every dead soldier is carefully marked with flag and flowers Memorial Day means something, to the youngest child who follows the band and the soldiers, as well as the oldest survivor who enlisted under the Stars and Stripes when but a child himself.

Let us whose generation came between, who were too young to fight in the Civil War and too old to fight in the World War, try to do something of our part for patriotism by making certain, so far as the enacting of laws and the educating of sentiment can do it, that the decorating of these graves continues, in the manner and the spirit of those who founded and have faithfully carried on this beautiful custom.

Just the kind of a letter, for three reasons, which the Granite Monthly likes to receive, came in today's mail from Mr. Charles W. Aiken, the distinguished inventor and manufacturer, of Brooklyn, N. Y., whose old home town is Franklin, N. H. The three reasons were these: First, the letter enclosed a check in advance payment subscription; second, it said "The Granite Monthly is interesting and very well worth while;" third, it offered a valuable suggestion as to increasing the magazine's subscription list. Enough of that kind of mail makes a perfect day for an editor and publisher. "It is a valuable work you are doing and I will lift my mite," writes J. M. Post of Mascoma, accompanying a check. The current catalogue of Libbie, of Boston of New England history, listing 50 volumes of the Granite Monthly, says the set is "a veritable storehouse of historical matter relating to the state, with much valuable genealogical information, biography, local history, etc., not to be found elsewhere."


As interesting as the best fic tion, yet of much value as an accurate historical record, is "The Cowboy," by Philip Ashton Rollins (Charles Scribner's Sons, New York). Mr. Rollins is a member of that distinguished New England family which has made so many important contributions to the literature of the nation as well as to its statecraft and finance, and, to its list the present work is a worthy addition. It is evidently a labor of love and one so well performed that even the casual reader, before he has turned many pages, comes to share the interest of the

author in the subject of his por-
trait, "The
"The Cowboy," not the
theatric figure of the movies, but
"an affirmative, constructive factor
in the social and political devel-
opment of the United States."

Mr. Rollins shows that he has read books, ransacked archives and consulted authorities in order to achieve correctness and completeness; which he has achieved to such an extent that we should call his work monumental, if that adjective was not likely to convey a false impression as to the readableness of the narrative. But it is not his diligence as a student which is the main factor in the undoubted success of Mr. Rollins's book; it is the vivid variety of his personal experiences, dating back to the days when Jim Bridger told him about Kit Carson, and coming down to the present time. Through long years he has been the cowboy's close companion and warm friend; so that he knows him from sombrero to chaps; at work and at play; at the round-up or on the

trail. Beyond that, and this is
where the public gains an interest-
ing story as well as a
as well as a valuable
source of information, Mr. Rol-
lins makes his reader see the cow-

boy as he was and is; to appreciate his virtues and to understand his faults; to recognize in him "the spirit of the West." So true a picture, so honestly painted, deserves a permanent place in our national gallery of American types.

Publishers send us occasionally books which have not New Hampshire connection, but which we can recommend as of interest, for other reasons, to our readers.

Coningsby Dawson's "The Vanishing Point" (Cosmopolitan Book Corporation) is a thrilling tale of world war aftermath, in which the gifted author forsees monarchy and anarchy in mortal combat and America once more quelling the storm, this time with bread instead of bullets. Very famous people appear in the story under thin disguises and the "pull" of the plot in which they strangely figure never slackens.

"The Wild Heart," by Emma Lindsay Squier (Cosmopolitan Book Company) is an engaging record of friendships between a boy and girl, on the shore of Puget Sound, and a sea gull, a jack rabbit, a deer, a bear, a heron, a seal, a quail, a hawk. The degree of rapport attained between the humans and the wild things seem almost incredible, yet the story is told. with a simplicity that breathes truth in every line. The publishers have given the book an attractive form, with illustrations and decorations by Paul Bransom.

"The Red Cavalier," by Gladys Edson Locke (The Page Company, Boston) is a mystery story of old England and old India with all the necessary ingredients of love, jealousy, murder, jewels, a cypher,

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