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fuch wife, child or children are left, for the bringing up and providing for fuch wife, child or children; which warrant or Such warrant to be confirmorder being confirmed at the next quarter feffions, it shall be ed at quarterlawful for the justices of fuch quarter feffions to make an order feffions; who for the churchwardens or overseers for the poor of such parish may make an or place, to difpofe of fuch goods and chattels by fale, or other- order for fale, wife, or fo much of them, for the purposes aforefaid, as the court shall think fit, and to receive the rents and profits, or fo much of them as fhall be ordered by the feffions, as aforefaid, of his or her lands and tenements, for the purposes aforefaid.


be account

II. And be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the Churchwarchurchwardens and overfeers aforefaid fhall be accountable to dens, &c. to the justices at the quarter feffions for all fuch money as they, or able to juftices any of them, fhall receive by virtue of this act.


An act for continuing certain duties upon coals and culm, and for eftablishing certain funds to raise money, as well to proceed in the building of new churches, as alfo to compleat the fupply granted to his Majefty; and to reserve the overplus monies of the faid duties for the difpofition of parliament; and for more effectual fuppreffing private


in feffions.


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Ann. c. 22.

and I Geo. 1.


1 Geo. 2. c. 8.

M OST gracious Sovereign, Whereas by an act of parliament made and passed in the ninth year of her late Majesty's reign, 10 Ann. c. 11. intituled, An act for granting to her Majefty feveral duties upon and 2. 23 coals, for building fifty new churches in and about the cities of See 1 Geo. 2. London and Westminster, and suburbs thereof, and other purposes ftat.2. c.8. f. 3. therein mentioned, it was enacted, That for all forts of coals and culm, Provifions are which from and after the fourteenth day of May one thousand feven made for the hundred and fixteen, and before the nine and twentieth day of Septem- from this act by furplus arifing ber one thousand feven hundred and twenty four, should be imported 5 Geo. I. c.19. and brought into the port of the city of London, or the river of 1. 42, & Thames within the liberty of the faid city, upon the fame river, 13Geo.1.C.21. there should be paid to her Majesty her heirs and fucceffors by way of impofition thereupon (over and befides all other impofitions and duties) according to the rates therein after mentioned, that is to fay, from and after the faid fourteenth day of May one thousand feven hundred and fixteen, and before the nine and twentieth day of September one thousand seven hundred and fixteen, for all fuch forts of coals and culm as are ufually fold by the chalder, for every chalder thereof, containing thirty fix bushels Winchefter measure, the fum of two fillings; and for fuch fort of coals as are fold by the tun, for every tun thereof, containing twenty hundred weight, the fum of two fillings; and from and after the eight and twentieth day of September one thousand feven hundred and fixteen, and before the eight and twentieth day of September one thousand feven hundred and twenty four, there should be paid for every fuch faid chalder of coals and culm and tun of coals, the fum of three billings; and that all the monies which should be raised by virtue of that act (the ne

C. 2



ceffary charges of raising, managing and accounting for the fame excepted) should be brought into the receipt of the exchequer, and ould be appropriated and disposed for the building of fifty new churches of tone, and other proper materials, with towers or Steeples to each of them, and for purchafing fcites of churches and church-yards, and burying-places, in or near the cities of London and Westminster, or the fuburbs thereof; and for making fuch chapels churches as were already built, and capable thereof, parish churches; and for purchasing houses for the habitations of the minifters of the said churches; and for applying the fum of four thousand pounds per annum out of the faid duties and impofitions towards the repairing and finishing the collegiate church of Saint Peter, Weftminster, and the chapels of the fame; and alfo for applying the fum of fix thousand pounds per annum cut of the faid duties and impofitions arifing by that act, towards the finishing Greenwich Hofpital, and the chapel thereunto belonging; and to and for none other use, intent or purpose whatsoever: and it was thereby declared and enacted, That there should be erected and built of stone, and other materials, fifty churches, with towers or steeples to eash of them, whereof one should be erected in the parish of Eaft-Greenwich in 10 Ann. c. 11. the county of Kent. And whereas in the tenth year of her jaid late Majefty's reign, another act was made and passed in parliament for enlarging the time given to the commiffioners appointed by her Majefty, pursuant to the faid former act for granting the faid duties for building the faid new churches, and other purposes therein mentioned, and for giving to the faid commiffioners further powers for better effecting the fame, and for appointing monies for rebuilding the parish church of St. Mary Woolnoth in the faid city of London. And whereas 1 Geo. 1. ftat. by an act of parliament made and passed in the first year of your Majefty's reign, intituled, An act for making provifion for the minifters of the fifty new churches which are to be built in and about the cities of London and Westminster, and fuburbs thereof, and for rebuilding and finishing the parith church of St. Mary Woolnoth in the faid city of London, it was enacted, That for all forts of coals and culm, which from and after the twenty Seventh day of September one thousand feven hundred and twenty four, and before the twenty eighth day of September one thoufand Jeven hundred and twenty five, shall be imported and brought into the port of the city of London, or the river of Thames, within the liberty of the faid city upon the fame river, there should be paid to his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, by way of impofition thereupon (over and befides all other impofitions and duties, according to the rates therein after mentioned, that is to fay) for all fuch forts of coals and culm as are ufually fold by the chalder, for every chalder thereaf, containing thirty fix bufhels Winchefter measure, the fum of three billings; and for fuch fort of coals as are fold by the tun, for every tun thereof, containing twenty hundred weight, the fum of three fillings; and that all the monies which should be raised by virtue of that act (the necessary charges of raifing, managing, and accounting for the Jame, excepted) should be brought into the receipt of exchequer, and Should be appropriated for and towards the providing due maintenances for the minifters to attend the fervice of God in the faid new churchess

2. C. 23.


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and should for that purpose be issued, applied and difpofed, in fuch
manner as fhould thereafter be directed by parliament: and it was
thereby enacted, That the faid parish church of St. Mary Woolnoth,
and the tower thereof, fhould be rebuilt and finished out of the duties
granted by the faid recited act of the ninth year of her faid late Ma- 9 Ann. c. 22.
jefty's reign; and that the monies to be imployed for that purpose,
fhould be replaced and made good out of and by the monies applicable

by virtue of the faid act of the tenth year of her faid late Majefty's 10 Ann. c. 11.
reign, to the rebuilding and finishing the faid church, and the tower
thereof, as by the faid feveral acts, relation being thereunto refpective-
ly had, may more fully appear: and whereas out of the faid duties of
coals and culm, or out of monies lent upon credit of the fame, fe-
veral confiderable fums, amounting in the whole to one hundred fixty
one thousand one hundred feventy and five pounds fixteen fillings and
Seven pence, have been already raised and iffued for the buildings, re-
pairs, and other purposes prescribed in or by the faid recited acts,
and the building of fome of the new churches thereby appointed to be
built, hath been begun, and feveral repairs which were thereby di-
rected, have been entred upon, and fome fcites, cemeteries, burying-
places, and minifters houfes have been purchased or contracted for,
and other charges have been borne, and payments made pursuant to
the orders of the feveral commiffioners, who from time to time have
been intrufted in and for the execution of the powers in the said se-
„veral acts contained; but the charge of the faid buildings and repairs
already begun or performed, hath been fo exceffive, that over and
above the application of the faid monies already iffued, a great debt is
now owing to workmen and others for the fame; and it evidently
appears, That in cafe the expence of the faid buildings and repairs
hould proceed and be carried on at or near the fame exceffive rates,
the whole produce of the faid duties, during the faid time or times to
come therein by the faid former acts (though fuch produce far exceeds
the original estimates made for building the faid new churches and re-
pairs) will be very deficient for thofe purposes, and may probably at
the end of the faid present terms leave a great debt for work and
materials unprovided for: and whereas it is computed or estimated,
That the faid duties laid by the faid former acts on coals and culm to
be imported, as aforefaid, between Lady-day one thousand seven
hundred and nineteen, and the faid twenty eighth day of September
one thousand seven hundred and twenty five, may amount in the whole
to the fum of three hundred and fixty thousand pounds; and in cafe the
prefent terms in the faid duties be enlarged, fo as to make up thirty
two years, from Lady-day one thousand seven hundred and nineteen,
the faid fum of three hundred and fixty thousand pounds may be raised
for the purposes before mentioned, as in this act is afterwards provided,
upon a particular yearly fund or fecurity in that behalf; and that the
fum of five hundred twenty eight thousand three hundred and twenty
pounds one filling and nine pence may be raised by establishing another
particular yearly fund, and by fuch other ways and means as are here-
after in this act provided, for making good the fupply granted to his
Majefty in this feffion of parliament in the manner herein after men-
tioned; and that the furpluffes which shall or may, from time to time,
arife by the faid duties on coals and culm, over and above so much as shall

[ocr errors][merged small]

be fufficient to discharge the payments by this act intended to be charged thereupon, may be referved for the use of the publick: therefore we your Majefty's most dutiful and loyal fubjects, the commons of Great Britain in parliament affembled, being defirous to pursue your Majesty's pious and gracious intentions for the honour and benefit of the church of England and advancement of our holy religion, by making provifion for raifing the faid fum of three hundred and fixty thousand pounds in fuch proportions at a time as thall be needed to be employed (fo far as the Tame will extend) for or towards the building and finishing of churches, purchafing fcites, church yards, burying places, and houses for minifters, repairing the faid collegiate church of St. Peter, Weftminster, and the chapels of the fame, finishing Greenwich Hofpital and the chapel thereunto belonging, and making provifions for minifters, according to the true intention of the faid former acts of parliament; and being alfo defirous to make good the fupply granted to your Majefty in this feffion of parliament, by making provifion to raise a fum, not exceeding the faid fum of five hundred twenty eight thousand three hundred and twenty pounds one fhilling and nine pence; and being also defirous to have the faid furpluffes referved for the use of the publick as aforefaid, do moft humbly present to your Majefty the several impofitions, rates and duties herein after mentioned, and do moft humbly pray, That it may be, and be it enacted by the King's moft excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That for all forts of coals and culm which, from and after the twenty-feventh day of September one thousand seven hundred and March 1751, twenty five, and before the feast of the annunciation of the 3 s. per chal- bleffed Virgin Mary which shall be in the year of our Lord one der and tun. thousand feven hundred and fifty one, thall be imported and Thefe duties are brought into the port of the city of London, or the river of made perpetual Thames within the liberty of the faid city upon the fame river, by 6 Geo. 1. c. 4. fect. 1. there shall be paid to his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, by See 13 Geo. 1. way of impofition thereupon (over and above all other impoc. 21. fect. 1. fitions and duties) according to the rates hereafter mentioned, (that is to fay) for all fuch forts of coals and culm as are ufually fold by the chalder, for every chalder thereof containing thirty fix bushels Winchefter meafure, the fum of three fhillings, and for such sort of coals as are fold by the tun, for every tun thereof, containing twenty hundred weight, the fum of three shillings.

Coals and

culm import

ed into the port of Lon

don, after 27

Sept 1725, and

before 25

to pay, viz.

Thefe duties to be under

ment of the

II. And it is hereby enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the said respective fums of three fhillings for every chalder of the manage- coals and culm and tun of coals, which from time to time, commiffioners from and after the feaft of the annunciation of the bleffed Virof the customs. gin Mary one thousand seven hundred and nineteen, and before the faid feaft of the annunciation of the bleffed Virgin Mary which fhall be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty one, fhall be imported or brought into the said


port or river within the liberty of the faid city, as aforefaid, and

payable by virtue of the said recited acts of the ninth year of her 9 Ann. c. zz. late Majefty's reign and the first year of his Majesty's reign, and 1 Geo. 1. ftat. by virtue of this prefent act, every or any of them, fhall from 2. C. zz. time to time be under the management of the commiffioners and officers of his Majefty's cuftoms for the time being, according to fuch orders and directions as are or fhall from time to time be given by the commiffioners of the treasury, or any three or more of them now being, or by the high treasurer, or

any three or more of the commiffioners of the treasury for the Duties how to time being; and fhall or may from time to time be raised, le- be levied. vied, collected and paid to his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, in fuch manner, method and form, and at fuch places and by fuch rules, ways and means, and under fuch penalties and forfeitures, as are mentioned, expreffed and referred unto in and by any act, law or ftatute, acts, laws or ftatutes now in force, for raifing, levying, collecting or answering any other duty or duties now payable to his Majefty for or upon any coals or culm whatsoever imported or brought coaftwife into the said port of London; and that all and every the powers, authorities, penalties, forfeitures, difabilities, articles, rules and claufes in the fame acts, laws and ftatutes, or any of them, mentioned or contained (except fuch and so much of them, for and concerning which it is otherwise provided in this and the faid recited acts, or any of them) fhall be of fuch force and effect, to all intents and purposes, for the raifing, levying, collecting and answering the impofitions hereby granted, for and during the faid term or time herein before limited, as if the fame were particularly and at large fet down and enacted by this act; any former law, cuftom or ufage whatsoever to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding.

Chelsea ho

III. Provided, that this act, or any thing therein contained, 100 chalders fhall not extend, or be construed to extend, to charge or lay of coals per any of the duties or impofitions hereby imposed upon fuch coals ann. for (not exceeding one hundred chalders by the year) as shall be spital, not brought into the port of London, from Newcastle upon Tine or chargeable. any other place, for the only use and service of the royal hofpital at Chelsea; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

into the ex


IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, The monies. That all and every fuch fum and fums of money as fhall be to be brought raised, collected or levied by virtue of the said recited act of the chequer. ninth year of her faid late Majesty's reign, and by virtue of the 9 Ann. c. 22. said recited act of the first year of his Majefty's reign, and by í Geo. 1. ftat. virtue of this prefent act, every or any of them, of or for the 2. c. 23. said duties on coals and culm to be imported and brought into the faid port of the city of London, or the river of Thames within the liberty of the faid city upon the fame river, at any time or times, from and after the feast of the annunciation of the bleffed Virgin Mary one thoufand seven hundred and nineteen, and before the faid feaft of the annunciation of the bleffed Vir

C 4


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