Virginia's Reviews > Pretties

Pretties by Scott Westerfeld
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: 2011books

I was not totally entranced by Uglies, the first book in this series, but I was interested enough in the cliffhanger ending to want to know what happened.

I appreciated the difference in tone between the thoughts and dialect of the Pretties versus that of the Uglies. Like Uglies, the plot development is excruciatingly slow in the first half of the book. Fortunately, this is easy to read, but it took f-o-r-e-v-e-r for anything to happen. I understand that Pretties are purposefully dumb, but I wondered how much of that was a grand scheme and how much was innate to each character.

Again, the “romance” felt really forced and unnecessary. Tally is just not cut out to be a romantic heroine. Stick to the action scenes, Tally!

I also felt like being plopped down into an anthropological experiment 3/4 of the way through the book came out of left field. Which book was I reading again? It was a totally different storyline with no foreshadowing whatsoever.

It was especially jarring to read this series, which I did not particularly like, at the same time that I was reading Leviathan and Behemoth by the same author, which I LOVED. It was hard to reconcile the two completely different worlds and writing styles.

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Reading Progress

July 28, 2011 – Started Reading
July 28, 2011 – Shelved
August 13, 2011 – Shelved as: 2011books
August 13, 2011 – Finished Reading

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