Erin's Reviews > The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner by James Dashner
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This book was both super fast paced and incredibly slow at the same time. There was a lot of great action, but solving the mystery was painfully slow. I wanted to slap the next character who said, "We can't talk about that right now" or "We don't have time to talk." The best was, "If I try to talk about that, I'll have to choke myself" (but if Thomas talks about it, he has no reaction.) It seems like it would be more logical to give each Newbie a little background lesson instead of keeping them in the dark.

I did like the premise of the book though and am intrigued enough to want to keep going with the series. This is another book where I think it would make a better movie than book, but they would have to up the age of the characters since (like the Hunger Games) it's kids killing kids, and it's pretty violent and a lot of kids die.
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January 9, 2011 – Shelved
December 29, 2012 – Started Reading
January 1, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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message 1: by Kellie (new)

Kellie Palmer So did you watch the movie?

Erin I did and felt the same about it as the book. They didn't really improve it like I'd hoped.

message 3: by Kellie (new)

Kellie Palmer I'm watching it and am now curious to read the books. The movie also had very vague answers to the questions.

Erin Some questions are never answered, even if you read all three in the series.

Becca Hoetger Yeah, I read all three books and was pretty dissatisfied at the end. I haven't seen the movie yet.

message 6: by Kellie (new)

Kellie Palmer Oh, maybe I won't read the books then...

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