Matt's Reviews > The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner by James Dashner
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's review

it was amazing

I enjoyed the maze runner very much. It had suspenseful, action, and drama.It was very suspenseful because it kept u on the edge of your seat and make u keep reading the next chapter to know what happens. It had a lot of action throughout the book. The action was mostly the whole book. Also it had some drama because u didn't know what was going to happen after someone got stung or after someone got hurt. You would feel really bad for that person and some people might even cry over it.

The Author James Dashner was really good at adding sensory details by describing the walls and how the people were feeling inside the glade.

I would recommended this book to people who like mysteries and really suspenseful books.

I really enjoyed this book. I am going to read the next books after I watch the movie of this one. I want to see the different between the too. Most of my friends say the movie is better but I will find out soon.
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September 28, 2015 – Finished Reading
September 29, 2015 – Shelved

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