Nola Lorraine's Reviews > The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner by James Dashner
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it was amazing
bookshelves: young-adult, speculative, sci-fi-fantasy

Thomas has no memory prior to travelling up to The Glade in an elevator known as the Box. He discovers a community of teenage boys who've spent two years trying to find an escape route back to the life none of them can remember. Between them and escape is a maze whose walls change every night, protected by the Grievers - horrible creatures programmed to stop the boys at all costs. In spite of their dire circumstances, the community runs smoothly. The unseen 'Creators' send supplies up in the Box on the same day each week and one new boy arrives at the same time each month. Each boy has designated duties and order is paramount. But just a day after Thomas arrives, the Box springs into action and delivers a girl clutching a note that will change all of their lives. Why does Thomas have the distinct impression that he and the girl knew each other previously and that he is destined to be a Maze Runner? Can he solve the maze before it's too late?

I haven't seen the movie, so didn't know anything about this book before reading it. I loved it. the mystery and suspense kept the pages turning. Although the situation was dire, little shreds of hope always glimmered in the background. Just when you thought you knew what was happening, something unexpected was thrown into the mix. The author uses vivid descriptions, strong verbs, and great chapter endings that kept me engrossed. A diagram of The Glade's layout would have been helpful in the early part of the book, as lots of new information was given and I was trying to picture it all in my mind. But that's a petty quibble. I really enjoyed it and definitely want to find out what happens in the rest of the series.
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Reading Progress

December 18, 2015 – Shelved
December 18, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
January 1, 2016 – Started Reading
January 14, 2016 – Shelved as: young-adult
January 14, 2016 – Shelved as: speculative
January 14, 2016 – Finished Reading
April 17, 2016 – Shelved as: sci-fi-fantasy

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message 1: by Mazzy (new)

Mazzy Adams Hmm ... this looks like something I would enjoy.

Nola Lorraine I think you would Mazzy. It's not my usual genre at all, but it really kept me engaged.

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