Eduardo Ventura's Reviews > The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner by James Dashner
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it was amazing

Personal Response

I loved this book because of the mystery in it. The whole idea of living in the middle of a maze, the way the characters were surviving, and the great escape, amazed me. I love dystopian books, so these series are just a perfect fit for me.


Thomas woke up in a metallic box with dozens of teenage boys rounding out of it. Thomas had to learn how to live in this little but well organized area placed in the middle of a maze. He learned very fast and got some enemies very fast also. In addition to his enemies, things started going bad since Thomas' arrival. A girl came in the same box as Thomas days later. She seemed to be dead but she told the boys that the experiment was finished. Days later, the girl woke up from her coma. She told the boys that her name was Teresa. Teresa and Thomas found a secret code in the maze and helped most of the boys to escape from the maze.


Thomas woke up in a unknown place with no memories of his past. Throughout the story, Thomas became or realized that he was very brave. Thomas saved the life of many of the boys and risked his own life to help them escape from the maze. I liked Thomas for the way he took decisions and how he cared of people he did not even know.

Teresa was a similar situation as Thomas. However, she had more memories than Thomas did. Teresa was very smart and brave. She helped find the secret code and helped the boys to find the way out of the maze.

Impacts of Setting

This story took place in a giant maze with fake sunlight and moon. This story was in a dystopian version of North America. The experiments were invented after a big disaster in the earth, caused by the sun. This story cannot be possible if none of this future disaster ever occurred.


I recommend this book to anybody, of any gender, between the ages of 13 and 25 years old who likes dystopian books, especially books like the Hunger Games. I recommend The Maze Runner to this group of people because this book is very similar to the Hunger Games and its dystopian universe is something that dystopian readers would love.
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Reading Progress

December 23, 2015 – Shelved
December 23, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
February 18, 2016 – Started Reading
February 18, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
February 22, 2016 –
page 102
February 23, 2016 –
page 131
February 24, 2016 –
page 153
February 25, 2016 –
page 176
February 26, 2016 –
page 206
February 27, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
March 3, 2016 –
page 358
March 8, 2016 – Finished Reading

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