Logan Feltz's Reviews > The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner by James Dashner
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it was amazing

I thought The Maze Runner was a fantastic book. The book was very interesting, having more mysteries pop up in each and every chapter. The only mystery I am left with after this book is "Who or what is WICKED". The Maze Runner always kept me at the edge of my seat, wanting to read more. I can't wait to read the next book in the series now.

Thomas wakes up to find himself in a dark elevator, with no recollection of anything other than his name. A while later, he is raised up into a giant square area with 60 other boys, called the Glade. Thomas has to adapt to the lifestyle of the gladers, and eventually help the runners find a way out through the maze surrounding their area. Eventually, he will have to gain the trust, and respect of the gladers in order to escape the maze. Once he has done so, he has to find out who and what WICKED is, and stop whatever it is they are doing. Little does he know, this will be the first of many perilous trials that lie ahead.

This book is written in third person. Thomas, the protagonist of the story, is a very talented person. In his situation, with having his memory taken away from him, he has the a slight recollection of creating the maze with the people behind "WICKED". The second protagonist of the story is Teresa, Thomas's girlfriend before they had their memories wiped. The main antagonists of the book are the grievers, and the cooperation behind the maze, "WICKED".

The Maze Runner takes place in a fictional, disaster-run Earth. The world has been struck by multiple solar flares, and taken over by a virus. This led to the rise of WICKED, World in Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department, which have constructed multiple trials for the people who are immune to the virus. The maze is only one of the many trials the boys have to face in order to survive. There is no set year as to when the book takes place, but from what I've read, I can tell it takes place farther into the future.

There were many themes in the book The Maze Runner, but one that really stood out is the theme of Leadership. When Thomas first comes up to the Glade, he soon figures out everyone has a role to play to make the system that they have function. Throughout the book, he gained respect and honor by risking his own life to save others, and contributing to the teams of runners through various efforts. As time went on, he gained trust from the other gladers, which in turn, ended up saving the lives of many from the grievers. His roll as a leader isn't over yet. The people that survived escaping the maze, now look up to him, hoping Thomas will get them through the next trial that lies ahead, The Scorch Trials. This all shows us that if we stand up for others, contribute our effort and time, and work hard, anybody can become a great leader.

I would recommend The Maze Runner to teenagers 13 and up of both genders that like a book with action, adventure, suspense, and mystery. Thomas has to deal with some tough issues throughout the book and can be relatable at times. This is a great, short, easy read for anyone who is looking for a quick action-packed thriller.
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message 1: by Adrienne (new) - added it

Adrienne 1 (setting=impacts of time and place), 3,4

"The second protagonist of the story is Teresa, Thomas's boyfriend before they had their memories wiped." I'm pretty sure Teresa can't be a boyfriend :)

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