Josh B's Reviews > The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner by James Dashner
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While reading this book, The Maze Runner, I liked to be alone in a place I could concentrate on the details of the book. I liked this because otherwise I get too sidetracked to pay attention to what is happening. When this happens, I have to re-read the page to figure out what is happening. I chose to read this book because I had seen the movie and really enjoyed it and I wanted to start a new series. I had heard good things about this series of books.
“Alby didn’t want to go back to his old life. He freaking sacrificed himself for us – and they aren’t attacking, so maybe it worked. We’d be heartless if we wasted it.” (Dashner 334).
In this chapter, Alby is the leader of the group. When the group faces a group of Grievers, Alby decides that the best move is for him to sacrifice himself so that the group can escape. From Alby’s perspective, he was too scarred from seeing these Grievers that he wanted to end the chase once and for all. The group looked at his death as a chance to escape and that he sacrificed himself to save them. In this case, the truth doesn’t matter. The perspective shapes how the characters believe his motives, whether that was an honorable thing or just his way to escape.
I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a good book that is a start of a good series. Also, if you have seen the movie, you have to read the book. The book is more detailed and there are important details in the book that are not in the movie. I would recommend this book to an older teenager because there are some dark aspects of the book that a younger reader might not like.

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