Jo's Reviews > The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner by James Dashner
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it was amazing
bookshelves: epubs, young-adult, reviewed

The Maze Runner
By James Dashner
Category Teen/Dystopia
Thomas wakes up in an elevator, remembering nothing but his own name. He emerges into a world, where 60 teen boys have learned to survive in a completely enclosed environment, subsisting on their own agriculture and supplies from below. A new boy arrives every 30 days. The original group has been in "the glade" for two years, trying to find a way to escape through a maze that surrounds their living space. They have begun to give up hope. Then a comatose girl arrives with a strange note, and their world begins to change.
I liked how Thomas and I both were introduced to the glade and its characters together. It was an interesting way to start a novel, as Thomas was just as clueless as I was about why he was there and why the glade was surrounded by a maze.
The characters were amazing particularly Newt and Minho they added an extra dimension to this story they were strong, mentally and physically, more so than Thomas. I specifically liked how they kept the boys focused and alive, while still making sure their community was self-sustaining and governed by rules, that sustained them as a community
Thomas was awakened and had nothing but questions about the weird society that he was dropped into and nobody seems to want to give him any answers. They just call him Greenie, slinthead and shuckface. Thomas is relentless in his quest to be a maze runner he doesn’t want to do just any job; he knows he is destined to help the boys, now all he has to do is prove it. I loved the boy’s language the made up words like shuck, klunk and greenie, added dramatically to the story, it was brilliant.
There were some great, fast-paced action scenes in this book, particularly those involving the nightmarish Grievers who plagued the boys. I really liked this book and I can see this book outselling the Hunger Games and Divergent, as finally there is a dystopian book that will appeal boys,
5 stars
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Reading Progress

June 8, 2013 – Shelved as: epubs
June 8, 2013 – Shelved
June 1, 2014 – Started Reading
June 1, 2014 –
page 212
55.21% "Awesome book"
June 2, 2014 – Finished Reading
February 6, 2016 – Shelved as: young-adult
June 10, 2018 – Shelved as: reviewed

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