Shaima's Reviews > The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner by James Dashner
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: favourites

"If you ain’t scared… you ain’t human.”

Whoah!!! This book is AMAZING!!
I don't know what to say, really! Such a great action-packed thrilling book!

Spine-chilling, nightmarish, terrifying, eerie, creepy.. WHAT ELSE?!!

I was a bit confused at the beginning because of all the weird words and phrases, but then I understood them and got used to them and actually liked them!

The writing is perfect, the whole plot is so brilliant and gripping it keeps you wondering and wanting to know what happens next! There are creepy deadly monsters and creatures, codes, survival plans, mysteries waiting to be solved, and lots and lots of questions!
I really liked the characters, felt what they felt and was terrified as if I were with them. I really really liked the protagonist's character, 'Thomas'; I liked the way he thinks and tries to solve all the questions and strange stuff surrounding him. Gally really creeped me out though, kept me afraid anticipating what crazy thing he'll do next! DUDE that was intense!

So.. this book is a shucking roller-coaster of emotions, keeps you asking so many questions and you just can't stop thinking about it the whole time!
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Reading Progress

July 12, 2014 – Started Reading
July 12, 2014 – Shelved
July 15, 2014 – Shelved as: favourites
July 15, 2014 – Finished Reading

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