Amber's Reviews > Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
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I've never been the type to just accept time travel. It just doesn't make sense and the more I think about it the more confusing it is. I feel like things get stuck in this infinite loop. Like Harry and Hermione get back just after they've left to save Sirius, so just in time. And the book just goes on. But wait, aren't there another Harry and Hermione out there? But if Black's been saved, what happens to them? Ughhh I just hate it.

That being said, the book is still good of course. I think my biggest gripe about this series is how perfectly above average they are. First year, they get through obstacles made to keep out the most evil wizard of all time. They're eleven. Second year, Harry takes on the heir to Slytherin all alone. But just happens to be loyal enough to Dumbledore to get the very things he needs to defeat him. Third year, they singlehandedly capture and then save the most wanted man in the whole wizarding world and Harry produces a Patronus so strong most adult wizards can't do it. He's thirteen at this point. I don't know, it's just all too perfect.

Don't get me wrong though, despite all my griping I love the series. It's a children's series, so of course the heroes are going to be maddeningly accelerated in their abilities. I can't believe Harry actually thought he'd get to live with Black, though. That would've been too perfect.

Reading this back to myself, it sounds like I hated the book. Not at all, this one just had me suspending a LOT of disbelief, more so than the first two. I still love the series and think this one is a solid addition.

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Reading Progress

July 10, 2016 – Started Reading
July 13, 2016 – Finished Reading
July 14, 2016 – Shelved

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