Sam's Reviews > Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
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Reading for the 4th time. Most recently started August 27, 2023.

** spoiler alert ** (Spoilers)

Third reading

This third book is where the series starts to mature, but it is also the exemplary volume in the series's two extremes: the stringent adventure-focused economy of the first two books, and the arguably under-edited epic sprawling behemoths of the later books.

Things also get more personal for Harry as the stakes are raised. Harry is as angry as we have ever seen him, and this is set up as early as Aunt Marge: he has had enough, and he is ready to do something about it, even if the rash decision is not the best one in hindsight. We also see the most of Harry’s determination up to this point as he studies with Professor Lupin (one of my favorite characters in the whole series)

Azkaban begins the set-up for big things around the corner in the volumes to come. Hints of prophecies, character introductions, more backstory into Harry’s parents and their friends, traitors and friends, personal debts, and personal grudges.

This book has more detail and color to it than the first two as well. School is more intense, as is Quidditch. In fact, the sport is Harry’s main focus of the novel, until the dramatic turn, then it seems like small potatoes.

Rowling also has more mysterious balls in the air then either of the previous two novels, and this is the first instance I've noticed of set-up from a previous novel that the reader was unaware was set-up.

It also continues the theme of red-herring villains.

And one of my favorite thematic images of the entire series (it actually represents the series pretty well, if you think about it). I'll give you a subtle hint. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!!!"
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
Finished Reading
July 19, 2016 – Started Reading
July 19, 2016 – Shelved
July 19, 2016 – Shelved as: audiobook
July 24, 2016 – Finished Reading
August 27, 2023 – Started Reading

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message 1: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne This is my favorite of the series.

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