Jaena Rae's Reviews > Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
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did not like it

I don't know what happened here. Due to my obvious love of reading, my dad thought he should buy me each Harry Potter title as soon as it was released, since it seemed to be the popular series for kids. And of course, I read anything he gave me.

While the fourth book was entertaining enough, it didn't make me excited enough for the fifth book. I even told my dad to stop buying them for me.

I completely lost interest, which doesn't happen often, if ever. I can say that the Harry Potter series is the first and only series I have never finished. Perhaps it is because I was reading other, heavier works at the time. I don't really know.

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Finished Reading
February 10, 2009 – Shelved

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