Front cover image for Fish physiology

Fish physiology

The study of fish neuroendocrinology has had a significant impact on our general understanding of the functional roles and evolution of a variety of neurochemical messengers and systems. Fish are an important vertebrate models for the discovery of new neuropeptides. This book highlights the specific properties of fish neuroendocrinology.
Print Book, English, 1969-<c2022>
Academic Press, New York, 1969-<c2022>
OKS Print
<volumes 1-24; in 27, 34B> : illustrations ; 24 cm
9780123504050, 9780128012864, 9781137355997, 9780128041642, 9780123504012, 9780123504029, 9780123504036, 9780123504043, 9780128012895, 9780123504074, 9780123504081, 9780123504098, 9780123504296, 9780123504302, 9780123504326, 9780123504333, 9780123504340, 9780123504357, 9780123504364, 9780123504371, 9780123504388, 9780123504395, 9780123504401, 9780123504418, 9780123504425, 9780123504432, 9780123504449, 9780123504456, 9780123504463, 9780123504470, 9780123504487, 9780123504494, 9780123736710, 9780123746320, 9780123746313, 9780123749833, 9780123749826, 9780123786364, 9780123786340, 9780123969514, 9780123982544, 9780128027288, 9780128041635, 9780128176092, 9780128207949, 9780128242667, 9780128242681, 9780123504067, 0123504058, 0128012862, 1137355999, 0128041641, 0123504015, 0123504023, 0123504031, 012350404X, 012350449X, 0123504074, 0123504082, 0123504090, 0123504295, 0123504309, 0123504325, 0123504333, 0123504341, 012350435X, 0123504368, 0123504376, 0123504384, 0123504392, 0123504406, 0123504414, 0123504422, 0123504430, 0123504449, 0123504457, 0123504465, 0123504473, 0123504481, 0123736714, 0123746329, 0123746310, 0123749832, 0123749824, 0123786363, 0123786347, 0123969514, 0123982545, 0128012897, 0128027282, 0128041633, 0128176091, 0128207949, 0123504066, 0128242663, 012824268X
v. 1. Excretion, ionic regulation, and metabolism
v. 2. The endocrine system
v. 3. Reproduction and growth, bioluminescence, pigments, and poisons
v. 4. The nervous system, circulation, and respiration
v. 5. Sensory systems and electric organs
v. 6. Environmental relations and behavior
v. 7. Locomotion
v. 8. Bioenergetics and growth
v. 9. Reproduction.(2 v. ) pt. A. Endocrine tissues and hormones; pt. B. Behavior and fertility control
v. 10. Gills. (2 v. ) pt. A. Anatomy, gas transfer, and acid-base regulation; pt. B. Ion and water transfer
v. 11. The physiology of developing fish (2 v. ) pt. A. Eggs and larvae; pt. B. Viviparity and posthatching juveniles
v. 12. The Cardiovascular system (2 v. )
v. 13. Molecular endocrinology of fish
v. 14. Cellular and molecular approaches to fish ionic regulation
v. 15. The fish immune system: organism, pathogen, and environment
v. 16. Deep-sea fishes
v. 17. Fish Respiration
v. 18. Muscle development and growth
v. 19. Tuna: physiology, ecology, and evolution
v. 20. Nitrogen excretion
v. 21. The Physiology of tropical fishes
v. 22. The Physiology of polar fishes
v. 23. Fish biomechanics
v. 24. Behaviour and physiology of fish
v. 25. Sensory systems neuroscience
v. 26. Primitive fishes
v. 27. Hypoxia
v. 28. Fish neuroendocrinology
v. 29. Zebrafish
v. 30. The multifunctional gut of fish
v. 31. (2 v. ) pt. A. Homeostasis and toxicology of essential metals; pt. B. Homeostasis and toxicology of non-essential metals
v. 32. Euryhaline fishes
v. 33. Organic chemical toxicology of fishes
v. 34. Physiology of Elasmobranch fishes (2 v. ) pt. A. Structure and interaction with environment ; pt. B. Internal processes
v. 35. Biology of stress in fish
v. 36. The cardiovascular system. (2 v. ) pt. A. Morphology, control and function; pt. B. Development, plasticity and physiological responses / A. Kurt Gamperl, Todd E. Gillis, Anthony P. Farrell, Colin J. Brauner
v. 37. Carbon dioxide / Martin Grosell, Philip L. Munday, Anthony P. Farrell, Colin J. Brauner
v. 38. Aquaculture / Tillman J. Benfry, Anthony P. Farrell, Colin J. Brauner
v. 39. Conservation physiology for the Anthropocene (2 v. ) pt. A. A systems approach; pt. B. Issues and applications
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