Jamie's Reviews > The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: dystopian-utopian, books-i-own
Read 2 times. Last read July 10, 2023 to July 14, 2023.

Well this book lived up to a lot of the hype that surrounds it. While the name and cover still do not grab my attention the story, once started, did.

This book is written in first perspective, from the heroine's aspect. Her name is Katniss Everdeen. She starts off in her home, a simple, poor area of the land. She is the provider for her mother and sister with her hunting skills. To protect her younger sister, she is sent to the capitol, along with local boy Peeta, to 'participate' in the annual Hunger Games.

These 'games' are fights to the death, aired and shown to the capitol and all 12 districts under its control, in a survival arena of sorts. The book shows, throughout the story, a somewhat futuristic dystopia society. The tributes (Katniss, Peeta and others in the game) are given basic weapons (bows, spears, clubs) and the district where Katniss is from uses herbs and eats basic foods (squirrel, wild turkey, etc) but the capitol has voice command room service, automatic hair dryers, and a camera/screen set that tracks and shows the tributes (no matter where they go) to the viewers. It is an interesting combination.

There is a 'romantic' setting as well. Katniss and Peeta are to appear as a united team to the people. Peeta even admits to liking her during his interview. So a setting for 'star-crossed lovers' is created. However, Katniss has various feelings toward Peeta throughout the book and its very realistic and understandable, especially when there is possibly another guy back home.

Yet while there are time I can relate to her, at the same time several of her thoughts want to make my roll my eyes or drop my head onto a desk. While she is survival smart, she is not people smart. She can't socialize and cannot read people worth a darn. While it is annoying at times, it is also endearing and has created a unique character.

Overall, very good book. 4 1/2 stars is my official opinion, but I will give it 5 since I can't do halves. Its a constant pace of survival, and action with just the right touch of romantic possibilities. I look forward to the next book.

2023- Audiobook. This time I really wondered why Haymitch made the choices he made. What was happening in the Capitol and how hard did he try to get them help. What help did others get? I liked seeing how level-headed Katniss is yet still had flaws and made a few poor choices (or at least potentially poor). I was hooked about her relation to Rue and how she even confused her with her sister a bit. That would not be the place for that type of thought!
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Reading Progress

January 8, 2011 – Shelved
Started Reading
September 16, 2012 – Shelved as: dystopian-utopian
September 16, 2012 – Finished Reading
April 9, 2020 – Shelved as: books-i-own
July 10, 2023 – Started Reading
July 11, 2023 –
July 11, 2023 –
July 11, 2023 –
July 12, 2023 –
July 12, 2023 –
July 13, 2023 –
July 13, 2023 –
July 13, 2023 –
July 14, 2023 –
July 14, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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Chris L Your review is a lot longer, informative & detailed compared to mine. Nice!

Jamie Chris wrote: "Your review is a lot longer, informative & detailed compared to mine. Nice!"

The joy of being a reviewer, hehe. Short reviews are rare.

message 3: by Miki (new) - added it

Miki honestly i'm still a little hesitant to try it though i've finally gotten a copy ( perhaps better i wait until i have the complete trilogy) i haven't read dystopia yet and that's what scare me the most

thank you for the complete and honest review

Silvia Spears Short reviews are rare. Yes you're right. Yours is perfect ;)

message 5: by Gabrielle (new)

Gabrielle Taylor im tryng

message 6: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Phelps Awesome review!

Miquel Reina You wrote a great review Jamie!

Andrea Jennifer Lawrence is the perfect choice for Katniss Everdeen(just love them both).

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