Brooke's Reviews > Johnny Tremain

Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes
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bookshelves: teen-reads, book-group-recommends

Johnny is an orphaned apprentice to a silversmith. When sabotaged by another apprentice for his arrogant behavior, Johnny's hand is severely burned and he is no longer able to do the work. Befriended by Rab, the nephew and apprentice to a printer, Johnny's life changes as he is witness to and becomes involved with the revolutionaries in Boston like Paul Revere and Samuel Adams. Enjoyed reading the evolution of Johnny as his mind is opened to new ideas - including the idea he doesn't have to treat others with disdain or be ashamed of his hand.

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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
March 30, 2011 – Shelved
March 30, 2011 – Shelved as: teen-reads
March 30, 2011 – Shelved as: book-group-recommends

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